HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-04-26, Page 8..r PAGE .8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 FOR SALE APPLES: Northern Spies, Del- icious, choice quality, $2.5 0 per bushel and up. Bring cont- ainers anytime. - Ross Middle- ton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. 14-17-b USED TYPEWRITER - Royal standard model, in excellent condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Only $109.95. Call Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672. 16-tf 1966 PLYMOUTH SPORTS Fury, 2 -door hardtop, 383 engine, bucket seats, etc. In good cond ition. Call Doug Armstrong, 236-4906 after 5 p.m. 17-p 1964 VALIANT - in A-1 condit- ion, Phone 236-4043. 17-b ROLLER SKATES, size S 1/2, in fair condition. - Call Danny Turkheim, 236-4662. I7 -x SMITH -CORONA space-o-matic standard typewriter, in real good condition. Excellent for the students or business. Call Zurich Citizens News, 236-4672 16-tf ADDING MACHINES - Victor electric adding machines, new. Priced as low as $109.95. Come in and try one out. Zur- ich Citizens News, 236-4672. 16-tf HELP WANTED BODY SHOP APPRENTICE, to start work as soon as possible. Steady employment. Apply to Bob's Body Shop, Zurich, Phone 236-4959. 16-b STEADY EMPLOYMENT: Apply in person to Zurich Wood Prod- ucts Ltd. 13-b SPRING HELP WANTED for bag- ging and delivering fertilizer. Start immediately. - Agrico Fertilizers, Brucefield, phone 482-7241. 16-17-b WE REQUIRE HELP for our logg- ing operation, full or part-time. Some experience with heavy equipment or a chain saw would also be an asset. - Phone Alvin Baker, Varna, 262-5427. 17 - b EMPLOYMENT WANTED I AM 14 YEARS OLD. If you need help on the farm, or around the house, mowing lawns etc., ca11236-4349, Rick Bedard. 17-p MISCELLANEOUS FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESID- ENTIAL Electrical needs, cont- act 13. J. Fink, Hensall 262- 2114. 17- b WATCH AND CLOCK repairing, Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies - HESS JEWELLERY - Zurich. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING - Freezer orders. Killing days, Monday and Wednesday after- noon. - Yungblut's Meat Mark- et, Phone 236-4312, after hours, 236-4681. BIRTHIS BOISVERT- Claude and Marie Boisvert, of R.R.1, Woodslee, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Kevin Patrick, 8 lbs. 9 ozs. on April 19, 1973. A brother for Karen and a grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regier, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Camille Boisvert, Belle River. WILLERT - Mr. and Mrs. Greg- ory Willert wish to announce the birth of their son at South Huron Hospital, on April 20, 1973. CARDS OF THANKS Sincere thanks to all who sent cards, gifts, flowers and all other acts of kindness shown to me while I was at St. Joseph's Hospital, Thank you to Rev. Kuepfer for his visits, to Dr. Gulens, Dr. Hession, Dr. Bres- ko, and to Hoffman's Ambul- ance. - Verde Baechler - 17-p A sincere thank you to all those who remembered me with cards, treats and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. - Doug Turk - helm. 17-x I would like to thank everyone for remembering me with cards, gifts and prayers while a patient in hospital, and special thanks to nurses and doctors on fourth floor, St. Joseph's Hospital. - Mrs. Rose Denomme - 17-p We wish to express our sincere "thank you" to the many friends and relatives who remembered us, during the past few weeks, with prayers, cards and flowers. Special thanks to those who helped at the house and sent food; to the Westlake Funeral Horne and the Zurich WMSC. All was deeply appreciated. - Dave and Carol Steckle - 17-b The family of the late John Henry Kochem wish to express their sincere appreciation to our relatives and old friends for their kindness and sympathy shown during the loss of our brother and uncle. Thanks for the floral arrangements and the donations to the various charit- ies. Special thanks to Rev. A.0 Blackwell and the Rev. Allan Young, Padre of the Victory Branch 317, Royal Canadian Legion, London, Ontario. Many thanks to the Westlake Funeral Horne for their kindness shown to us. Also thanks to the ladies in group one of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. 17-b SERVICES OFFERED SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS - Be- fore the grass grows make sure your lawn mower goes. We rep- air and tune all makes. See Bill at Hully Gully Sports. Your authorized Kawasaki and Canadiana Dealer. Phone 262- 5809. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and Processing --Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick up serv- ice available - Al's Super Save, phone 262-2017. 49- tf Mr. and Mrs. Quimby F. Hess of Toronto were weekend visitors with his mother Mrs. Marie Hess. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Bertram McLac- lan, Beausejour, Manitoba, wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter Deborah Garlaand, to Bryan Clifford Cronkite, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cronkite, Zurich, Ontario. The wedding to take place Saturday, May 19, at Westminster United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 17-p Mr. and Mrs. Clare Masse, R. R.3, Zurich wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Elaine Theresa to Donat Andre Beauchamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Beauchamp, Pembrooke, Ont- ario. The wedding will take place May 19, 1973 in St. Bon- iface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich at 1:30 p.m. 17-p PLAN ACHIEVEMENT DAY The meeting began with the 4-H pledge, led by Suzanne Rau. Donna Regier read the minutes. They're both from Zurich IV. Judy Denornme moved the minuets and Karen Durand seconded them,. Mrs. Ducharme read to us about Achievement Day and she checked over our rolled edge trim necklines. The roll call was to compare our total cost of our garment wit: a similar ready-made one. Huron Penes ELECTRIC 86 King St. -Clinton Industrial "Residential *Farm Wiring Proprietor - "BUD" KUEHL 482 - 7901 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hansell 262-5748 T.V. & RADIO SERVICE Complete repairs on all makes NIGHT CALLS Government Certified Technician call GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 236-4224 CUSTOM l(rLLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days -- Tuesday — Beef and Park Prjday — Beef Only Peck -up Service Available. We ,wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. KERNE ?':'S ABATTOIR 4 Ihmslavrend RC1 ns ua't"1e r5' news s anM views s-11 t: 11/ by • Consumers' Association of Canada 24 Consumers' Association of Canada reminds you that rust on the body of your car is more than a problem of unsightly ap- pearance. Safety-related prob- lems may develop as a result of excessive corrosion during the winter months. Corrosion of automobile frames, hood latches, vehicle lights as well as other mechan- ical and structural parts of the car, can affect its safe operat- ion. Unlike surface body rust, structural deterioration which is the most dangerous part of automobile corrosion, is not clearly visible. Only periodic vehicle inspections and regular visits to a dealer or mainten- ance garage can keep corrosion problems in check. Corrosion can sometimes be detected during an operation as ordinary as an oil change at your corner gas station. Sufficient evidence will be present to prompt a fur- ther check by knowledgeable mechanics. CAC urges motorists to clean salt and winter dirt from their cars, and flush out frames and crevices, to reduce the opport- unities for fur ther corrosion and to expose potential safety prob- lems. In frame, chassis and body inspection, here are the points to watch! - Inspect the frame for cracks and loose rivets to ensure that no chassis or frame part has critical structural damage or is severely affected by corrosion. - The floor pan on the under- body must riot be perforated by rust or other damage; ensure that seat belt anchorages are not loose or weakened. - Check for loose, bent, brok- en, disconnected or missing spring shackles, u -bolts, centre - bolts, shock absorbers, radius rods and stabilizer links in the suspension system. - Rear axle alignment and control arm connections must be intact so that the rear axle will track properly and control of the vehicle is maintained. -Underbody steering compon- An administrator bought a car with a dashboard light that flashes red to warn the driver to fasten his seat belt. His wife finds herself talking back to the light: "Oh, for goodness sake — I'm only going down to the corner." SPRING Paint Sale Beautytone Paints (by Sherwin Williams) PER $5049 GALLON Interior, Exterior Latex and Gloss BETTY & ARTS LG.A. ANNEX GRAND BEND ��••.••.,•^•• ^,•••,.•^� rem+nrrc.-u.:urs1„�r.�a�:zaaz.:xv�cw eats must be intact; there should be no fluid leakage from a power steering system. Watch for excessive wear on the steer- ing linkage joint when the Pit- man arm is manipulated. -Corrosion, a build-up of foreign material as well as mis- alignment will prevent normal functioning of primary and sec- ondary hood latches. -Finally, check for corrosion of electrical connections on head, tail and marker lights. No matter how great may be your skill in handling a car, you cannot be a safe driver without a safe, road -worthy vehicle. Letter to editor April 19, 1973, Hensall, Ontario Dear Mr. Editor: The Seaforth and District Knights of Columbus and the Alliance For Life would like to draw to the attention of your readers the statement made recently by Dr. Richard Potter, Ontario Health Minister, that abortions should not be covered under the Ontario Health Insur- ance Plan. (Toronto Star, Marcl 17, 1973). He stated further that it is his personal view that abortion in many cases is being used as a method of birth control and that these abortions cost the Ontario taxpayer approximately $6 million in 1972. Dr. Potter expressly stated that he was giving his personal opinion rather than government policy, but that he would like the Health Plan changed to be in line with his views. It would seem reasonable that only abort- ions performed because the mothers life was at stake should be covered by a medical insur- ance plan. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS and the ALLIANCE FOR LIFE believe this statement has been made to test public re- action. It is believed that Dr. Potter will be put under great pressure by the pro -abortionists to rev- erse his stand. If he is to maint- ain his opposition to this abuse of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, he will require tremen- dous public support. Accordingly, the Knights of Columbus and the Alliance For Life would appreciate it very much if you would support Dr. Potter's stand by carrying out the following: 1. Write to Premier Davis, requesting that his government support Dr. Potter in his positior that abortion should be removed from the Ontario Health Insur- ance Plan. 2. Write directly to Dr. Potter offering him your encourage- ment and support for his positior 3. Write to your local MPP supporting Dr. Potter's views, 4. Write to your local news- paper (s) supporting Dr. Potter's views. Sincerely yours, Wilfrid Mousseau, Recorder. Father Stephen Eckert Council.