HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-06-15, Page 11THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 19'72 • ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 11 50 Years Ago Reeve of Zurich, Elmore Klopp is at present attending the annual sessions of the Huron County Council, in Goderich. All previous records were broken last Thursday night at the Zurich .ball park, when the star pitcher, Haines, pitch- ed a no -hit, no -run ball game against the powerful team from Stratford. J. W. Ortwein is moving into the new home in Hensall which he recently purchased from W. Buchannan. Charle Jinks and Elgin Row- cliffe, of Hensall, have been appointed as directors for the big plowing match which is being arranged for this fall. Mr. George Kellerman, of Dashwood, is building a new cottage for himself at the sum- mer resort of Grand Bend. Mr. Chris Gingerich, of the Bronson Line, north, has purch- ased a new Ford tourin g car. Charles Moore has installed a new 10 horse -power motor in his machine shop, located in the village of Hensall, Mr. George Denommy is making some fine improvements to his home at Drysdale. 40 Years Ago The District Annual Meeting of the South Huron Women's Institutes , was held in Zurich last Tuesday. Mrs, E. Klopp, President of the entertaining branch in a few well chosen words, welcomed the convent- ion to Zurich, Mr. P. Rowe and his father, Mr. W. Rowe are leaving this week for their home in Manit- oulin Island on Lake Huron, where they will be until school re -opens in September. Miss Grace Pepper, who has been a very popular and effic- ient teacher for the past six years, at the Babylon Line school, Hay Township, has resigned her position, and she has been engaged as centre teacher in the Public School, in Dashwood. The business men of town were pleased to meet Mr. Charles Greb, of Kitchener, on Monday. Mr. Greb, some years ago conducted a success- ful hardware business in the store now occupied by Stade. and Weido. Dr. O'Dwyer attended the big gathering of the Holy Name Society at Lucan on Sunday. -CSF - . YE :RS GONE 25 Years Ago Miss Charlotte Laporte, of the Drysdale district, left on Monday last for Chatham, where she will be in charge of the cooking house. Hon. James Gardiner, ,Min- ister of Agriculture, officially opened the Hensall Spring Fair, and despite the fine weather for the farmers to be working on the land, there was an except ionaliy large crowd on hand. Mr. Daniel Steinbach, of South Bend, Indianna, is at present visiting relatives and friends throughout the Zurich district, among them his brother, Henry. On Sunday last, many from the St. Joseph area took part in decorating the graves of their loved ones at the cemetery. Rev. E. Heimrich and George Deichert, of Zurich, attended the Lutheran Synod at Pembroke which concluded last week. A lot of heavy rain has fallen during the past weeks, and farmers are quite well pleased since it greatly helps their bean and corn crops which have just recently been planted. 15 Years Ago The Brennen Construction Co., of Hamilton, who have the contract to put in the pave- ment from St. Joseph to Hen- sall have moved some of their heavy machinery in and are grading in the westerly portion, straightening out the old jog as we call it. The auction sale of the effect. and real estate of the late T. P. Rau were disposed of by Auct- ioneer Alvin Walper on Saturday The property was purchased by Mr. Jacob Deichert of the Blind Line. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fink- beiner, of Kippen, entertained Sunday evening last at their home to honour Mrs. Finkbein- er's father, Mr. Carl McClin- chey of Hensall, whose birth- day was Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deich- ert, bridal couple, have return- ed from their honeymoon trip and a getting nicely settled in their new home on the Blind Line. Rev. and Mrs. A.M. Amach- er and son Dennis, returned from a motor trip to Calgary, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Morely Witmer of Detroit, spent a few days here over the weekend, also attended the Rader reunion at Bayfield on Sunday. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL SATURDAY, JUNE 17 2 to 7 P.M. Live Entertainment, Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream - Homemade Cookies - Hot or Cold Beverage. $1.00 per plate At Blue Water Rest Home ZURICH Menemangn 10 Years Ago When Hon, Lester B, Pearson visited Zurich last Wednesday afternoon, he had a young adm- irer in the crowd, bearing the same name as his own. Mike Er. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. rack Pearson. Rev. Raymond Corriveau, Redemptorist, will be ordain- ed in the chapel of Holy Red- eemer College in Windsor, on rune 17, at 9 a, m, The ordin- ation to the priesthood is to be conferred by Most Rev. Emmett Carter D, D. Auxiliary Bishop of London. Raymond is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Willard Corr- iveau, of Zurich. A proud little boy, Tohn Thomson, aged 9, of Kippen, who won first prize as winner of the Hensall Feeder Calf club weight gained competition and also won this year's trophy. Helping others to help them- selves has been the life work of Miss Amy Laramie, of London and Ilensall, who retires this month from her work of teach- ing adult blind of London and district. Blind herself from birth, Miss Laramie had a special aptitude for reaching adults who lost their sight. The Zurich and District Cham ber of Commerce is seeking the service of a medical doctor for the area, and are considering the erection of a medical clinic, Obituary AUGUSTINE J. ROCIIE A former member of the Hay Township council before mov- ing to London, Augustine Jos- eph Roche passed away at his summer residence at R, R, 2, Zurich, on Sunday, Iune 11, in his 73rd year. He was born in St. John's Newfoundland, on March 16, 1900, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Roche. On May 9, 1933, Mr. Roche married the former Lillie Dur- and. For a number of years they operated a farm on the Town Line, Hay Township, before retiring to London some time ago. In London Mr. Roche was a member of the Roman Catholic Blessed Sacrament Church, and a member of the Council of the Knights of Columbus, 1410. Surviving besides his wife are one son, Wayne, at home; three brothers, Peter, R, R, 2, Zurich; Patrick, NanTucket Island, U, S . ; John, Branch Nfld; four sisters, Mrs. Cicly Powers, Ottawa; Mrs. Anne Whalen, St. John's , Nfld; Mrs. Ida Coffy, Angles, Nfld; and Mary, U.S, The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, until Wednesday morning, when the funeral mass was held at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, with int- erment in the adjoining cemet- ery. Father A. Robert officiated 0 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Sunday morning was anniv- ersary service in Hensall United Church. Rev. Donald Goodger B.A., B.D., the guest speaker, chose for the sermon the theme "The Church of the Future." Rev. Goodger comes from Tor- onto and is Associate Secretary in the United Church's Depart- ment of Stewardship Service. An inspiring message in song was given by the Huronia Male Chorus from Exeter, who under the leadership of their director, Mrs. Roland McCaffrey and their pianist, Mrs. Frank Wild - fond, sang four numbers which. were very much enjoyed. 1 alternative to haylage is corn silage left frorn the previous year. Haylage or silage provide necessary roughage for dairy cows. Ample clean fresh water and shade should be available to the cows. Water should be sup- plied in the pasture or nearby. These recommendations should help maintain milk prod- uction levels. PHIL'S VARIETY MAIN STREET — ZURICII featuring a complete line of Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties * Phone 236-4930 for free delivery on orders of $5.00 or over Where The Price Is Always Right 1970 VOLKSWAGEN 2 -door, lady driven., actual miles K55331 • 1966 FORD SEDAN, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, K55260 1969 CHRYSLER SEDAN ..V-8, automatic, 2395power brakes, power steering, 68037L 1969 FORD CUSTOM 4 -door, V-8, $' automatic, radio, K4326$ �� 1968 VOLKSWAGEN .sunroof, 2 -door, J15386 1968 MUSTANG. 6 cylinder, 3 -speed stick, radio, 'lady driven, one owner, actual miles, • 578689 S 995 '1695 1966 DODGE, CORONET 500 2 -door hardtop, V- 8, (automatic, radio, all white vinyl interior, � �� K43469 9 1967 CAMARO Rally Sport ,2=door hardtop, J5817 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III 2 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, power steering. 5882N 1970 MUSTANG MACH 1351 4=V, V-8,• automatic, power brakes, power steering.: 1970 T -BIRD LANDEAU 4 -door sedan, loaded with extras, including factory air conditioning and power seats, K40020 SEVERAL '65 and '66 MODELS To Be Sold As Is and Cheap TRUCKS 1965 FORD F-1000 TRACTOR, fifth wheel, saddle tanks, air-lift trailing axle, wet line. 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