HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-04-26, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS
Certified Visiting Hotnemakers
meet at Conestoga College
A meeting of the Certified
Visiting Homemakers of Huron
County, was held recently at
Conestoga College, with 20
homemakers present.
The guest speaker of the
evening was Mrs. Madeleine
MacKinnon, executive director
of the Visiting Homemakers
Mrs. MacKinnon, a native
of Clinton, discussed the role of
a visiting homemaker in today's
society. She told the home-
makers that to -day, with most
families functioning as isolated
units, there is more need for
someone to help take over the
homemaking role in an emerg-
The Visiting Homemakers
Association in Hamilton has dev-
eloped from a small nucleus of
women, interested in helping
others in time of need, to over
150 women who offer emotional
support to families, as well as
prepare special diets, provide
bedside nursing, help with
budgeting, and provide care for
children, when needed.
The homemaker's services
are aviilable to the public by
paying for the homemaker priv-
ately or the homemaker being
provided by Children's Aid Soc-
ieties, Social Services of the
Home Care Program.
Homemaking can be a very
rewarding vocation, Mrs. Mac-
Kinnon stated, as the home-
maker obtains the satisfaction of
helping other people at times
of sickness or other problems.
She told of a family in Hamilt
on where a mother was in hosp-
ital having a new baby and a
homemaker was requested by the
Children's Aid Society to look
after the young children so the
husband could continue working.
Thehomemaker discovered on
arriving, that this family did
not have enough bedding to prov
ide a set for each bed, and
also lacked towels and other
household necessities, She adv-
ised the homemaking agency of
this problem. Mrs. MacKinnon
said, that over the years she
has developed a supply of ess-
ential household supplies by
Plan your
Make sure this year's
vacation is problem free
by planning ahead right
now. Fix up your cottage
— your car — whatever is
needed to help you get the
most out of a trouble free
holiday. The money you.
spend now on your
summer property and
equipment will cost you
less than delays and
inconvenience. Talk to
your friendly, experienced
Victoria and Grey manager
about the money you
need today.
encouraging donations from diff-
erent sources, so that when a
situation like this turns up,
some supplementary help can
be given.
• When the homemaker was
through helping this family, a
letter was received from these
parents, thanking them for their
help and saying how grateful
they were, knowing someone
In Hamilton, homemakers
are involved in providing home-
making to senior citizens,
either by the citizens paying
themselves or through Social
Service assistance. Sometimes
it is the homemaker who dis-
iscovers when illness or death has
Mrs. MacKinnon stated, "Ind-
ependence, is one of the most
precious needs in everyone's
life, " and homemaking is one
of the methods in maintaining
this independence.
Plan to form Huron Pa rkwuy
More concrete steps are being
taken to form a proposed Lake
Huron Parkway which would
stretch from Sarnia to Amberly.
At a meeting in Grand Bend,
the committee in charge of the
venture decided to prepare a
feasibility study and map.
The technical staff of the St..
Clair Parkway will be asked to
undertake the study. Committee
chairman John Payne of Grand
Bend said St. Clair Parkway
general manager Ron Brittain
had volunteered to handle the
job. The cost is estimated at
$1, 200.
The committee which is at-
tempting to establish a parkway
is made up of four representat-
ives from each of Lambton and
Huron counties, two from the
City of Sarnia and one from the
St. Clair Parkway.
Representing Huron at Tues-
day's meeting were Warden Roy
Pattison, Goderich Reeve Deb
Shewfelt, Ashfield Reeve Girvin
Reed and Huron's development
officer Spence Cummings,
The city of Sarnia was repres-
ented by Alderman John Mathe-
son and Alderwoman Marie
Coulter. From Lambton county
carne Warden Jim Moran, Bosan•
quet Reeve Bruce Scott, the
Reeve of Plympton Township
and Grand Bend Reeve John
Also represented was the
Sarnia-LambtonTourist Council
and the Ontario Ministry of
The object of the Lake Huron
Parkway would be to obtain
more park lands and improve
present facilities in the 90 mile
stretch from Sarnia to Amberly.
Huron Warden Roy Pattison
said there was plenty of potent-
ial in his county. He noted there
was much undeveloped recreat-
ion lands in Colborne and Ash-
field Townships.
Warden Pattison also said all
information compiled by Huron
officials through the official
plan and other surveys would be
available for the feasibility
study. He added, "I think our
information should fit right in."
A budget for 1973 for $2, 000
was set by the committee. The
two counties will each contrib-
ute $750 and $500 will come
from the city of Sarnia,
Dave McKenzie of the Minis-
try of Tourism thought the prov-
incial government would pay 75
percent of a feasibility study.
A representative of the Sarnia-
Lambton Tourist Council said,
"I would like to see this project
get started right away."
John Payne of Grand Bend is
chairman of the committee.
The next meeting will be held
May 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the
Grand Bend village hall.
Representatives from the Aus-
able Bayfield and Maitland
Conservation Authorities will be
asked to attend.
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