HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-05-03, Page 11Ttiu1 SDAY, MAY 3, 1973
FISHING SEASON OPENS - Saturday marked the opening of the trout season in the area, and
many ardent fishermen took advantage of the day to try their luck at angling. This photo shows
several enthusiastic fishermen trying their luck just below the bridge on the Bayfield River.
The International Scen
It's time for my yearly trav-
elogue directed at those people
who will be hitting the roads
or the airways this summer. By
a strange quirk of fate, I have
already got my baptism of fire.
I would tell you about it this
week only I haven't quite recov-
ered for me to be able to desc-
ribe it the way I would like.
Needless to say, in the short
time I was away I saw all the
varieties of weather I'd like to
see for a long while. It all
contributed to my getting home
later than expected and missing
several things I had been looking
forward to.
Anyway, down to travelling
in general. If you are going to
Europe this summer, you may
save some money by travelling
at one of the lower charter rates
Canadians are being offered.
In all honesty I find that these
savings are not all they are
cracked up to be --so much so
that my pilgrimage to Switzer-
land this June will be by a
scheduled, not a charter air-
If you do manage to save some
money by going charter, enjoy
Decor Centre
dealing in:
Sunworthy and Birge
Complete Line Of Sundries
Webster Signs
(The Paint Pi)
Now Operated By Jack Cleave
P hone 235-2031
it. That will be that last money
you will save. Do you recall
reading about all those currency
crises last winter. They seemed
so far away and Canada didn't
really get involved. With a
floating currency, we didn't
have to even resort to a sudden
revaluation of our currency.
Don't let that apparent calm
fool you. When you get to Germ-
any or Switzerland, for example,
you will find that, since our
dollar is unofficially pegged to
the American dollar, Canadians
are going to have to pay 10-150Jo
more for everything, not to
mention the 5% inflation that
has pushed up prices since last
year. In other words, those two
countries will cost Canadians
200/o more than they did last
Because of the floating value
of currencies and for other self-
evident reasons, I can't recom-
mend strongly enough that you
buy traveller cheques, if you
insist on taking money with you,
If you haven't noticed it already
most credit cards are now acc-
epted for numerous other things
beside gas and oil and you may
prefer to rely mainly on credit
cards instead of cash or travell-
er cheques. Remember, though,
that unless you pay your credit
card purchases in the time spec-
ified, you will be hit by inter-
est charges at the rate of 181o.
The reason that I recommend
traveller cheques if you want to
take money with you is that, in
the United States the Canadian
dollar is still highly suspect and
usually discounted. If you go to
Europe, dollars of any kind are
likely to be discounted more
than usual. It's too bad to see
the dollar fall on such hard time
but it has been coming for a
Huron MP
(continued from page 1)
avoid that is to put the service
here, " warned McKinley.
He said the train passenger
service had been discontinued
because it was believed bus
service was adequate. "Not so, "
said McKinley who believes that
if the rail companies had to be
subsidized up to 80 percent the
service should be restored to the
long time.
One last comment. I'm glad
to see the Canadian government
push Canada as a place to spend
your holidays. The more I see
of our country, the more inter-
esting I find it and if you are
not off to foreign climes, try
to see a part of your country
that you haven't visited before.
You may be in for a very pleas-
ant surprise.
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1969 FORD GALAXIE XL fastback V-8,
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Licence CYF540
1970 FORD CUSTOM 5002 -door hardtop,
V-8, automatic, Licence. DFV279
1970 MAVERICK 6 ;cylinder, standard 2 -
door. Licence DFV74$'.
Stat'ionwagon, 6 standard. Licence DFU788
1967 FORD LTD 4 -door hardtop, V-8
automatic, power brakes, power steering,
new paint.; Licence DFY469
1968 FORD LTD 2 -door hardtop, V-8,
automatic, power steering, power brakes,
vinyl roof. Licence DFW101
1972 VOLKSWAGEN, only 14,000 actual
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1970 MAVERICK 2 -door 200 cuinch' 6 ,
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1972.FORD LTD BROUGHAM 4 -door
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1958 GMC STAKE TRUCK, 6 cylinder,
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aluminum body.
1970 DODGE VAN slant 6, standard
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1969 FORD F100.Styleside, 6cylinder, heavy
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1964 GMC. Von Not Certified:
' 995
' 1595
i 995
$ 250
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