HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1973-04-19, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 WORK COMMENCES - Workmen of the C.A. McDowell Construction Co. Ltd., are really busy these days with their sewage system contract in the village of Zurich. One of the crews are work- ing their way along highway 84 west, while the other crew is working south on the county road. This photo shows some of the action along the 20 -foot deep trench on the highway going west. RE: SEWAGE CONNECTIONS We are receiving many inquiries re- garding sewage connections in the Village of Zurich, and are pleased to announce that we will be contracting for this type of work. Early applications for Sewage Conn- ections will be greatly appreciated, so we may survey your property to establish outlets. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL; IC PHONE 236-4182, ZURICH RE: SE AGE SERVICE CONNECTION THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH IS RECOMM- ENDING THAT EVERYONE HAVE THEIR SEWAGE SERVICE INSTALLED FROM THE MAIN TRUNK LINE TO YOUR PROPERTY LINE, If your service is not install- ed at this time, you will lose the advantage of the Provincial Subsidy, and be responsible for the total connection cost. Please feel free to call the Municipal Office for any further information. VILLAGE OF ZURICH JACK TURKHEIM W. D. ARMSTRONG Reeve Clerk Emma el UCW e; tertah ladies Mrs. Oscar Greb led the wor- ship service for the Easter Thank -offering meeting of Emmanuel United Church Wom- en, and welcomed the ladies of Bayfield and Hensall United Churches, and hlensall Presbyt- erian ladies. The scripture was read by Mrs. Russell Grainger and Mrs. Mayme Hoffman followed with "Thoughts on Golgotba." Mrs. Beatrice Hess played appropriate Easter music while the offering was received, also accompanied the special Easter numbers in song contributed by Mr. Clare Zurbrigg, of Kitchener and a ladies trio, Mrs. Aniacher, Mrs. Beatrice Rader and Mrs. Ken Breal<ey, Mrs. Clare Zurbrigg introduc- ed a friend of hers, a native of Connestoga, Mrs. Akiie Nan- amia, as guest speaker, illust- rating her message with slides which gave a vivid insight of the cluture of Vietnam, Viet- namese Christian service, and conditions as they really are. Mrs. Rader extended courtes- ies, Refreshments and a time of fellowship followed in the basement with a unique worship centre reminding the group of the supreme sacrifice Jesus made LIVESTOCK S IP !NG TO TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Dunn and Levack Every Monday All Loads Fully Insured! CONTACT Campbell McKinley RR.1, ZURICH Phone 262.5430 on the Cross and a climax to the message to help portray the value of the Cross in the attit- ude and spirit of actually enter- ing into the lives of the under- privileged, HIL'`,? VARIETY MAIN STREET •-- ZURICH featuring a complete line of Groceries * Confectionery Novelties Phone 236-4930 for free delivery on orders of $5,00 or over 1 SIDEWALK & PATIO BLOCKS CALL! G G CNCRETE D,,' CTS 1 1/4 MILES SOUTH OF ZURICFI 236-4065 236-4934 5 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES IVONDAY, APRIL 23 7 P.M, 1000 HEAD Consisting of Steers, Heifers and Calves Anyone wishing to consign cattle to this sale should contact the management: VICTOR HARGREAVES BILL LIVINGSTON BARRY MILLER 482-7511 529-7521 235-2717 CLINTON DUNGANNON EXETER AUCTIONEERS: Hector McNeil and Larry Gardiner 0 EST M! s Ever Sorry. He Bought The Best !! An old slogan seldom heard today, primarily because there is a lot of junk thats not designed to last over a year or two! THE BEST IS WHAT I SELL IN RIDING LAWN MOWERS! Ariens Riding Lawn Mowers •Look around - you'll find a lot of old ones that are still working just fine! COME UP AND TRY ONE OUT - I'VE GOT THE MOWERS AND I'VE GOT TI -IE GRASS! STEVE ARGYLE Outdoor Equipment Phone 565-2800