HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-10-21, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1972 What's New At Huronview The United Church Women of North Street, United Church, Goderich, entertained the residents of the nursing hones and shut-ins of Goderich, as well as the members of their church who are residents of Huronview on Wednesday aft- ernoon, The group of about 100 people were taken for a drive through the country to view the autumn scenery, then returned to the church for supper. The program included musica] numbers by the McMillan Fam- ily, a sing -song, and slide pictures. The outing was great- ly appreciated by the residents and the United Church Women of North Street are to be highly commended for the project. A communion service was held in the chapel on Thursday morning. Mrs. Campbell solo- ist, Mrs. Brown, organist and Mr. Campbell assisted Rev. Wittick of Blyth United Church. Mrs. Hopper of London ar- ranged the program for Thurs- day Family Night. Eighteen young people, who are students of Mrs. Hopper, aged 6 to 14, thrilled the residents with sev- eral types of dancing. There was Highland Reels by Jill llanna, Jessie Nicol and Judy Thompson; square dances by John Thomp- son, Kim Mustard, Ron Bilyes, Cathy Macfie, Allan McCon- nell, Barbara Bilyea, Joe Mc- Kinnon and Jackie St. Marie; step dancing by Shelley Hopper, Micheale Robinson, Terrie, Linda and Lisa Morrison, Susan Spence, Kelly St. Marie, and Teri Smale. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry St. Marie accompanied the dancers and also played several numbers on violin and piano. There were also vocal solos by Mrs. Mary Powell. The Family Night program will be held on Mon- day, October 25, next week, instead of Thursday ev. 'ing when the residents are looking forward to a program by the Huronia Male Chorus. rom 1129 window Of course, you will rememb- er to get out to vote today, won't you? You won't stick at homelike a bunch of spoiled brats and complain about the way you are being treated with- out getting out to try to do something about it, will you? It is a funny thing how women have to take the lead in most everything, although out of kindness for the lame ego, women have so far resisted the temptation to get into politics in any large numbers. There's very little doubt that women could run this province and this nation as effectively as men do ...perhaps even more so... but I gather that women have decreed that the males of this nation should have a kind of monopoly on something. It might as well be politics for as we all know, government is nothing more than a puppet of the people anyway. In my capacity as a news reporter (in my spare time,. when I'm not dreaming up in- sults for this column) I've conte across a few women who make very find politicians. In fact, whenever I've seen women on a public board or council, they've done a fine job, many times putting their male assoc- iates to shame. I know there are many people who believe that women are too emotional to be good polit- icians. That's poppycock, A good cry never hurt anyone... if it did come during a public meeting with the press and people present in great numbers. Most women I know in pub- lic life fight for what they bel- ieve in. Women are usually less impressed with personal • success and platitudes of praise than are men. They are much more apt to wallow into the thick of the fray - right or wrong - to bite, claw and NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS and CATS Prevention of Rabies The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit will hold a FREE RABIES CLINIC MONDAY ZURICH OCTOBER 25 COMMUNITY CENTRE 9 — i'2:00 noon MONDAY OCTOBER 25 TUESDAY OCTOBER 23 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 27 HEN SALL ARENA DASHWOOD FIRE HALL GRAND BEND FIRE HALL r: 30 -- 4: 30 P. m, 9 — 12:00 noon 1:30 -- 4:30 p.m. Vaccination against rabies will be provided for dogs and cats three months of age and over. Owners who require certificates of vaccination for export or other purposes should consult their private veterinary. No certificates will be issued at this clinic. Help prevent human exposure to rabies, take advantage of this opportunity to have your pets immunized. A booster shot each year is recommended. BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER scratch, if need be, for what they feel is best. Just the other evening I had the extreme pleasure to sit in on a meeting at which a woman was fighting for a tree. Now that may seem like a silly cause to choose, but this particular lady is really hung-up on trees and their place in society's new jungle. This gal believes in all sincerity that a tree is a living thing which will go on living when most of us are dead and gone... and we should change our ways to accommodate them, the senior beings, rather than destroy thein to accommo- date us. . She has a point... and wheth- er you agree or disagree is of no consequence right now. The simple truth here is that this woman went to bat for a tree... and held her ground when every- one else fell prey to the com- mon and frail arguments of modern man who prefers asphalt to nature. The strange part of the whole thing was that the lady display- ed heart and feeling for things and plants and people. Her reale associates showed their cold, callous sides by succumb- ing to the whims of a few people who may have been a little more influential or a little more troublesome than the average Joe. Naturally, the lady lost the argument. Why not? The odds were stacked against her. As is mostly the case, men on public bodies unknowingly brace their feet against the fe- males who dare to invade their private little world of superfic• - ial authority. I really believe they don't mean to do this, but it seems to be a natural instinct with tnan to resist the wants and desire of women... any women. I've noticed that from time to time as a reporter. Some- how, the male members of a council or a board or any other public body don't quite take you seriously when you are a woman. It is almost as though they believe you have a lance brain and are incapable of rationalizing in the face of a problem. I've noticed that the attitude of these sante men to a male reporter is one of extreme caut- ion... almost to the point of distrust. Send a lady reporter, the board relaxes. Send a man to take notes and everyone is tense and very, very careful. I don't feel it is a case of women in a man's domain. Far from it. I consider women to be entirely suited for work in pulic life and when they fin- ally assume that responsibility, they are truly in their element and doing a job the way it was intended to be done... from the heart. 19 oz. tin Whole Potatoes Coffee Mate II oz jar 19 oz. Culverhouse Peas Al lens Fruit Drinks Y9 oz tin 48 oz tins Hyatt's Beans 2/39c 85` 2/49c 3/51 4/89c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET Phone 236-4316 Zurich IT'S OUR SEVENTH Thursday, Friday, Saturday only!! LADI ES DRESSES 20% off L AD I ES SLACKS & TOPS 10% off GIRLS DRESSES 20% off 1/3 off all Sweaters, Cardigans, Pullovers, Vests Infant Sleepers Regular 2.98 at $2.49 Baby' Blankets Regular 2..49 at $L99 15% OFF Boy's Winter Jackets, to size 18 Girl's Winter Jackets, to size 14 Girl's Coats, to size 14x Snowmobile Suits, sizes 2 to 14 INFANT DR, DENTON Under Vests Regul ar 1.05 for 60 TRIM FIT LEOTARDS 10% off SPECIAL GROUP OF Girl's Skirts Regular to 9. 98 for $2.98 ALL BOY'S PANTS — 10% OFF TAYLOR'S READY-TO-WEAR HENSALL