HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-11-11, Page 9PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1071 •nM,M .K ♦ t4'iN .', FOR SALE Control your Warble Grub and Lice this fall the easy way with two effective pour -on systemic insecticides from Niagara. Neguvon $12.80 jug. New ready to use Ruelene 12 R, $12. 50 jug cash. Available at William Coleman. Kipper, Phone 262-5031. 44-45b POTATOES Sand grown, $1.75 for 75 lbs, - Martin Mommer- steeg, R. R. 3, Bayfield, Phone 565-5288. on Highway 21 south of Bayfield. 45-b OVEN-READY Ducks. White Pekings, - Lorne Devine, Phone 2373237. 45-p OIL FURNACE; Converted coal and wood furnace, with steel jacket, burner and all controls, Very Cheap, Good Condition. Phone 236-4059 after 5 p. m, 45-b CABBAGE, carrots, Spanish onions and beets. Phone 236- 4738. 45-p 1962 MERCURY Pick-up good condition. Phone 236-4180 or 236-4734, x POTATOES; also cooking onions Cali A. Vandenboomen, 236- 4038, Highway 84, east of Zur- ich. tf SNOWMOBILERS ONLY: - Hully Gully your authorized Chappar- al dealer, offers complete ser- vice and repairs to all makes (specializing in fibre and paint work) Hully Gully has in stock a complete line of new Chapp- aral and reconditioned mach- ines, with custom and speed equipment for all. If you can't get it, Hully Gully will. Hully Gully Sno Sports, R. 12.1, Varna, Phone 262-5326. 44-b WATER PUMP; pressure system, complete with motor and pres- sure switch. Also bird cage and budgie bird. Large snow shovel, Phone 236-4145. 44-45b 1966 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN V-8 automatic, 64, 000 mile's, only $650. or closest offer. - Brian Lernpaiere - Phone 262- 5463. tf GARAGE EQUIPMENT; Smith Roles Portable 1 -HP Air Comp- ressor still under warranty; 1- air B & D Chisel and punch tool nearly new, 1 -bench grinder, creeper, tire test tank, 3 electric motors; 2 billing machines; oil drain barrel on rubber tire cart, 1 -three draw- er filing cabinet - Elroy Desj- ardine, Phone 236-4242, 45-p APPLES - Kings, Talman Sweet, Spy, McIntosh, Snows, Delicious, Russet, Greenings, Baldwins, etc„ Cider apples. Closed Sundays. - Phone 482- 9141 - Fred McClyrnont, 1 mile south of Varna. 43-p LLOYD'S SOLID STATE AC/ Battery, tape recorder four tapes included. also B . S , R, record player, two months old. For AM/FM 8 track play. Phone 236-4046. 41-42-43-p APPLES and Apple Butter for sale. Lennis Gingerich, Phone 237-3287, 41-42-p GIVE THE GIFT that gives twelve times a year. Any mag- azine, any time, anywhere. Dave's Agency. Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, Phone 262- 2278. 44-49-b FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM apartment, all modern equipment. Elect- rically heated. Available now. Contact Clarence Gascho, Phone 236-4316. 45-b SERVICES OFFERED SKATE SHARPENING - Profes- sional style with latest equip- ment, Now back at the former garage on Math Street. - Elroy Des jardi ne. 45- p INTERIOR Painting and wood finishing. Graining and ant- iquing. Work guaranteed. Phone Ron Ellerby, 482-9704, after 5 p.m. 45-tf SANDRA'S BEAUTY SALON, located in Elroy Desjardine's Home. For your hair appoint- ments call 236-4242, 45-6-7-p PIANO TEACHER - Mrs. John Turkheim, A.T.C.M., will resume teaching in her home, Main Street, Zurich. For furth- er appointments, phone 236- 4713. 43 - tf WILL DO HOUSEWORK and/or baby sit. Apply to Box G L, Zurich Citizens News. 44-p WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. r'rophi.es. Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. ltfb JIM'S DECORATING SERVICE Painting & Paper Hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone Zurich 236-4924 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood HELP WANTED WOMEN wanted for Sales and Secretarial position. Full time. Full training provided. Start Immediately. Apply in hand- writing, to Box EC, Zurich Citizens News. 45-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Frederick John Haberer and Laura Lisetta Haberer, deceased' All persons having claims agains the Estates of Frederick John Haberer, who dies the 26th day of May, 1961 and Laura Lisetta Haberer, who died the 14th day of October, 1971, both late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 20th day of November, 1971, after which date the est- ate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. HENSALL 3 -bedroom, single -storey all -electric home. Nice lot. Good location. VARIETY STORE Good location, small town within 30 miles of London, Good turnover, and still growing. Rx Newman Sharen REAL ESTATE BROKER Grand Bend -238-2303 Grand Bend -Mae Thurman 238-2822 Parkhill -Bob Sharen 294-6391 Exeter -Errol Skillender 235-0772 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Comfortable five Room House on Spacious Lot; Household Articles, Antiques, Tools, Etc. Sell at PUBLIC AUCTION on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13. at 1;00 p.m. Located in the Village of DASHWOOD THE SHOUSE: Two storey frame house (Johns Manville siding). Three bedrooms upstairs, one bedroom downstairs, three piece bathroom, adjoining kitchen and living room. At- tached shed at the rear of housE TIIE LOT: Approximately 70' x 110'; landscaped with shade trees and shrubs, and Antiques, lIOUSEIIOLD; Admiral refriger- ator; Grahamette 2 burner ele- ctric stove; Rogers Majestic 23 -inch colour TV; Philco AM -FM table radio; Sparton C4 wV�M:u�'.',;F t, n; ..^,tb"u �r ��: n�'�'d�l.iii ;• radio (wood cabinet); Feders air conditioner; Suri lamp and stand; electric fan, wrought iron electric fire place; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner; chest- erfield and chair, recliner chair; wicker rocking chiar; secretary desk; kitchen table and chairs; 2 iron beds; dressers with mirrors; chest of drawers; misc. side tables, wooden chairs, etc. TOOLS; Step ladder, shovels, push type lawn mower, wood lawn chairs, TV tower, assort- ed house doors and windows. REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE - DASI!WOOD U.C.W. CHESTER GAISER, Prop. CLEN WEBB, Clerk AUCTIONEERS: Doug Riddell -Phone - 237-3576 Jack Riddell -Phone-237-3431 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of House and Lot, household Articles, Antiques, Tools, Etc. For the Estate of MRS. LAURA HABERER On the premises in the Village of Zurich SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 at 1: 00 P. M. Complete listing in next week's issue, AUCTIONEERS; Doug Riddell -Phone 237-3576 Jack Riddell -Phone 237-3431 0 NOTICE Would the person who took a tool kit and set of socket wrenches off my combine please bring them back. 1 ou will feel better, and I will appreciate having them returned. - Neil Gingerich - Phone 236-4736. BEEF PRIG ES Slaughtering $6.00 (plus hide) Regular processing Semi- Deluxe Deluxe Hamburg & Stewing Beef Paddies EXAMPLE Slaughtering 400 LBS. Dressed -$6,00 Processing 20.00 Hamburger - ---- 2.50 Total Cost 28.50 5I LB. 520 LB. 60 LB. 5¢ LB. 5¢ LB. FIRST DISHWASIIER In 1886 the predecessor of the present Hobart Manufacturing Company put a machine on the market and public interest pick- ed up. By the turn of the cent- ury more than 30 patents had been assigned to various comp- anies for similar machines. bonus interest Savings you move to Victoria and Grey in the period November 1 to November 15 will receive full interest from November 1. This means that the savings account you open before November 15 earns full interest for as much as two weeks before you open the account! So, whether it's a 4 °ja chequing account bearing interest on a minimum semi-annual balance or a fast growing High Interest non-chequing account on a minimum monthly balance, bring it to Victoria and Grey now and get bonus interest. vir RA and GR,./ Y TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEN D. BOWES Manager 425 MAIN S TREE T EXETER — 235-0530 Pr PORK PRICES Slaughtering 20; LB. Processing 50 LB. Sausage 100 LB. Rendering Lard 50 LB. Smoking and Curing 120 LB. EXAMPLE Slaughtering 150 LB, Pig $3.00 Processing 7.50 Sausage 1. 50 Lard 1.00 Total Cost 13. 00 OTHERS ARE CONVINCED! We recommend you try our Home Cur- ing for Bacon and Hams. If you are not entirely satisfied, your money will be refunded. SIDES OF BEEF 69c Ib Fully processed de[uxe cutting SIDES OF PORK 39c Ib Ful ly processed MERNER'S MEAT MARKET x`11 S'1ME OF ,DASIIWOOD SAUSAGE" Phone 237-3314 -- Dashwood