HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-12-23, Page 22PAGE 22
United Church
Christmas program
attracts crowd
Emmanuel United Church
Sunday School presented it's
annual Christmas program
to a large audience on Sunday
evening, December 19. Mrs.
Milton Oesch and Mrs. Beatrice
Hess combined organ and piano
for musical prelude and postlude,
Rev. John Huether chaireld the
program's activities. The nurs-
ery -Kindergarten department
sang several Christmas songs.
One Primary Department class
presented the playlet "A Christ-
mas Present, " for Mrs. Truem-
ner; another Primary class depict.
ed the Friendly Beasts in the song
"Jesus, Our Brother."
A third primary class and three
Junior classes staged a pageant
reliving the Christmas Story in
song and narration. The Inter-
mediate classes acted out the
pageant; "The Great King"
assisted by the Senior Choir.
The Senior Choir gave two
inspiring Christmas anthems
entitled "The First Christmas
Song" and "Show Someone Else
the Way."
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Regier,
R, R. 3, Zurich and Mrs. Lloyd
Willert, R, R,1, Dashwood, ret-
urned home from a four day
National Farmer's Union Conv-
ention in Winnipeg.
The January meeting of the
Zurich Women's Institute will
be held in the Hay Township
Hall ori Monday, January 3, at
2 p.m. The theme of this meet-
ing is Public Relations, and
any interested ladies are wel-
come to attend.
Golden Glimpses
Have you any grudges you would
like to pay,
Any wrongs laid up from a by-
gone day?
Gather them ilow and lay them
When Christmas comes.
Hard thoughts are heavy to carry)
my friend,
And life is short from beginning
to end:
Be kind! to yourself' leave noth-
ing to mend
When Christmas comes.
So with these thoughts, on
behalf of the residents and staff
of the Blue Water Rest Home,
I wish to extend a very Merry
Christmas and a Bright and
Prosperous New Yeat to all of
our readers, and especially to
those who are so helpful and
kind throughout the year.
Last Monday evening, a
special bingo was enjoyed. Sp*-
cial prizes were won by Mrs.
Sarah Gingerich and Eldon Ort-
On Wednesday evening our
regular annual Christmas Family
Night was held. We were so
pleased to have so many famil-
ies accompany the residents to
enjoy the program. Mrs, Beat-
and tidings
of good will
are what
we wish you
on this
holy and happy
holiday. We send
you our best through
this little message to show our appreciation,
Chev — Olds -- Chevelle — Chevrolet Trucks
rice Hess provided carol music
on the piano, and Alfred Ropp
and his family of three sons and
one daughter presented a variety
program, Curtis Gingerich show-
ed slides of his trip to the west
coast and down to the sunny
Following the program, Mrs.
Horn assisted by Mrs. Mary Ging-.
erich and Mrs. Gladys Gingerich,
served a delicious lunch. A soc-
ial hour was spent.
The draw was made, proceeds
to go towards the bus fund. First
prize, a quilt, was won by Mrs.
Rena Caldwell, R. R.2, Kippen;
second prize, an electric tea-
kettle, was won by Howard
Green, Grand Bend; and third
prize, a steak knife set, was wont
by Mrs. Ila O'Rourke, Zurich.
On Tuesday afternoon the
children from St. Boniface school
presented their Christmas prog-
ram for the residents.
On Thursday afternoon, the
Glee Club from Zurich Public
School sang carols, accompan-
ied by the music director at the
piano and Superintendent of
Schools, who favoured with
violin music.
We appreciate the thought-
fulness of those in our commun-
ity from the different service
clubs and organizations who
remember the residents with
treats at this time of the year,
also the many individuals who
remember our people here not
only at Christmas time with
treats and visits, but all through
the year.
Mr. Murdock Morrison, of
Varna and Goshen United Church
The Ladies Auxiliary to the
Blue Water Rest Home will hold
their annual meeting on Wed-
nesday, January 5, at 2 p.m,
Reports will be given at this
"happy season to you,
with greetings and
good wishes from us.
Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422
had charge of the Chapel service
on Sunday evening. Also Sunday
evening, we were pleased to
have Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther,
of the Salvation Army visit and
provide music for the residents
and give each resident a treat.
The residents always enjoy Mr.
and Mrs. Luther and we hope
they will return again soon.
ur jolly snowman has the
merriest of Christmases for you, all
wrapped up in the biggest, brightest package
uneier your•t• eee. That's DM way •
of saying "thank you"
dear customers.
Towne & Country Bowling Lanes
Tony, Marlene, Lori, Michael
and Scot Bedard.
Christ s
It's time once again to take pause,
in the spirit of the beautiful Christmas season,
to greet fine friends and neighbors with best wishes.
And to add deep appreciation for your favors, good will.
:,$11 Elliott -® Centralia