HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-04-26, Page 15L f THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 Tuckersmith tax rate up ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 15 Public school supporters in Tuckersmith Township will pay $79.40 on each $1, 000 of ass- essment and separate school supporters will pay $84. That represents a drop of 20 cents for public school support- ers while the rate for separate school supporters rose $1.50 from last year. The tax rate was presented to Tuckersmith Township council last Tuesday night by clerk James McIntosh and was adopt- ed. Council, early in March, set a township rate of 20 mills for farm and residential property and 25 mills for commercial anc business assessment. Council was presented with rates for Huron County and education at its Tuesday meet- ing. The county rate is set at 23.4 mills, an increase of 1.4 mills over last year. Elementary rates for the Hur- on County board of education rose .3 mills to 20.8 for farm and residential and .4 mills to 22.6, for commercial and bus- iness property. The public secondary school rate fell .3 mills to 15.2, for farm and residential and rem- ained unchanged at 17 for com- mercial and business. Huron- Perth separate school elementary rates climbed to 25.4 mills from 23.4 for farm and residential and to 28.3 from 26 for commercial and business. The township will raise $364, 542 on an assessment of $4, 538, 035 with a mill raising $4, 538. Last assessment year's as s mens was $3,113, 515 with the county rais- ing about $250, 000. This year's levy breakdown included: county expenses, $106,190; township expenses, $92, 056; Huron elementary school, $86, 412; Huron secondar' schools, $69, 444; Huron- Perth separate schools, $10, 440. In other business, council was told easments for Brucefield§ new water system will be secur- ed as soon as the plan receives approval from the Ontario Mun- icipal Board. It is now before the OMB. STARLITE DRIVE IN TN _'ARE •FRI. & SAT. — APRIL 27 & 23 - DOUBLE FEATURE - (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLOR WAR BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN Jack Lernmon SUDDEN ,TERROR Mark Lester, Lionel Jeffries FRI. & SAT. — MAY 4 & 5 • - DOUBLE FEATURE - (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) COLOR PLAZA SUITE Walter Matthau, Maureen Stapleton HANNIE CAULDER .Raquel Welch, Ernest Bo, :,nines Weroloniatlamp Box office opens at 8:30 Show starts 8:15 DASIIWOOD and DISTRICT NEWS Alphonse Grenier returned home Monday, following a two and one-half week holiday spent in British Columbia, where he visited his uncle Idose Grenier, Edmonton, Alberta, where he visited his brother, Mike and family, whom he last saw 18 years ago; then to Bonnyville, Alberta, with his sister Blanche Vallee and family. He also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wint- ers and Melissa at Vanguard, Sask. EASTER VISITORS Sgt. and Mrs. Tommy Miller Danny and Carolyn, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bambrick, Waterloo were with Mrs. Rosal- een Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe, Mary Joe and Shelley, London, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Brenda, Charlotte and Karen, Correspondent: Mrs, Ervin Rader Zion, Susan VanWyck, Exeter; and Mr. and Mrs. David Rader with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader, Paul and Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Guy and Jordan, Denfield, and Paul Mor- rison, Varna were with Rev. and Mrs, Bruce Guy and Judy. Mrs. Hilda Haugh, Mr. and Mrs. Ray VanDorsselaer and Sus- an, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Willeri and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader, of Stratford spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cornelius and Mark, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore, Willowdale, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rader. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Withersp- oon and family, Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Park, and family, Parkhill, Miss Melvina Schade, London; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schade and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schade and Karen spent Easter with Mrs. Greta Schade. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tiernan and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiernan, Susan and Jul- ie, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. George Tieman and family spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Louella Tiernan and Mrs. Susan Merrier. Daylight Saving Time goes into effect in Dashwood, Sunday April 29, at 2 a.m. EASTER SERVICES Special Easter services were held in both churches Sunday. In the United Church the Hi -C group with the aid of directors, Mrs. Hugh Boyle and Carl Oestreicher were in charge of the service. The purposes were BEAT -THE to involve people in real Easter worship and to make them aware of Jesus' presence. With memb- ers of the Hi -C group taking the various characters, it was divided into six parts - Jesus in the garden; Jesus trials as told in the scriptures; Jesus on the way to Calvary, Sounds of the crucifixion; At the t on the first day of the week and sharing together in the Sunday School room. Let contract for area iyorshop (continued from page 10) inciai conferences previously at Thunder Bay and Ottawa and urged the local members to take advantage of the educational experience involved in the conf- erence held within easy driving distance. The youth YACMR group is also to be represented at the sessions of " US" confer- ence which lets adult trainees take part in the association organized for their development. AX Chesterfield Suites, ming Room Suites, Occ .sionf«i Chairs, Living Roo I s r'ni,rid (In Stock) ALL SALES FINAL SALE ENDS SATURDAY rott OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. EVERY DAY - FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. (OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT) DIAL 236-4365 ZURICH