HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-06-29, Page 21PAGE 22 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1972 Grade 10 results at SHDHS The highest Grade 10 students were Kathy Cook, Joan Forrest, John Creces and Kim Pridham. KATHY COOK TOP GRADE 10 STUDENT, Grade 10 students receiving certificates of Achievement are: Physical Ed. John Creces, Deb Wooden, Eng. 250, Joan God- dard; Eng. 240, Deb Miller, WNIE'S DRIVE -1N THEATRE CLINTON - ONTARIO WED. - THURS. - FRI. June 28-29-30 — DOUBLE FEATURE — PLAZA SUITE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Walter Matthau -• Maureen Stapleton A trio of stories set at the famous Plaza Hotel from the Broadway hit. Color MURPHY'S WAR (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Peter O'Toole -. Stan Phillips Color Cartoon SAT. - SUN. - MON. - TUES. July 1-2-3-4 — DOUBLE FEATURE — BIG JAKE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) John Wayne -• Richard Boone Maureen O'Hara Color BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH The hunt for the Great White Shark "ABSOLUTELY BREATH TAKING" Color Cartoon SAT.-SUN.-MON.-TUES. WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. July 5-6-7-8 — DOUBLE FEATURE — SUMMER OF '42 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Jennifer O'Neill •• Gary Grimes Colour BONNIE AND CLYDE (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Fay Dunnaway •- Warren Beatty July 9-10-11 — DOUBLE FEATURE — WATERLOO Orson Welles — Rod Steiger Chr;stopher Plummer The story of one of history'. most significant battles, Coler NEW LEAF COMEDY Welter Matthau - Elame May Color Cartoon Karen Broderick; History 250, Kathy Cook; History 240 - Kev- in Bisback; Geog. 250, Kathy Cook; Geog, 240, Darlene Willert; Math 250, Kathy Cook, Math 240, Darlene Willert, Latin 250, Kathy Cook; French 250, Kathy Cook; French 240, Marilyn Ducharme; Science 250, Kathy Cook; Science 240, Arnold Kester; Home Ec. 200, Deb Wooden; Typing 200, Susan Schenk; Bookkeeping 240, Kathy Cook; Data Processing 240, John Neil - ands; Drafting 250, Brad Datars; Woodworking 250, John Creces; Building Const. 240, Ivan Ilern Machine Shop 240, Arnold Kest- er; Auto Mech. 240, Ivan 1lern; Welding 240, Ron Mostrley Honour Roll (80310 or over - receive a plaque) Karen Adamson, Kevin Best- ard, John Creces, Paul Reaburn Kim Pridham, Deb Wooden, Elaine Baptie, Kathy Cook, Joan Forrest, Joan Goddard, Susan Schenk. 0 Destroy container Chemical spray containers with small amounts of concent- rated compounds are a hazard to children and livestock. They are also a potential source of pollution in the immediate area. With increased use of chemical concentrates, says II. E. Wright, farm safety specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, disposal of these containers can be a problem. I -le suggests following these steps in getting rid of empty chemical containers: *When emptying the contain- er, allow it to drain for an extra half minute. An average 5 -gallon container will have from 1/2 cup to 1/2 plant left if it isn't properly drained. *Rinse the container with water and add to the tank as part of the spray mix. Do this several times to eliminate most of the chemical from the can. * The container should be crushed to prevent reuse. Re- cycle the crushed containers to a scrap dealer or bury them at least 18 inches deep in a spot well away from ground water or streams, wells or ponds. A DASI/W000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader Yvonne Turnbull and Tom Hayter, students at Stephen Central School were awarded the Albert Gaiser award at the graduation banquet, Tuesday, June 20. Vicki Miller was the valedictorian. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The event began with a children's Day Program and the presentation of attendance pins and awards. Before a pot luck lunch to- gether in the church basement, a candy scramble was played for the kindergarten class, and a race far children four and under with the winners, Kathy Schade and Doug Schade. The afternoon activities were races, 7 and under, Faye Gais- er; 10 and under, Dean Boyle, 15 and under, Fraser Boyle; wheelbarrow race (with help) Robby Hoffman; 15 and under, Allan Gaiser and Fraser Boyle; three-legged race, Allan Gais- er and Donald Beaver; Janice McDonald and Julia Webb; Treavor Boyle and Donald Beav- er; Kick the shoe, 7 and under, Faye Gaiser; 10 and under, Doug Mason; 15 and under, Frazer Boyle; 18 and under, Scott Boyle; Men's race, Bob Hoffman; Ladies Race, Diane Eagleson; Men's and Ladies kick the shoe, Bill Hoffman and Joyce Mason; kick the ball, Mary Lou Grigg and John Mason. Prizes were awarded to the oldest man, Art Haugh; oldest woman, Laura Haugh; youngest girl, Kim Hoffman; youngest boy, Randy Hoffman, guessing contest, John Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eagleson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eagleson, Little Current, also travelled to Elliott Lake and Wawa and visited friends in Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Thelma Weber, London, attended the Sunday School picnic at the United Church Sunday afternoon and visited with Diane Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber, Mrs, Mildred Kellerman, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schade, OPEN DAILY BREAKFAST & LUNCH 8 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. DINNERS 5.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. MEET YOUR FRIENDS IN THE HABITANT ROOM YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! Friday & Saturday , Juane 30 & July 1 ENTERTAINMENT BY JE ;N MCLACHAN Thi the ORGAN GREEN FOREST MOTOR HOTEL AND LODGE YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ Highway 21 - GRAND BEND Zurich, visited with Rev. and Mrs. Bert Carr, Selkirk, on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wes Wolfe were Mrs. Stuart Wolfe; Mr. and Mrs, Murray Wolfe and Lynn, Ronboro, Que- bec; Barry Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Loncbn. Those from Dashwood attend- ing the Ontario P.R.D. Tops Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto from the Exeter Chapter over the weekend were Mrs. Ray VanDorsselaer, Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. 1 -tarry Shep- herd, Mrs. Lloyd Guenther, Mrs. Arnold Becker and Mrs. Albert Rader. Mrs. Ruth StireA.W.C.M. announces results with the Western Conservatory of Music: Grade I Theory, Barbara Ratz; first class honors; Yvonne Turnbull, first class honors. Scott Boyle left Wednesday for Sioux Lookout where he is employed for the summer months by the Forest Rangers. LIVESTOCK SHIPPIG TO TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Dunn and Levack Every Monday All Loads Fully Insured! CONTACT Campbell ''`''i:c' :inlay RR 1, ZURICH Phone 262.5430 fliIIMITOOXI "Come In and Buy --What Your Grandmother Threw Out" located at Hi -Fashion Beauty Salon) is now EN FOR BUSINESS featuring: CHINA*GLASSWARE*LAMPS *COLLECTOR'S ITEMS, ETC* We invite you to come in and browse around! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! "Come in and buy --What your Grandmother threw out" TRIEBSBURG DAYS June 30 & July 1 IN D SHWOOD * GERMAN MUSIC * PUBS * PARADE * SPORTS * STREET DANCING * COSTUMES * RIBS, SAUSAGE S. UERKRAUT * FRIEDSBURG MONEY Remind Your Friends •