HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-10-12, Page 10PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1972 FOR SALE POTATOES now available also carrots, spanish onions, and turnips, -Phone 236-4038 on Highway 84, east of Zurich, Arnold Vandenboomen. 37-p GIRL'S WINTER COAT and hat, Size 3X. Pink, trimmed with white fur. Like new. Phone Mrs. Robert Taylor, 236-4725. 41- b APPLE BUTTER and apples. Contact Lennis Gingerich, 237-3287, 41-42-b ELECTRONIC Calculators, Royal model. Adds, subtracts, divides and multiplies electron- ically. Come in for a demon- stration. Only $175. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672, 22-x SPECIAL - APPLES, McIntosh, top quality, - pick your own and windfalls. Limited supply so come soon. Also Courtland Delicious and Spies. Bring containers. - Ross Middleton Orchard, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. 41-2-3-b NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 48 inch Continental bed and other furniture. Phone 236- 4340 by Saturday. 41- p OFFICE EQUIPMENT, stationery and school supplies, all at great savings. You name it -- we have it. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. 37-tf USED TYPEWRITERS - Standard and portable models, See our variety. - Zurich Citizens News. Phone 236-4672, 37-tf SNOWMOBILE TRACKS to fit 15" Ski -Doo, Brand new, while they last $70, each. Helmets all colours $17. Brand new drive belts from $6, up any quantity. - STEVE ARGYLE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, Bayfield, phone 565-2800. 40-1-2-3-b NEW HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS $150.each, One used garden tiller like new $100.; one used self propelled mower $40. Bars and chains to fit most chain saws, - STEVE ARGYLE OUT- DOOR EQUIPMENT, Bayfield, phone 565-2800. 40-b FILING CABINETS - New, 2, 3, and 4 -drawer, in letter or legal size. One-week del- ivery on most units. Priced from $39. up. - Zurich Citiz- ens News, Phone, 236-4672, 19-20-p FOR RENT FARM HOUSE, 5 miles north of Zurich, Phone 262-5360. 41-b MODERN FARM HOME - seven bedrooms, living room, kitch- en, bathroom, utility room and garage, located on Lot 24, Con. 14, Hay Township. Also a good used baby buggy for sale. Call Louise Masse, 236-4867. 41-42- b A classified ad in the Zurich Citizens News is sure to bring results. Try one next week. COMING EVENT I CARDS OF THANKS i OFA names marketing committee The family of the late William Milton Pollock wish to express their deep gratitude to all the relatives, friends and neighbours who assisted in any way in their time of sorrow and for the beaut- iful floral tributes, donations to the Heart Foundation, Cancer Society, Gideon Memorial Bibles cards of sympathy and the many 41-b many acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement in the loss of a beloved husband, father and grandfather. Special thanks to Drs. Wallace and Goddard and the nursing staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter and Rev. G.L. Royal. - Susie Pollock and family. - FAMILY HEALTH, South Huron District High School, Exeter, commencing Monday, October 16, 1972, 8 to 10 p.m. Includes instruction for every age and life style, techniques of home safety, coping with emergen- cies, skill of keeping the fam- ily well and caring for them when they are sick. EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCAT- ION, South Huron District High School, Exeter, commencing Wednesday, October 18, 1972, 8 to 10 p.m. Discussion will centre around baby's develop- ment, labour and delivery, family planning, relaxation and breathing techniques. 41- b "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS" annual Charter night Banquet and Dance, Zurich Community Centre, Saturday, October 14, Clarence Petrie Orchestra. $3.50 per plate includes dance -- dance only $3.00 per couple. Refreshments --18 years and over. Proceeds for Arthritic Soc- iety. Sponsored by Father Steph- en Eckert Council. Tickets available from members in your area. 41- b The Children's Aid Society of Huron County will sponsor an organization meeting to plan the 1972 operation of its Christ- ian Bureau, for South Huron Area, at Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, on Monday, October 16, at 8 p. m. Church, service clubs, county group representatives and interested individuals are urged to attend. 41- b HELP WANTED CARPENTER' S HELPER , full- time position. Call 236-40 81. 41-2-3-p HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY: I need a full or part -tune person to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motorists, Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No exper- ience necessary, but a car is. For full information contact ALVIN RAU, R,R,2, Zurich, phone after 5 p.m. 236-4877. 39-40-41-42-9 WOMAN for cleaning 1 1/2 days per week, Phone 262-2003, 41- b MAN for full-time work in meat market, Experience preferred. Apply to Laporte Meat Market, Zurich, 40-b WORK WANTED WOMAN available for house- work, etc. Phone 236-4336, 41-b WANTED TO BUY BALED HAY and straw, - Phone John Stapleton, Petrolia, 864- 1727. 40-1-2-3-b SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238.2291 41- b THANK YOU to all those who assisted in any way to make the 1972 Zurich Fall Fair a great success. - ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, 41- b SERVICES OFFERED WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies: - Hess Jewellery - Zurich. 1 tf CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING -- 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Puck -up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR W-3314 Dashwood VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hensel) 262-5748 Bible Society The officers of the Zurich Bible Society, branch met at the home of Paul Steckle on October 3, with the Rev. Harry Moore from the London office attending. Plans were made for the annual canvass in the homes in Zurich and on the various rural routes on the Babylon, Bronson, Goshen, Blind and Parr Lines, as well as the east and west roads crossing them. The annual meeting will be held in Zurich Mennonite Church on Sunday, October 29, at 8 p.m. Arrangements are being made for the showing of a film illustrating the unique work of the Bible Societies and with a speaker appointed by the Western Ontario Auxiliary. At the meeting the executive will recommend a proposal for electing officers of the Branch in such a way that each of the participating denominations and congregations will be represent- ed, Canvassers will receive their kits from the treasurer, Harvey Hohner, and return them to him for tabulating and forwarding to the Western Ontario Auxiliary, A seven -man committee of grain corn farmers was named this week by the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture to outline the mechanics of a farmer - controlled corn marketing agency. Chairman of the Corn Comm- ittee is Robert Allan, R.R.1, Brucefield, Allan is a Huron Farm Sold — Clearing AUCTION SALE of Truck, Tractors, Machin- ery, Hogs, Poultry, House- hold Effects and Some Antiques FOR MR. WILSON ALLEN Lot 6, Con. 10, Tuckersmith Twp., 2 miles south of Seaforth on Main Hardtop road, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 1:00 p.m. sharp TRUCK: 1969 Ford 1/2 ton in excellent condition. Sold with road worthy certificate. TRACTORS: Massey Ferguson Model 135 diesel, 3 years old, excellent condition; John Deere Model AR, on rubber, good con- dition; Allis Chalmers Model B with bean puller and scuffler attachments. MACHINERY: Hen r y bean windrower with pickup, used 1 season; Kongskilde 9 ft. cultiva- tor, used 2 seasons; 3 furrow 14" mounted Case plow; 3 fur- row mounted Dearborne plow; 3 furrow Int. trail plow; Case side rake; 9 ft. single land packer; 9' land roller; 5 sec- tions drag harrows; 3 sections drag harrows; 6 ft. mounted mower; Johnson rubber tired wagon; one-way disc; manure spreader; New Holland ham- mer mill; 100 ft. endless belt; 50 ft. belt; 12 ft. John Deere stiff tooth cultivator; 30' grain' auger; circular saw and frame; McCulloch chain saw, 18 inch, one year old, in excellent con- dition; table saw; electric mo- tors. HOGS: 11 hogs just ready for market; 10 pigs 10 weeks old; 10 pigs 6 weeks old; sow with litter; 3 sows due time of sale; sow, bred 2 months; sow, bred 6 weeks; 2 sows short breeding date; yearling boar. POULTRY: Approx. 750 laying hens in cages, producing very well; poultry equipment. Steel feed barrels; chains; shovels; forks; root pulper; lumber. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3- uiece chesterfield suite; West- inghouse television; Frigidaire refrigerator; 21' General deep freeze; Clare Jewell electric stove; coal and wood kitchen range; Westinghouse wringer washer; portable twin laundry tubs in excellent condition; 3 beds and mattresses; broom cabinet; chairs; tables; vac- uum cleaner; electric fan and heater; quantity of wood; ward- robes. ANTIQUES: Rope bed in good condition; commode with towel bar and chest of drawers to match, in excellent condition; cherry chest of drawers; round walnut table; high walnut con- fession kneeling stool; china cabinet with round glass front; key hole desk with scroll; rare antique portable writing desk; 7 -drawer chest with pear dron handles; nine fruit table with drawer; large wooden ward- robe; sni•all cabinet nite table; old chairs with carved scroll; Turkish Dye cabinet; assort- ment of dishes; figurines; jars and jugs; coal oil lantern; Iarge iron sugar kettle; host of smaller items; spring car- riage seat. Manure spreader in working condition, made in 1918—mu- seum 918—mu-seum piece. Terms of Sale: Cash WILSON ALLEN, Proprietor Tel: 527-0838 PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Tel: 262-5515 Owner nor auctioneer not re- sponsible for 'accidents day of sale. County corn and bean cash crop farmer. Cash corn farmers Edward Thompson, R,R.1, Ariss, in Wellington county; Ray Guy of R.R,2, Mountain in Dundas county; William Hardy of R.R.1, Inkerman in Dundas county; Kent farmers Leonard Pegg, of R.R.1, Morpeth and James McGuigan of Cedar Springs; and dairyman Delmer Bennett of Forrester's Falls in Renfrew, are committeemen. McGuigan, a corn and fruit cash crop farmer, is president of the Kent County Federation of Agriculture. He was active in the groundwork that led to the forming of the corn commit- tee. Bennett sits on the OFA exec- utive and is chairman of the Federation's grains committee. When making this announce- ment, Gordon Hill, Ontario Federation of Agriculture pres- ident, said, "I expect the com- mittee will develop a practical marketing plan for Ontario corn, which will win the support of all grain corn producers." "Corn prices have a long hist- ory of fluctuating greatly from season to season, often from month to month. Producers need orderly marketing." 0 Jacques Cartier used eastern white cedar to treat scurvy among his crew. Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER 1976 model cars, according to current directives, will have to be "bumpered" to withstand 30 -mile -an -hour crashes. 7 Recycling note: the grass along the highway and on median strips may someday be made of discarded automobile tires. When rear wheels lock at slightest touch of the brake pedal, it probably means you have a faulty or leaking oil seal. Not only does oil consumption go up when speed does — it also increases when you suddenly decelerate. Russia claims its pedestrians are the most undisciplined in the world. They cause 60% of all traffic accidents. Whether or not you plan on driving in Russia, you'll like our fine cars that stop on a dime et Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon!