HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-04-19, Page 9THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Board fills vacancy (continued from page 1) ented exciting possibilities for hockey, broomball and other such sports if the arena was close enough to be used during school time. D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education, said that there was no legal impediment to such a venture and that this was being done more and more. An ad hoc committee was named to investigate the prop- osal .. Donald J. McDonald, of R.R.2, Brussels; Alex Corri- gan of R,R,1, Bluevale; and J.P. Alexander. Mr. Cochrane is to inquire about grants that may be available. Mr. Bunker estimated the centre would cost about $300, 000. E.C. Hill, Goderich, chair- man of the board, asked the board members if they had rec- eived any comments on the eight -page tabloid the board hac prepared and sent out for Educ- ation week, April 8 to 14. Most reported reaction good wit) only the odd unfavourable com- ment. WRIEMEEWISIEMWEggn Zurie +: Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, APRIL 22 0:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10;45 a.m. - Sun Church School 5:00 p.m. - Crusade Service April 20-10;10 a.m. Good Friday Service. MEDITATION; 0 sinner, Christ was slain for thee. Ile suffered on the shame- ful tree. It was there He died for you and me, that we might live eternally. EYWYerte elkeeine iseeitEVIEW C, H$ tVieTIVE lit/4 ....'''! 9 •O %{I .G. W e Church MERLIN BENDER. Paste SUNDAY, APRIL 22 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service Special Speaker - Lester Weaver, Newfield, N.J. Spring Bible Conference New Hamburg Conservative Mennonite Church, New Ham- burg, Ont. Good Friday - 10 a.rn. "It is finished." - Menno S. Brunk Harrisonburg, V.A. Sit at Jesus Feet - Luke 10:39 Lester Weaver 7:45 p.m. - Be a Loyal Member Merino S. Brunk Let no Man Put Asunder - Matt 19:6 - Lester Weaver Saturday, 7:30 p.m. - Be Chris- tian in Courtship - Lester Weaver. Sunday , 7:30 p.m. - Be Filled with the Holy Spirit, Eph 5:18 Lester Weaver. Wait For His Son From Heav- en. 1 Thess 1:10 - Menno S. Brunk. Three crosses still Are borne up Calvary's Hill Where' sin still lifts them high Upon the one sag broken men Who cursing, die. Another holds the praying thief, Or those who, penitent as he, Still find the Christ Beside them on the tree. Evere Wednesday Evening — 0:00 pan,—Bible 'Study end mer Meeting•• We invite yenta tai woradifue with le Golden Glimpses . 'PAGE 9 r4a 04.UE W TER REgT HOME Easter is one of the most joyously celebrated religious days of the year. The name Easter derives from Eostre, an ancient Teutonic Goddess of spring. Symbolically, the egg has been used in ancient Easter rites to represent the spring sea- son. Just when this originated is unknown, but the egg rep- resents the revival of the fertil- ity of the earth and is a symbol of the secret of life and was so considered a fitting emblem for the spring season. It is expl- ained that the longing for the colorful flowers of spring follow- ing the long cold winter was motivating force behind the custom of coloring Easter eggs in beautiful gay colors. The beloved Easter Bunny is of German origin. His association with Easter sterns from the fact that he is a symbol of prolific reproduction of life and not that he is supposed to lay eggs. There are many customs in many lands, but whatever the custom, and whatever the date, the one time meaning of Easter is the risen Christ. The deep religious significance of this event transcends eggs, rabbits, flowers, fashions and customs, even as the sun transcends the little incidentals of our man- made ways. We would like to wish all of our readers a joyous Easter. I know our residents here all look forward to having their families visit with them during the East- er season. As I mentioned previously we lig diit`fla .V �.:: eaeD U Church ZUROCH REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER 'elm, Milton c , Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 22 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a. m. - Church Service April 20 - Good Friday Service at 11 P.M. (The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion) Everyone deme St. Peter's bitheran Church Rev. A.C. Blackwell, B.A., M. Div. - Pastor Organist - Mrs. Audrey Haberer SUNDAY, APRIL 22 10 a.m. Worship Service 10;45 a.m. Sun. Church School April 20, Good Friday Service Communion on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday. Everyone Welcome will be having a family dinner for the residents and their inult- ediate families on Sunday, April 29 from 4:30 p. m. to 6:00 p.m. If any of the famil- ies are unaware of this occasion, they may obtain tickets by contacting the office by April 22. The residents are still enjoy - ing films on Monday evenings. On Tuesday evening, the reg- ular monthly birthday party was sponsored by the Catholic Worn - ( en's League of Grand Bend. A musical program was provided for the residents and gifts were distributed. Residents celebratin€ birthdays during the month of April are Mrs. Bertha Hayter, Mrs. Mary Passmore, Mrs. Charlotte Schnell and Mrs. Myrtle Woodford. At the close of the program birthday cake and ice cream were served. Some of the staff members and members of the Ladies Aux- iliary attended the Regional Conference for Homes for the Aged in Elora on Wednesday. A number of the residents enjoyed an outing in the bus on Friday afternoon. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. A.M. Schlenker of Crediton. He was accompanied by the organist and some of his family Obituary ORVILLE J. STEINBACH A native of Zurich, Orville John Steinbach passed away at his residence in London on Thurs day, April 12. He had been a resident of London for many years, and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach, of Zurich. Surviving is his wife, the former Muriel Howald; one son, Earl, of Woodstock; one daught- er, Mrs. David (Donna) Hutch- ison, of London; three brothers, Ted, of Zurich, Leonard, of London, and Karl, of Teeswater. There are also six grandchildren.. The body rested at the Need- ham memorial chapel, London, where the funeral service took place on Monday, April 16, at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. H. Bickel, pastor of Our Saviour Lutheran Church, London. Inter- ment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. It TTRADITIONAL. PARTLY SKINNED - FULLY COOKED LB (SHANK PORTION) SKINLESS -FULLY COOKED LB (BUTT PORTION) RED BRAND 'A' STEER FRESH GRADE "A" Ei to 12 LITS miler T r • eys FULL SLICE or ROAST 43 wad Steak FULLY PROCESSED Orders booked this week only, at this low, low price. LB. FRESSI-I -HOMEMADE Sous ESSEX NO 7 HOT. C4c LB LB LB U.S, NO 1 Celery Stalls U.S, NO 1 Cabbage NO. 7. C nda Butter LB 75C FINE GRANULATED U.S, NO 1 PINK OR WHITE 5 LB BAG LA 32( Florida Oranges 73( U.S. NO1 EA 27( Head Lettuce :EA 33 lu ='inn Fail 25'x12" 39C CHASE & SANBORN Whit Sug r 5 Lbs 79 C f fee 11 Lb ► gig 89c Effort ' leach 128 OZ 73C Cann W d POp 10 OZ TIN 6/79( 14 OZ TIN Libby"s Spaghetti 2/45 Heinz Ketchup 11 oz 33 RHODES BAKE and SERVE Aero Wax 46 OZ TIN $1.49 Bread 2/35 Oxydol KING SIZE $1.89 Weston's Bread 3/890 Open Thursday evening 'till 9 p.m.; Open Good Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ; Open Easter Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. MOVE 'tot MOW to tog 4i aritt!E THE TENDis ' P PHONE 238-2512 G AND BEND