HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-12-23, Page 19sā€¢ F THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1971 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS WINS SNOWMOBILE - The Royal Can- adian Legion at Hensall have just concluded a lucky draw on a new Ski- doo, and the winner was Ray Schwalm, a Hensall resident. Shown here pres- enting the keys to Mr. Schwalm is Jim Stan, leading ticket seller for the project, while Mrs. Stan, who acted as treasurer of the draw, looks on. Reeve John Baker made the draw. Brightening the home with twigs, boughs and wreaths of holly is one of the oldest and happiest of Christmas traditions. The custom of bringing holly into the house dates back even into earlier centuries. In anc- ient4Rome during the gay Sat- urnalia, midwinter feast to the god of sowing and husbandry, Romans sent friends holly to convey esteem and good wishes. There are two hollies native to Ontario, according to the Federation of Ontario Natural- ists. They are Mountain holly and common winterberry holly, sometimes called black alder. Mountain holly is an erect, much -branched shrub of moist places growing to a height of ten feet or more. The leaves are thin and smooth and bright green above. The fruit is a purplish -red to crimson berry about one-quarter of an inch in diameter and borne on a slender purplish stalk. Hello_. {.. erry Christmas! Santa's on his way to you with a list of merry, wishes and thanks for your loyal support. LURICH HARDWARE PHONE 236-4911 'y MAIN INTERSECTION ā€” ZURICH Leroy and Marie Thiel Chiselhurst UCW elect officers The Christmas meeting of the Chiselhurst United Church Women was held at the United Church Ivianse. Mrs. Russel Brock, president, chaired the meeting and opened with a poem. Mrs. Torn Brintnell led the worship called, "Good News' The financial reports were given by the heads of the Com- mittees. Mrs. Boyce read a letter she had received from Miss Nicols, a Missionary. Mr. Beck gave a Christmas message. Ivirs. Beatrice Munn read humorous poems for the program Mrs. Jack Brintnell conducted contests. Mrs. Brock thanked the ladies for their co-operation while she served as president. Mr. Beck closed with the bene- diction, The January meeting will be a pot luck dinner and quilting. Hostesses were Mrs. Alvin Cole , Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Rose i larris, assisted by Airs. Beck. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Past president, Airs. Russell Brock; president, Mrs. Alvin Cole; first vice president, Mrs. Clarence Coleman; second vice- president, Mrs. Harold Parker; treasurer, Mrs. Rose Barris; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Tom Brintnell; Secretary and press, Mrs. Jack Brintnell; assistant secretary and press, Mrs. Ross Riley; Christian citizenship, Mrs. Alf Ross; Stewardship Com- mittee, Mrs. Beatrice Boyce. Community friendship com- mittee, Mrs. J. Brintnell, Mrs. 6. Glenn, Mrs. C. Coleman. Finance Conirnittee, Mrs. Rose Harris, Mrs. C. Coleman, Mrs. A. Cole. Literature, NIrs. Vera Brint- nell. Manse Committee, Mrs. A. If you tal<e chances to save a few minutes getting to work in the morning, you alight not even get there. So allow your- self plenty of time to drive def- ensively, urges the I,A,P.A. 4 all the bounty, blessings of Christmas be yours. ā€ž ā€¢ We wish to thank all our patrons and friends who have made our past year so successfull. Cheese HNose MIRIAM and CARL OESCH Main St. ZURICH Cole. Membership Committee, Mrs. R. Taylor. Social Committee Mrs. R Brock, Mrs. R, Taylor, Mrs. E. Dick. Supply, Mrs. 11. Parker, Mrs. R. McDonald. Communion, Mrs. Beatrice Munn Mrs. Ben Stoneman. Pianist, Mrs. Alf Ross, Mrs. Tom Brintnell. PAGE. 19 Nomination Committee, Mrs, Vera Brintnell, Mrs. Beatrice Boyce, Mrs, Fredo Boa. Prograrn Committee, Mrs. C. Coleman, Mrs. R. Riley, Mrs. A. Cole. Decorating committee, Mrs. E. Kinsman, Mrs. A. Ross, Mrs. R. Brock. Quilting committee; Mrs. E. Di ck, Mrs. Rose Ilarriss, Mrs. Fredo Boa; Card committee, Miss Mary Kinsman; Auditor, Mrs. Ger- ald Glenn. Now's the time to thank u for Lyo your continued good will, and wish you and your family a happy holiday! BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE Highway 21 South of St. Joseph he spirit of Christmas is in the air, ringing out joy and good will. We take this time to extend to all greetings and thanks. HURON TO ` PR Pontiac - Buick - Cadillac ZURICH RIELIDIMEIMMIesne4.1 Inn