Zurich Citizens News, 1973-04-12, Page 12PAGE 12 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 Furmers urged to hire students (by Keith Roulston) Farmers were urged Thursday night to hire students to help on the farm this summer. Larry Dillon, in charge of a special department attached to Canada Manpower, Goderich, to help students get jobs told directors of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture at their regular meeting in Clinton that students are consciencious workers who are not so fussy about the kind of work they have because they need the opportunity to gain working experience and the money to help them continue their educ- ation. He told the group that if they needed a student with a special skill, he would help them find one. He said he has students from 14-24 years of age regist- ered, both from high school and college. The first college students will be ready to work early in May, he said. Director of the Federation also discussed possible changes in the make-up of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture at the meeting. At present, the constitution of the OFA calls for one director for every 300 Individual Service Members. However, with increasing mem- bership in the organization, it either means a director will have to represent more members or more directors will have to be added. (At present there are 100 directors). Jack Stafford, I. S.M. direct- or for north Huron and former president of the HFA felt that a director shouldn't have to rep- resent more than 500 members if he was to do a good job. He also pointed out that it would be hard to get a concensus of opin- ion if there were more than Whets at Huronview Mrs. Muriel Harrison of God- erich was guest soloist for Sun- day morning's Chapel service accompanied at the organ by Doug Crich, Reverend Mc- Quinnie, Chaplain of the Home was in charge of the service. A new resident was welcomed and those having Birthdays during the week were honoured at Monday's get together. Mary Taylor, Marie Flynn and Norm- an Speir provided the music for the occasion. Mrs. Prouty, of Exeter has returned from her winter holid- ay and conducted last week's Bible study. Mr. Munnings, of Clinton has been in charge of the service during her absence. The Heywood Brothers, from Exeter provided an hour of mus- ical entertainment on Family Night. Doug and Danny sang several popular and old tyme favourites and provide their own accompaniment with accordian and electric guitar. Mrs. Wag - horn who was a former neighbou of the boys expressed the app- reciation of the residents for the enjoyable hour. OF FARM EQUIPMENT AND SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOR r. Adel! rt Smith Lot 8, Concession 11, Hay Township, 3 miles South of Zurich and 2 miles North bf No. 83 Highway. S hnrdty, April 21, at 1:00 P.M. FARM EQUIPMENT:- John Deere AR tractor; Allis Chal- mers B tractor; David Brown 950 tractor, dual wheels and hydraulics; Triple K 9' cultivator; International 13 run drill; International 3 Furrow plow; New Idea 7' mower; Internat- ional 7' binder; Scufflers for AC tractor; Bean puller; 16' 4" Auger; 32 plate double discs; side delivery rake; man- ure spreader; wagon with flat rack, on rubber; 4 section harrows; truck racks; Case hammermille, like new; Pig watering bowl. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Refrigerator; 4 burner electric stove; Beatty wringer washing machine; oil space heater; wood stove with reservoir; floor polisher; 2 school chair desks; round dining room table; chairs; chesterfield; 2 dressers; wash stand; bed; wicker wheel chair. MISCELLANEOUS:- Extension ladder; walking plow; sleigh; scythe cradle; oxen yoke; copper kettle; 2 iron kettles; block and tackle; Wheel barrow; sausage grinder and stuffer; flat irons; crocks; picture frames; wood box; 10 cord split wood; 200 gal. oil tank; and misc. tools. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. D et J RIDDELL AUCTIONEERS AND SALES MANAGERS "Doug" 237-3576 "Jack" 237-3431 100 directors. Charles Thomas of Grey Township felt perhaps the ans- wer was in allowing only a spec• ified number of directors from any one county but giving them a number of votes equal to one vote for every 300 members in their county or region. It was pointed out that Huron, with close to 1500 members would send five directors to OF i if the present limit was observ- ed. At present only three direct. ors are sent from Huron. spring c�eaniag See the full rang io PRO HARow PStE S 1 -AGUE, su RING AND UMMEB GABA �P Special Weighs just 7% Ib. Works like a vacuum, handles like a broom. Use anywhere - floors - stairs - hard -to - reach places. Single -speed motor, triple position brush, swivel nozzle and big disposable bag. Avocado/Maple ON LY Eliminate heavy pushing & lifting! Now you can clean underneath, your major appliances quickly and easily: Strength tested to 2000 lb., Assorted colours.. Use it indoor&or out on the patio. Soft, pliable bristles get rid of dirt andsand with ease. New "Miralift" solvent cuts through grease and loosens stubborn stains. Cleans easily and dries fast. 22 oz. concentrated, PRD HARDWARE SERVES YOU BEST PHONE 236-4911 ZURICH HARDWARE MAIN INTERSECTION — ZURICH 1