HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-11-25, Page 11971 ra THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1971 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS _OE - YEARS GONE -BY- 50 Years Ago Mr, Albert Hendrick has pur- chased the 12 acre farm on the Sauble Line, Hay Township, from Air. John H. Taylor, who recently moved to Brucefield, where he purchased a farm, Mr. Thomas vIciviillan, the Liberal standardbearer for flux - on County, is holding public meetings at all the surrounding villages, prior to the federal election which will take place next week. Quite a number of the vill- agers in Ilensall are having electric lights installed in their homes, and many others will soon follow the trend to this modern service. After 48 years of separation Iluron and Knox Presbyterian Churches have decided to wor- ship under one roof again. This decision was reached on Tuesday night, at separate meetings of the congregations. The pastors are to resign and are given a bonus of Si, 000. each. Thomas Yearly, of Crediton, who was recently shot in the leg, is now able to be out again with the aid of crutches. Colin Campbell, of Stanley Township, beat all records on heavy hogs, having shipped one to Toronto last week weighing 752 pounds. 40 Years Ago Mr. harry Rau of the Blue Water Highway brought to the Herald Office on Tuesday morn- ing a fine big head of red clover in full bloom, which his boys had picked while walking through the fields. "Let your dollars serve Can- ada" is the slogan for the appeal which the Dominion Govern- ment has launched to raise $150, 000, 000. to promote the econ- omic and financial ,welfare of Canada, Real sununer-like weather has greeted us again the past week. Roses are starting to come out again in blossom and dandelion blossoms are quite common.. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel and Air, George Thiel attended the funeral of the late Mr. Conrad Thiel at Mitchell last Wednesday. On Sunday, November 22, one of the oldest residents in I lay Township, in the person of Catherine Reichert, passed away at the age of 85 years, 3 months, 7 days. 15 Years go Fire destroyed a frame gar- age, housing two tractors and other equipment on the farm of Iloward Adkins in Stanley Township. Uamage was estim- ated at $3, 000. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher (bridal couple) left for their home in Pembroke where the former will attend to his duties in the Petawa Army Camp. Mr. and \Its, Jeffrey May- wood (nee Marjorie Klopp) and daughter Sylvia left for Gisborne from San Francisco, California on a two week voyage to the former's home on boat, to Auckland, New Zealand. District Kinette convenor, Lois Peckitt of Chatham instal- led the new officers of the Hensall Kinette Club. The new president is Mrs. Harold Knight; vice-president, .firs, Jack Ileal; secretary, Mrs. Jack Drysdale; treasurer, Airs. Angus McLean; registrar, Mrs. William Mickle. 10 Years Ago New Reeve of the village of Zurich is Milton Oesch, a local shoe merchant, who challenged the old council on the issue of a new municipal office. The entire cou Heil for the next year are newcomers to the municipal political field. They are all businessmen in the vil- Winterise with BOOTS! Get your sizes Winter Footwe: r FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY hile the are all still available! Along with the usual type o1' Winter Footwear, we carry the K AUF.1 A N leather Thermo safety boot for men! SEE THEM NOW Our Christmas Draw begins November 25. 1 ticket for every dollar purchase DRAW ON DEC. 24 at 6 P.M. Oesch Shoe Store 236- 460 2 ZURICH lage; Kenneth Breakey, who operates a radio and TV shop; Dr. W.B. Coxon, a Veterinar- ian; James Parkins, a garage operator; and Herb Turkheim, a publisher. Reeve V .1., Becker will begin his sixth terns as chief magistrate for the Township, and for deputy -reeve, Karl Ilaberer , it will be his third terns in that position. Council- lors are Jack Corbett, Delbert Geiger and John Soldan. What is expected to be one of the largest deer ever to be shot in the north country was bagged by veteran hunter l lerb 1v1ousseau, who admits he was a bit nervous when lie shot it. The buck tipped the scales at 221 pounds dressed, and would probably have weighed about • 300 pounds alive. 0 Invent fry shows Huron in front An Ontario agricultural inv- entory of Iluron County based on the 1970 census shows that Iluron in relation to other counties in Ontario has the niost improved farm land - 020, 472 acres. Improved land is land that which is prepared for growing crops. The county is also largest in value of livestock - 76, 000 dairy cattle valued at $16.54 million; 120, 350 beef cattle $24.53 million, and 151, 000 value of 52.65 million. It has the largest value in poultry with 2.6 million hens, chickens and turkeys at a value of $2.65 million. Iluron placed first in white beans - 35, 000 acres valued at $4.94 million; first in barley - 36, 000 acres valued at $2,19 million; first in sileage corn 39, 000 acres valued at $3,55 million; and second in total cattle and marketings. It placed third in forage crops - 114 acres valued at $G. 05 rrrillion, and fourth in total hos; production. There were 13, 000 acres of winter wheat grown valued at $931, 000; and 110, 000 acres of oats and mixed grains valued at .$5.7 million, and 56, 000 acres of shelled corn valued at $0.30 million. The county with a population of 54, 446 in an area of 800, 681 acres, sold more than 33 million worth of agricultural products annually. Values are based on averaged prices and actual yields. The inventory reports there are 3, 004 commercial fauns with an acerage 678, 000 which have gross income per year of $2, 500 There were 4, 565 census farms (752, 043 acres) which took in a gross income of $50 per year. BLUEBIRD DIAMONDS Diamond and Wedding Rings WATCHES - CLOCKS - JEWELLERY China and Crystal SILVERWARE - BAROMETERS - Make A $1.00 PURCHASE You may win a fine Lady's or Gent's Watch HESS,THE JEWELLER ZURICH Auxiliary at Huronview plans meeting The 1luronview Auxiliary meeting had to be cancelled thi; week due to lack of members. A special meeting is called for November 29 at 2 p.111. in the crafts room at 1luronview, All Institutes are asked to send as • many members as can possibly go, as there is important bus- iness to be discussed with this being the last regular meeting until April. Airs. Colclough expressed her thanks to anyone who help- ed make the bazaar a success. The profits were very gratifying. The penny sale for the resi- dents is to be held December 6. A birthday party will be held on December 1, and is to be looked after by the Wingltanr group. PAGSil' It was also requested that if any ladies have any time to spare, it would be appreciated if they could go to tiuronview and help quilt. LIVESTOCK SHIPPING TO TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Dunn and Levaek Every Monday All Loads Fully Insured! CONTACT Campbell McKinley RR 1, ZURICH Phone 262.5430 WINTER SAVINGS Now is the time to plan your project for the coming uintcr, WE OFFER YOU SPECIAL PRICES DURING THE WINTER MONTHS, ON ANY J03 BOOKED DURING NOVEMBER, All tYpes of construction Cali us for Free Estimates Martin Construction R,R., #3 Bayf Lei d Ph, 262- 5454 RE ARRIVALS Alt Winterized And Ready To Go 1967 FORD CUSTOM . 500 4 -door, V-8, automatic, locally owned, new paint and tires, fresh out of the home , building business, K31576 1969 GALAXIE 500 2 -door hardtop sports roof finished in . sharp red and white with matching red ,vinyl material, V-8, power steering, power brakes, automatic, local: one owner, low mileage, K63689 1968 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE bright yellow with black power top, V-8 automatic, radio, sport console, one owner, 38,000 miles, K43106 1965 BUICK WILDCAT 4 -door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, steering and. windows, finished in silver-grey metallic with black all -vinyl 'material, •K33441 1967 T -BIRD, 4 -door; loaded with extras, See This One, K32136 , 1970 T -BIRD 2 -door Landeau, one owner; completely equipped, K30748 '12 '2095 '1895 51095 s1895 '3895 Remember... It',s Sense To See Snider's. Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Larry Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 • ' LONDON 227-4191 Open weekdays Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00