HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-06-15, Page 13THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1972 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 13 Outline plans for proposed W, -ter system to serve Brucefield people A proposed $56, 000. munic- ipal -water supply, to replace a haphazard system of individual wells, was outlined at a public meeting held Monday in Bruce- field. The system calls for more than 7, 000 feet of two- inch pipe to be laid along street; and County Road 3 within the village limits. Cost of the system would be borne by Bruce - field residents. Some of the individual wells used by residents have been found to be unsafe and in some houses water has to be boiled. The proposal outlined to about 30 people by B.M, Ross of B, M. Ross Associates Ltd., Goderich, an engineering firm, will involve a flat cost of $200 to each customer for connecting to the water system, plus an annual service charge of bet- ween $80 and $85 per customer. The $200 down payment includes only the cost of bringin water service to the customer's property line. Installation of water service to each home would be borne by the property owner. The initial connecting charge would be increased to $400 for customers entering the system at a later date. Tuckersmith Township reeve Elgin Thompson told the meet- ing the high connection costs are designed to keep the deb- enture charge down. About 60 of Brucefield's 70 households signed a petition last March indicating support for a municipal water system. Terms of that petition, based on a similar arrangement in Egmondville, called for a cost of about $35, 000 with an initial connection fee of $200 and an annual service charge of $50. Mr. Thompson said it is hoped the service charge can be reduced to the $70 - $75 range. The proposed service charge outlined Monday could be red- uced to $72 if all 70 homes in Brucefield were serviced, and to $75 if the project's cost could be cut back by $6, 000. Mr. Ross said the big question Guaranteed Investment Certificates now! Get yours today at o a RIAand GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEN D. BOWES MANAGER 425 Main St. EXETER 235-0539 mark in the project is the cast of the well. A tentative drilling site is located on the south-east corner of the intersection of Highway 4 and County Road 23 in the village. Until the potential of the well is determined no definite cost can be set. Mr. Ross said if the well can not produce 70 gallons of water a minute, a 25, 000 gallon ground level storage tank will have to be built to meet the economic ministry's water division (formerly the Ontario Water Resources Commission) requirements. Brucefield residents at the meeting felt the proposed plan should be outlined to the rest of the villagers before a decisio: is made. A spokesman said the 60 homeowners who signed the pet- ition generally felt that if the system was more expensive than Egmondville's it should be re- examined. Father Alphonse A. Robert, parish priest at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church for the past year, last week cele- brated the 10th anniversary of his ordination. He came to St. Peter's Church at St, Joseph just one year ago, replacing Monsignor E. Bourdeau who retired and now lives at Bay- field. Father Robert was born in Tilbury and attended grade school there. Following that he attended college in Ste. Ther- ese -de -Blainville, and receiv- ed his BA degree from the Un- iversity of Montreal. After at- tending Dominican College in Ottawa, Father Robert taught French Literature for several years, and then 101962 was ordained following his graduat- ion from St. Augustine Semin- ary in Toronto. After his ordination, Father Robert served at St. Lawrence - the -Martyr Parish in Scarbor- ough, and then the French Nat- ional Parish in downtown Tor- onto, until 1967. From Toronto Father Robert transferred to Ste. Anne-de- Penetanguishine, and he was there until 1969 when he mov- ed to the Diocese of London. Prior to his coming to St. Pet- er's, he served at St. Benedicts in Sarnia and Sacred Heart, in Windsor. Mail from Japan A seaman's union strike in Japan is delaying the delivery of surface mail and parcels addressed to Canada. A considerable quantity of mail posted in Japan in Mid - May and destined for Canada is affected. The mail hasbeen loaded on Japanese vessels cur- rently detained in various ports in Japan. Air mail is not affected. Your hands kec..pyou in touch with the world. Take good care of your hands. When you work, work defensively. If ;k your job needs protective gloves, wear them. And take time to learn the right way with tools. A little thought, a little care, can bring you safely through the working day, every day. The sure way to safety is Self -Defence. Four Workme s Co pe and The S fetyAssodd c. t s lion Board s, 0 „t�'• rm 4000 Club of* Present the AND STEP DANCING HENS. LL COMMUNITY CENTRE Jrne16and 17,1972 "WARD ALLEN MEMORIAL TROPHY" $1200 CASH PRIZES FRI., JUNE 16 SAT., JUNE 17 ELIMINATIONS — 7 p.m. ADMISSION - ADULTS 1 25 CHILDREN. 25 PLAYDOWNS — 7 p.m. ADMISSION - ADULTS 2 00 CHILDREN 50 M.C. JOHNNY BRENT Formerly CKNX DANCING — SAm, JU E 17 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.rn. CKNX RANCH BOYS REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE