HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-10-21, Page 13PAGE 14
Rates set for
Christmas moil
Canadians mailing unsealed
Christmas cards this year will
have one rate for destinations
in Canada and the United States,
and a choice of two rates for
overseas points, the Post Office
Department has announced.
The rate for destinations in
Canada and the United States
is 8 cents. The cards must be
unsealed, and they travel by
surface mail.
For overseas destinations, the
choice is between the Non -
Priority (Surface/ Airlift) rate of
8 cents, and the Priority (Air
Mail) rate of 12 cents.
Non -Priority (Surface/Air-lift;
means that the mail may travel
by surface, but will be airlifted
part way or all the way through
to destination wherever possible
(on a space available basis).
Priority (Air Mail) means
that the mail travels by air
right through to destination.
In both cases the cards must
be unsealed.
For persons who wish to seal
their cards, the rates are as
follows: To destinations in Can-
ada, '7 cents (First class rate)
automatically travels by air);
to the United States, either 7
cents (surface) or 10 cents (air
mail); to overseas points, 15
cents (automatically travels by
air under the new International
A11 -Up Service).
All rates quoted above are
for cards weighing up to one or
two ounces, depending on the
category. )Check'with you local
Postmaster) .
In 1970, Canadians mailed
approximately 155, 000, 000
Christmas cards. The Post Office
staff of 48, 000 more than
doubles in December to handle
the extra load.
In 1971, the deadline dates
for cards sent by surface are as
- District points in Canada and
the United States - Dec. 8.
- Other out- of- town points in
Canada - Dec. 13.
- Delivery within you own
town - Dec. 17.
Mulching will protect your
garden over winter. Before ap-
plying the mulch, however, be
sure you know the different
materials available and how to
use them, advised Professor B. J.
Teskey, Department of Hortic-
ultural Science, University of
A mulch must conserve soil
moisture, improve texture,
tilth, aeration and structure of
the soil, retain or improve soil
microorganism balance, elim-
inate plant competition, prev-
ent erosion and runoff, and reg-
ulate soil temperatures.
Both organic and inorganic
mulches are available./'
Independent Shipper
United Co-operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept
Ship Your Livestock
Roy S otchmer
Monday is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
By 7:30 a.m. Monday
For Prompt 3srerica
Nv, Chars on Plc&..up
Golden Glimpses . ... .
Thanksgiving has come and
gone, and while Mrs. Norma
Siebert had tastefully decorat-
ed the dining -rooms and
sitting rooms to suit the occas-
ion, our Thanksgiving will be
celebrated next Sunday, Oct-
ober 24, when the residents
will have the pleasure of dining
with their families. Judging by
the large number of reservations
that have been made, we are
looking forward to a happy
family day.
Films were shown again Mon-
day evening, namely: "New-
foundland Scene, " a very color-
ful view of Newfoundland life
and surroundings, and "A Fine
City Norwich." This picture
showed this city situated north
of London, England. Following
the films, refreshments were
On Tuesday evening, the
ladies of Grand Bend United
Church were in charge of the
monthly birthday party. Bingo
was played followed by some
musical numbers and Thanks-
giving readings. A delicious
lunch was served at the conclu-
sion of the program.
Those celebrating birthdays
during October were Mrs. Eva
Delbridge, Mrs. Sarah Ginger-
ich and Mrs. Verda Welsh.
(Continued from page 1)
persons in the delegation, and
the name of the spokesman.
The Chairman will decide
whether or not to permit deleg-
ations that appear without prev-
ious notice to be heard and may
limit the time allotted to any
delegation. Prior to receiving
the presentation, the Chairman
shall advise all delegations that
the Board reserves the right not
to act on the petition until the
matter has received further
study by the Board or a Com-
mittee thereof.
Committee of the whole
meetings and Committee of
the Whole (In Camera) meeting:
are still provided for, the dif-
ference being that the press is
able to sit in on committee
of the whole meetings but are
Each lady celebrating a birth-
day was adorned with a beauti-
ful rose corsage for the occasion,
During the coming week,
the residents will have the opp-
ortunity of casting their ballet
in the forthcoming election.
There will be a polling booth
set up in the biome for their
convenience. Both Mr. Duncan,
Liberal Candidate and Mr.
Charles McNaughton, Conserv-
ative Candidate, took time out
from their busy schedules to
visit the home.
The residents enjoyed their
evening of bingo on Friday
again, followed by refreshments.
On Sunday evening the chapel
service was conducted by Mr.
Cyril Gingericli of the Zurich
Mennonite Church. Mr. Irvin
Martin, accompanied by Mrs.
Martin at the organ, led in the
By all reports, we had a large
number of visitors Sunday aft-
ernoon and evening, and many
of our residents were able to
take advantage of the lovely
autumn weather and go out for
a little walk.
banned from the In Camera
sessions. However, neither of
these types of committee meet-
ings are open to the public.
The above decision is a
carry-over from the present
time, and has been arranged to
permit the press the advantage
of knowing the background on
various matters perhaps to be
reported upon later.
While there were a few
questions and concerned exp-
ressed concerning the new syst- .
em, the brief passed easily
by a 12-2 vote.
Chairman Bob Elliott claimed
that if "poorly handled" the
new system could cause " a
split on the board." If "properly
handled" on the other hand, it
could be "the thing we've been
looking for."
City Prices
m Right at Home!
4 4.
vl'.. 1"NAa+mla .. dtik.414r1 4p.r.;;
a ii 1
for Huron.
tY f ,;,io.
With your help, Paul Carroll can join the NDP
team at Queen's Park. With the realization of sound
and effective policies, a NEW DEMOCRATIC
government will create a new and truly democratic