HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-10-05, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1972 FOR SALE ELECTRONIC Calculators, Royal model. Adds, subtracts, divides and multiplies electron- ically. Come in for a demon- stration. Only $175. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. 22-x POTATOES now available also carrots, spanish onions, and turnips. -Phone 236-4033 on Highway 84, east of Zurich. Arnold Vandenboomen. 37-p APPLE BUTTER for sale, 236- 4676. 40-b SNOWMOBILE TRACKS to fit 15" Ski- Doo, Brand new, while they last $70. each. Helmets all colours $17. Brand new drive belts from $6. up any quantity. - STEVE ARGYLE'OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, Bayfield, phone 565-2800. 40-1-2-3-b NEW HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS $150.each , One used garden tiller like new $100.; one used self propelled mower $40. Bars and chains to fit most chain saws. - STEVE ARGYLE OUT- DOOR EQUIPMENT, Bayfield, phone 565-`800. 40-b OFFICE EQUIPMENT, stationery and school supplies, all at great savings. You name it -- we have it. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. 37-tf USED TYPEWRITERS - Standard and portable models. See our variety. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. 37-tf TWO LENGTHS of five strand barb wire fence, each approx, 40 rods long. Good cedar end and brace posts, balance steel posts. Priced very low. - Richard Robinson, Box 37, R.R. 3, Zurich, Phone 2G2-5394. 39-40-b FILING CABINETS - New, 2, 3, and 4 -drawer, in letter or legal size. One-week del- ivery on most units. Priced from $39. up. - Zurich Citiz- ens News, Phone, 236-4672, 19-2 0-p FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APARTMENT - two bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath. Ideal location. - Call Milne Rader, 236-4907, 40-p HELP WANTED MAN for full-time work in meat market. Experience preferred. Apply to Laporte Meat Market, Zurich. 40-b REGISTERED NURSE required immediately. Full time for afternoon shift, Apply to Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich. Phone 236-4373. 40-b R,N,A, for full or part-time, Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, Phone 262-2830. 40-b A classified ad in the Zurich Citizens News is sure to bring results, Try one next week, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Elzer Masse, R:R.3, Zurich, are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Manna. Susan to Harvey Richard Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams, R.R.2, Dashwood, The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 21, 1972, in St. Boniface Church at 1 p.m, Zurich, 40-p COMING EVENT "KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS" annual Charter Night Banquet and Dance, Zurich Community Centre, Saturday, October 14. Clarence Petrie Orchestra. $3.50 per plate includes dance - Dance only $3.00 per couple. Refreshments, 18 yrs. and over. Proceeds for Arthritic Society, sponsored by Father Stephen Eckert Council. Tickets avail- able from members in your area, 38-b WANTED TO BUY BALED HAY and straw. - Phone John Stapleton, Petrolia, 864- 1727. 40-1-2-3-b HELP WANTED HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY: I need a full or part-time person to help meet the demand for a much needed service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No exper- ience necessary, but a car is. For full information contact ALVIN RAU, R,R,2, Zurich, phone after 5 p.m. 236-4877. 39-40-41-42-3 LOST BLACK LEATHER PURSE with change purse inside containing money, lost on fair day. Call Mrs. Wes Ivierner, 236-4300, Reward offered. 40-b MISCELLANEOUS WALLPAPER STEAMER: avail= able for rent. Daily Rate $3.00 - Call Donald Oke Ltd, 236- 4092, 37-b MISCELLANEOUS CARPETS: Need professional care? Get it now: Rent a Tre- wax Professional Heavy Duty Rug Shampooer --Only $1,00 a day..- Donald Oke Ltd., - Phone 2364092, CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all the people who helped in any way during my recent fire. Special thanks to the Zurich Fire Dep- artment. It was all greatly appreciated. - Mrs. L. Rose. 40-b The. family of the late Pearl Geiger wish to express sincere gratitude to all relatives, friends and neighbours during our recent bereavement. Our heartfelt thanks for the beauti- ful floral tributes, cards, don- ations to the Cancer and Bible Societies, the pallbearers, the ladies who served lunch at the church, and the friends and neighbours who kindly brought food to the house and helped in any way. Special thanks to a. Wallace. - Delbert Geiger and family, 40- p Mrs. Ted Denomme wished to express her appreciation to her relatives and neighbours and friends for the prayers, cards, and acts of kindness while a patient in St, Joseph Hospital, Special thanks to Father Durand, Westlake Ambulance and the nurses on the third floor. 40- p SERVICES OFFERED SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BENT) 238-2923 or 238.2291 WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies. - Hess Jewellery - Zurich. 1 tf ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR Applications are invited for the newly -established position of Assistant Administrator of Huronview, a 310 bed Home for the Aged, located near Clinton in Huron County, The successful candidate will, under the direction of the Administrator, be responsible for co-ordinating all purchasing of supplies and equipment and for supervising the maintenance of building and grounds; will assist the Administrator in directing all the day to day activities of the Home, including residents' well-being, personal care and nursing, social services, recreational and other prog- rams, finance, housekeeping, personnel, etc,; will have a demonstrated interest in elderly persons; will have or be willing to undertake studies in the field, including a sound knowledge of Ontario's Horne for the Aged and Rest Homes Act, Excellent working conditions, full employee benefits and salary commensurate with training and experience. Applications in writing giving complete resume of education and experience will be received by the under- signed up to 5 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 1972. C.A. ARCHIBALD, ADMINISTRATOR P,O, Box 219, Clinton, Mixed bowling at Zurich lanes SENIOR MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE SEPTEMBER 28 Varieties Whippoorwills Hawkeyes Hi Hopes Newcomers Ramblers HIGH SINGLE HIGH TRIPLE Total Points Points L. Willert-559 7 14 H. Stade-561 0 4 G. Denomme -570 5 15 C. Geiger -610 2 16 A. Oesch - 542 0 7 D. Schilbe - 700 7 7 A. Oesch - 281 D. Schilbe - 700 AUCTION SALE of cattle, 1967 Ford 1/2 ton truck and household effects. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 1:00 P.M. 3 miles west of Dashwood on 83 Highway, or 2 miles east of 21 Highway. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Wilton rug, piano, dresser and wash stand, toilet sets, quilting and comforters, cushions, china cabinet, egg crates, fruit jars, occasional chairs, wicker rocker, annex kitchen cabinet, electric stove, combination fridge and freezer (like new) lawn chair, bed and mattress, Quebec heater, coffee and end tables. MACHINERY - two hives of bees and extracting equipment, 1967 Ford 1/2 ton truck, rack and spare tires and rims, 32000 original miles, tedder, disc, walking plow, horse scuf- fler, spring cultivator, light sleigh shaves and poles, team harness (good) 5 ft, Packer, horse dirt scoop, two wheel barrows, silo down pipes, 3 PT hitch barrel holder, two raw duster farrowing crate, jack all jack, block and tackle hen cages, iron kettle, ladders, sling ropes, 75 celery boxes, clay tile, big 0 tile, 5 cement tile 3' x 12", cattle clippers, pig troughs, hand sprayer, stove oil, drain levelling sights, garden seeder, grass seeder, hand post hole auger, 40 rod of page wire, cedar posts, work table, sheets of plywood, 1275 slop brick, 1300 bales of hay 1280 threshed straw, 300 bushel oats, new potatoes, 4 Holstein cows, 1 Holstein heifer, 1 year old; 11 BW face heifers, approx. 600 lbs, ; fire - CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING -- 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Frjday .— Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 231-3314 Dashwood VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT, Phone Hensel! 242-5748 wood, steel posts and driver, many tools and misc, items too numerous to mention. TERMS - CASH Proprietor - John E. Pepper Auctioneers: Richard Lobb Clinton. and Ron Getke Mitchell. CLEARING FARM -SALE of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Effects, and Antiques for MAURICE ETUE, Lot 14, Concession 5, Tucker - smith Township, 2 1/2 miles south of Seaforth, on Kippen road and 1 mile west on, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 at 10 O'Clock IMPLEMENTS - Massey -Harr- is No. 44 tractor with heat houser; Ford -Ferguson 20-85 tractor with loader, snow buck- et and chains, Allis Chalmers Model V tractor 1932 model; Massey -Harris No. 3 motor driven baler; New Idea 7 ft. mower; smoker 25 bale elevator with motor, Massey side rake, 4 -inch grain auger, 12 ft. chain harrows, Massey -Ferguson 135 bushel manure spreader near- ly new, Case manure spreader, International 11 run grain drill, 5 sections drag harrows, 4 sect- ions spring tooth harrows, 2 wheeled trailer, set of sleighs with feed rack, 3 furrow Oliver plow, corn scuffler, wagon and rack with sides for grain, stone boat, walking plow, fanning mill, scales, Pioneer chain saw, cream separator, harness trees, 2 water troughs, hammer mill, 3 feed racks for cattle, gates, pig troughs, quantity of cedar and iron posts, lumber, PTO Cockshutt S'ft, binder, Massey - Harris Go 13o- 2 ft blade disc, 25 ft, corn elevator, and .many miscellaneous items found on a farm. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS AND ANTIQUES - chesterfield chair, rocker, odd chairs, wash stand, cash register, crank telephone, Underwood typewriter, table, complete toilet set antique, copper boilers, butter bowl and lb. print, picture frames, dishes, play pen, child's bed, wringer -washer, washer and spin dryer, set of concrete laundry tubs, power lawn mower, irons, gas lanterns, lamps, 1 window fan, crocks and many miscell- aneous items. Owner and Auctioneer not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Maurice Etue- Proprietor. Larry Gardiner - Auctioneer.