HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-10, Page 13THURSDAY. MAY 10 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 13 Discuss land use A discussion on land use plan- ning and farming brought a wide number of suggestions at the monthly meeting of the Bunn County Federation of Agricult- ure held Thursday night in Clin- ton. The members present broke into four groups to discuss the problem and each group came up with different answers. One group suggested agricultural people should be able to retire on agricultural land and recom- mended the licencing of farmers Another group said Huron County land should be used to best advantage and claimed the present Huron County plan doesn't mal<e provision for this, The group thought that if a sural portion of a farm was separated from the rest of the farm by a natural boundary such as a river so that it was difficult to work it as part of the farm, the farm- er should be allowed to sell it for use for building lots. Another group said there should be province wide cont- rols with farmers having a say in how land should be zoned. The fourth group asked for compensation for farmers whose land lost value when it was declared off-limits for urban uses. It also said the code of practice for farmers which says a farm building cannot be built within 1000 feet of an urban area should apply in reverse so that urban homes cannot be loc- ated within 1000 feet of a farm operation. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A.C. Blackwell, B.A., M. Div. - Pastor Organist - Mrs. Audrey Haberer SUNDAY, MAY 13 10 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sun. Church School Everyone Welcome an el United Church ZURICH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER Adv. Milton Ottsch, °Alpinist SUNDAY, MAY 13 10 a.m. - Sun Church School 11 a. m. - Worship Service The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Please bring your written quest- ions on "Family Living." Everyone +'eicome News f Grand Ben CORRESPONDENT MRS, FRANK On May 1, the Anglican Church Women met at the home of Mrs. C. Taylor. Mrs. C. W, Neilson gave an interesting report on the A.C.W. Annual meeting. Further plans for the Crafts Show were made. "Thank you" cards from convalescent members were received. Straw- berry shortcake was a treat for the ladies by hostess Nola Tay- lor. The Prpha Club held a Pot Luck Supper for twenty-five ladies in the Village Hall on May 1. After the delicious meal the ladies played Court Whist. Prizes were won by Aileen Ravelle, Eva Bariteau, Myrel Smith, Louise Wilson, Marty Ginn, Kay Thompson, and Eva Graham. A raffle was held for a quilt made by Mrs. Eddie Baker and the winner was Mrs. Art Read. The Golden Age Club's Pot Luck Luncheaon, and last meet- ing until Fall, was exceptional].) well attended, with everyone bringing a good appetite to a well-filled table of "goodies." The program consisted of the Dan McGrew," "Old Age Can be Wonderful" and :The Old Violin." While many played Crokinole, Euchre and Chinese Checkers, they were entertain- ed by listening to many old familiar tunes with Mrs. Reeves playing the piano and Bill Love his violin. Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, MAY 13 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service in charge of Rev. A. Amacher 10:45 a.m. - Sun Church School MEDITATION- For here have we no continuing City, but we seek one to come: Heb. 13:14 .Everyone Welcome MINIMIIMMENNEmmumml LAICEVIS 0 COWSERVATIVR Mennonite Church ME 'BENDER, Paior SUNDAY, MAY 13 "Beatitude for Mothers" - Bless- ed is the Mother who introduces Jesus Christ unto her children, that Godly sons and daughters may be her rewards. 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service 8 p.m.- Sunday Evening Service EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS May 14 to May 21 Ire invitee you to worZbip with ee YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS at Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MAY 14 TO MAY 21, NIGHTLY AT 8 KM. Evangelist - Jesse Neuenschwander of Lititz, Pa. Have you ever been to Calvary, This is where it must begin; Taking Jesus as your saviour And confessing all your sin; And to rise a newborn creature, With salvation in your soul; If you've neve done this neighbour, Then you've neve been made whole, On Friday, May 4, Ruth Ann Haist, daughter of Bettyand Art Haist, a grade 13 student of Forest High School, was crown- ed School Queen at the Annual School Formal Dance. Runners- up were Beth Ross, Thedford, Toni Sutton, Forest; Lyn Webst- er, Forest; Leila Zerko, Forest. The theme of the Prom was "Once Upon a Time." Decor- ations were bright colored strea- mers and Nursery Rhyme Char- acters. On Saturday May 5, Mrs. Mary Lapine of the Bedford Hotel in. Goderich had a Lunch- eon -Fashion Show in the main dining room of the hotel. The event was held for the benefit of the Huron County Playhouse Guild. The fashions shown were at the courtesy of the "Fashion Shoppe in Goderich. A capacity crown of ladies from the area and near -by cities enjoyed a showing of styles for spring and summer for all occasions. The commentary to a background of appropriate music was by Mrs. Ruth Walker of the "Fash- ion Shoppe" staff. Gift certif- icates were donated by the "Fashion Shoppe" and the "Bed- ford Hotel" --Lucky winners E:et r man represents blind The Huron president of the Canada Council for the blind, Don Webster, Exeter, will rep- resent this area at a four-day provincial conference of that organization in Kingston starting Saturday. Mr. Webster, who is very active in the CCB in Huron will be accompanied by his wife, Donna, who is secretary -treasur- er of the local branch. Part of the business to be cov- ered at the conference will be to draw up briefs for presentation to the government. This is in addition to social and recreat- ional activities which are plan- ned. Bonus Interest May to May 15 Money you move to a Special Savings or a Regular Savings account at Victoria and Grey Trust at any time during the period May 1 to May 15 will be accorded full interest (Special Savings 5 %, Regular Savings 4 %) from May 1. This up -to -two -weeks bonus gives your savings a substantial boost... if you act now ! JM and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 RON COTTRELL MANAGER 425 MAIN ST. — EXETER 235-0530 d re PLUMB were Mrs. Peter Raymond and Mrs. Ross Tuckey, both of Exet- er. Mr. Benson Tuckey, chair- man of the Board of the Huron Country Playhouse and Mrs. Tuckey were guests of honor. Mr. Tuckey spoke briefly to the ladies, outlining the prog- ress that has been made at the theatre site B -Line at Grand Bend. The LIP program provides labor till May but money for materials has to be raised. Mr. and Mrs. William Van- denberk, retired farmers, cele- brated their fortieth wedding anniversary on Friday, May 4, with a re-enactment of the wedding ceremony at the Roman Catholic Church. Mrs. Philip Walker sang "Ave- Marie" solo and the whole choir sang Mass. A reception for eighty people was held in the Dashwood Hall with a banquet and dance. Spec• ial songs were sung by all of the grand children. Guests came from the Stra.throy, Dublin, Ingersoll and Grand Bend areas. Mrs. Ken Morton and Miss Bon- ny Stevens, daughter of Mrs. Perry of the Dashwood Hotel, are recent new employees at the Bank of Montreal. New owners of Pier Booth are Frank and Pauline Dicasa. Paul• ine is a sister of Mrs. George Amy. George Amy was the former owner. Jerry and Madlyne Sanders are new owners of Monetta Men- ards Tavern. Jerry Sanders is the son of the former Sanders Bakery in London. Jeanette DeVet, Ethel Desj- ardine and Wreatha Green attenc ed the Clairol Show sponsored by Central Beauty Supply in London on Monday. The guest artist was Orval Cou pal of Waterloo demonstrating the new spring hair cuts. Mc Greg{4r T p Quality BEEF Government Inspected Wh :le Beef 8 Half eef £81( includes cutting, wrapping & freezing Free Delivery Within 10 Mile Grant McGregor Phone 262-5839 A//1 */s our® QU AL/Tl+'�!1/ALUE�LSERVICE l `SELECTION L our° a ®es . ASSORTED 9 OZ WAGSTAFFE JAMS ALLEN'S ASSORTED 48 OZ FRUIT DRINKS MAZOLA OIL 320z ALLEN'S ORANGE CRYSTALS ORANGES LETTUCE LUCKY DOLLA '' F I OD Phone 236-4316 3/89 3/$1 95( 5,73(, OZ 65( HEAD 39( Zurich ET THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! (AT THE Honey Dipped DONUTS regular 700 dozen Only 63 DOZEN BAKERY) lelarowlsreiwarer ZURICH