HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-10, Page 21THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 21 To pay or not to pay.... Whether it is more expedient in the mindsof men to pay a tax that is not duly legislated or to refrain from so doing until such tax becomes law, that is the question. Opposition memb- ers of the Legislature challeng- ed the authority of the Provin- cial Government to collect the additional two per cent sales tax, but revenue Minister Allan Grossman informed them that the increase from five to seven per cent would continue to be collected, as it has been since May 1st, even though accomp- anying legislation has still to be passed by the House. Grossman indicated that this is just one of the many examples of a prac- tice which has been followed for years without challenge since retroactive legislation has followed a well established precedent of this House. Steph- en Lewis, NDP leader, inter- jected that the precedent had been challenged by opposition members repeatedly in the past. Every member of the opposit- ion voiced his objection to the two per cent increase as the debate continued in the House, STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRI. & SAT. — MAY 11 & 12 — DOUBLE FEATURE — (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLOR SEPARATE PIECE John Hale, Richard Parker MURPHYS WAR Peter O'Toole FRI. & SAT. — MAY 18 & 19 — DOUBLE FEATURE — (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLOR YOU'LL LIKE MY MOTHER Patty Duke PUBLIC EYE Mise Farrow, Anne Topa! SUNDAY MID NITS MAY 20 — DOUBLE FEATURE — (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLOR FRAGMENT OF FEAR David Hennings BROTHERHOOD OF SATAN Strother Martin FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. Jottings by Jack foom Queens Park but the bill passed its second reading on the strength of the Conservative majority. It is presently being debated clause by clause, and if it passes the third reading, it will be given Royal Assent and only then does it become law. Liberal Leader, Robert Nixon, challenged the Conservatives at Queen's Park to take their increase in the retail sales tax to the court of the people. He called Treasurer John White the Conservative Government's gravedigger, claiming that the tax increase has sealed the fate of the Davis Government. The $45 million hydro build- ing contract, which has been questioned many times in the Legislature in recent months by Opposition Leader Robert Nixon, hasbecome in Nixon's words, a "Bill Davis Watergate." Ontario Hydro, three years ago, paid nearly $1.5 million to architects to design a new office building, but then scrap- ped the plans and signed a contract with a development company, Canada Square Ltd., to build the offices. The lead- ers of the two Opposition part- ies called for a public inquiry into the circumstances surround- ing the building of new offices for Ontario Hydro, and although Nixon favoured an investigation by a Royal Commission because of political patronage involved in the award of the contract to Canada Square, Premier Davis decided in favour of a select committee composed of seven Progressive Conservatives, two Liberals and two New Democ- ratics. Mr. Lewis was pleased that the Legislative committee had been appointed and felt that the committee would dis- charge its responsibilities prop- erly. Use of Government aircraft by Cabinet Ministers continued to trigger debate in the House as New Democrat, Morton Shul- man quizzed Transportation and Communications Minister, Gor- don Carton, on trips to Quebec City. The Government has stal- led on producing the log books of its aircraft, but is prepared DANCE FOR Mr. & Mrs. Anson McKinley on their 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY FRIDAY, MAY 11 HULLY GULLY CHALET Music by the "COUNTRY MUSIC MEN" Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome now to release details of flights taken by Ministers and civil servants. It is doubtful whether details of Premier Davis' flights will be revealed for reasons of security. Premier William Davis prom- ised to investigate reports that Ontario taxpayers will foot a $30, 000 bill to repair a plane that was damaged in Godericb. The plane carried him on a political campaign trip during the recent by-election in Huron, Liberal Eddie Sargent, who flies his own plane, claimed the damage figure was more like $100, 000. Correctional Services, Minist- er Sylvanus Apps, denied charge by Morton Shulman that hard- ened cons run the Guelph Reforn Centre. Inmate committees have been set up in all instit- utions under the Provincial Ministry as part of a new emph- asis on rehabilitation and imp- roving communications and life in the reform centres. Dr. Shulman said certain freedoms of movement allowed the com- mittee executive, had been abused, and such freedom was being used by members to ped- dle drugs to over '700 inmates at the Guelph centre. Shulman claimed that drug taking, homo sexuality and beatings have soared since Superintendent Scott Keane took over August 1. Apps, despite his confidence in Scott Keane, agreed to an investigation into working cond- itions at the Guelph Correction- al Centre by a person outside the Ministry of Correctional Ser• vices. (continued on page 24) rotwf, REDIMIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WOFIK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-33E1 or 237.3422 �r nrn� I 1 'Isil',l �Nnll 0,41i1,.''. 1i1,;''. �l i, , tIIG' f 11 •, r ;,, 1. 1, 1 Give a night off Take home a supper of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken. 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