HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-06-15, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS r:�.,7 �•.iC n1..;..,.L'J,�!!Ui- .+. L:'.....:.:!�, .: ?' n.x...r..',,,n.SL,:.xr :r,: . re...:x,6.x:.,PS11 e Ate►Pi, "'.�: �ri:t:,1.a.,.,�e,,.. ';,.,:+r�- '.,�.,,��,. `.k::,,.� ,1.1..,.x'.,:,, „�w�.., ,�,„;l„„, ,,• FOR SALE ROTARY and riding mowers, garden tillers, chain saws and motorcycles. All in stock and ready to go, Sales, Service and parts. - STEVE ARGYLE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, Bayfield, Phone 565-2800. 19-25-b ELECTRONIC Calculators, Royal model, Adds, subtracts, divides and multiplies electron- ically. Come in for a demon- stration. Only $175. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672. 22-x FIREWOOD: Ideal for Outdoor campfires or fireplaces. Hard- wood cuttings, 2 foot lengths. 500 per bundle; 48” and 54” lengths free. Larger quantities available. - Zurich Wood Products Ltd, 23-b SMITH -CORONA typewriter, standard model. In brand new condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. - Zurich Citizens News, Phone 236-4672, 22-x FEMA1E HELP WANTED AVON INVITES YOU to start earning extra cash selling our exciting cosmetic fashions for Summer '72! For a personal appointment, call: Mrs, M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 32, 4510541. 24- b NOTICE ALL PERSONS HAVING rented or borrowed cement forms, please return them at once, or contact the owner, N. J. Corriveau, Phone 236-4954, Zurich. 24-b LOST STERLING SILVER CHARM braclet in Zurich last Saturday night. Reward Offered. Phone 524- 848'7, Goderich, 24-b LADIES PURSE in the vicinity of the Zurich Public School. Phone 236-4198. 24- p CASE COMBINE 75 - all equip- ped. - Phone 236-4859, 24-b MOTORCYCLES: 1970 Triumph 500 C.C. $850.; 1971 Yamaha, 80 C,C, $365,; 1971 Yamaha 90 C.C. $400. All three mach- ines in original condition. Here is a chance to buy excel- lent low mileage machines at real savings. - Steve Argyle Outdoor Equipment, Bayfield, (behind United Church). 24-b STATIONERY and office suppl- ies. Drop in and see our com- plete assortment of writing papers, envelopes, adding machines, rubber stamps, etc. etc, Everything needed for office, home or school. - Zurich Citizens News - STRAW - 300 bales. - Phone 236-4011, 24-b STANDING ALFALFA HAY; Phone 236-4687. 24-p STRAWBERRIES: Contact Bill Rammeloo, Shipka. - Phone 237-3228, 24-5-6-b FILING CABINETS - New, 2, 3, and 4 -drawer, in letter or legal size. One-week del- ivery on most units. Priced from $39. up. - Zurich Citiz- ens News, Phone, 236-4672, 19-20-p WANTED FARM PROPERTIES WANTED We have prospective buyers. If you are thinking of selling your Farm Property, write with confidence to: Jan Bosveld, Real Estate Real Estate Broker, Box 403, Chatham. Telephone 352-2538. 21-2-3-4-b WANTED - German style - oompah, oompah band, for tavern. Reply to Box AC. 23-b All play and no work is too expensive to think about today. FOR RENT CARPETS: Need professional care? Get it now: Rent a Tre- wax Professional heavy Duty Rug Shampooer --Only $1.00 a day..- Donald Oke Ltd., - Phone 2364092. 20-21-b SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR W-3314 Dashwood VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & ,SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH ONT. Phone Hensall 262-5748 WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watcher, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting, 'Trophies, Hess Jewellery, Zur- ,icll, ltfb SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BENZ) 238-2923 or 238.2291 M CADAM' S T. Vo "REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES” 236-4094 or 236-4089 "COLOR SPECIALISTS" Machines seem able to produce every essential except customers. 1 711,1.. BIRTH HENNESSY - Claude and Wanda (nee Lawrence) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Mary Adair, Saturday June 3, in St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener. A first granddaughter for Mr, and Mrs, William Law- rence, Zurich, CARDS OF THANKS I would like to express sincere thanks for all kindness shown me during my recent illness and stay in the South Huron Hospital - Mrs, Harvey Coleman - 24-b I would like to take this opport- unity of thanI<ing all those who remernberecl me with prayers, cards and gifts while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to my family, friends and relatives, also Father Rob- ert, Doctors and Staff of Vict- oria Hospital. - Mrs, Dominic Jeffrey - 24-b Ted Gepffrey and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their neighbours and friends for their acts of kindness, visits to the hospital, get -well cards and prayers, while Douglas and Ted were in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Goddard, Father A, Robert, Father Mooney, Monsignor Bourdeau, and all the staff and nurses at South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Westlake Ambulance for their prompt service. 24-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ANNA OLIVE THIEL, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Anna Olive Thiel, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on May 24, 1972, are required to file particulars of same with Bell &•Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th day of June, 1972, after which date the estates will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario, The AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites tenders for a new 1/2 ton Truck. Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Truck" will be received by the under- signed at Exeter, Ontario, until 12 o'clock noon, D. S, T., on Thursday, June 29, 1972. Det- ails and specifications for the vehicle may be obtained from the Authority office, 61 Old Mill Road, Exeter. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted." MRS, C, HUME, Secretary - treasurer Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, Box 459, Exeter, Ontario. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 19'72 ,ar♦ ,r e1�,1 F e�1 µ,.�..�a, TENDER for School Buses The Huron County Board of Education will receive sealed tenders up to 12 noon on FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1972 for the supply of five school buses. Specifications and tend- er forms are available at the Board Cffice, 97 Shipley Street, C Linton, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. B, DUNLOP Supt. of Business Affairs. The AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites tenders for a new Diesel Tractor. Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Tractor" will be received by the undersigned at Exeter, Ontario, until 12 o'clock noon, D,S,T,, on Thursday, June 29, 1972. Det- ails and specifications for this tractor may be obtained from the Authority office, 61 Cld Mill Road, Exeter. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted." MRS, C. HUME, Secretary - treasurer Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, Box 459, Exeter, Ontario. MIOMMOMMIMCIIMmummeimmem The AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY invites tenders for a Flail -type Mower. Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Mower" will be received by the undersigned at Exeter, Cntario, until 12 o'clock noon, D,S, T, , on Thursday, June 29, 1972. Det- ails and specifications for this mower may be obtained from the Authority office, 61 Old Mill Road, Exeter. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted," MRS, C, HUME, Secretary - treasurer Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, Box 459, Exeter, Ontario. GENIUS AT WORK Most of us would enjoy seeing the man who invented the budget system on a vaction trip. FUEL OIL TENDER Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, on FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1972 for the supply of FUEL OIL to Huron County schools. Specif- ications and tender forms may be obtained at/he offices of the Huron County Board of Ed- ucation, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, R. M. WRIGHT Manager of Purchasing Huron County Board of Educat- ion. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires OCCASIONAL TEACHERS (Supply Teachers) to do supply work in the ele- mentary and secondary schools during 1972-73. Written applications including qualifications, social insurance number, and telephone number must be mailed before June 19, to: J . Coulter, Superintendent of Program and Planning, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. Applicants should indicate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this information lists of available teachers will be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their services are required. Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our schools Must resubmit an appl- ication to ensure having their name on the 1972-73 lists. D, J, Cochrane, R. M, Elliott, Director. Chairman. VILLAGE OF HENSALL Tenders For Sidewalk Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up to five o'clock , on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1972 for the removal of old sidewalk, and laying new sidewalk - approximately 2200 feet long, 4 feet wide and four inches thick, Contractor to supply all labour and material. Work to be completed by October 14, 1972. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. EARL CAMPBELL C lerk Hensall, Ontario.