HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1972-10-21, Page 2PAGE 2
London station
to televise
one-hour special
James A. Plant, CFPL-TV
Production Manager, announced
Today that the production team
• of producer Michael Woodward
and cameramen Patrick Miles
and Andrew Mendham have
completed filming a one-hour
public affairs "special", Change
in the Grassroots, that will be
televised at 7:00 p.m. Thursday,
October 21 (The same team of
Woodward, Miles and Mendham
was responsible for The Erie
Report, a winner of several nat-
ional and international awards.
"Change in the Grassroots"
examines the effects and direct-
ions of change as it applies in
Western Ontario's small towns,
on the region's farms, and on
the Great Lakes. still the rich-
est freshwater fishery in the
Why examine the grassroots?
Because they're the basic of
so much of the culture and
custom that makes us what we
are today. Some capsule
glimpses of change: farming
today is going in two directions
.bigger or more specialized.
It's changing from labor-inten-
sive to capital -intensive with
fewer, bigger, more expensive
farm operations.
On Lake Erie, the fish are
getting smaller: about half of
the total commercial product-
ion today is smelt. On Lake
Huron, the catches are becom-
ing more exotic: they're landing
salmon, but they throw back
The film crew travelled over
much of Western Ontario -
Palmerston, Innerkip, Port
Dover, Point Edward but specif-
y ically the documentary exam-
ines two small towns that face
an uncertain future... or possibly
no future at all. One is in grave
danger of disappearing inside
its urban neighbor; the other
cannot grow until it solves a
currently insoluble problem.
Both towns grew up because
of the railroads and underwent
wrenching changes when rail-
roading changed. They survived
once... can they do it again?
The treatment of these places
and people and occupations in
"Change in the Grassroots, is
incisive but affectionate.
Hensall Women's Institute hear
details of home care program
The Hensall Women's Instit-
ute October meeting, held
in the Legion Hall on Wednes-
day evening, had as their
guest speaker Mrs. Cardno, of
Seaforth, who gave many int-
eresting facts about the Huron
County Horne Care Program,
a community health service.
Mrs. Rena Caldwell told of
her trip to Alaska with 71
people, by plane, bus, boat,
and train, and showed on the
screen many colorful pictures
taken on the trip.
Mrs. A. Orr presided for the
program and read a hunorous
poem on "Advice to young
Mrs. J. McAllister, president,
opened the meeting and report-
ed on the London Area Conv-
ention held in Ontario St.
Church in Clinton, on Septemb-
er 30 and October 1. There were
132 branches, and 10 districts
Plans are being made for the
75th anniversary in February.
The next ACWW project is the
&ling Lea Homestead. If the
branch is disbanded, the Tweed-
smuir History book is handed on
to the district. She urged the
members to get facts about a
Unit 1 of UCW
see pictures
Unit I of Hensall United
Church Women met October
14, with Mrs. Howard Scane
presiding. Opening hymn was
"Now thank we all our God".
Mrs. Scane's devotional was
entitled "Thanksgiving, " and
she also read two suitable poems
Mrs. David Kyle gave an int-
eresting study on Argentina.
Roll call was taken with 11
present and one visitor. An
invitation was extended to all
from the Presbyterian ladies to
be present November 9 at 8:15,'
to hear a Missionary from Africa
The regional meeting will
be in Exeter United Church,
October '28, Guest, Mrs. Rhena
Caldwell, showed beautiful
pictures of her recent trip to
Alaska. They were much en-
joyed by all.
Mrs, Ken McLean and her
assistants served lunch.
See s
Big capacity tub
handles up to 18 Ib.
I with care and
precision, and really
dirty clothes get
special treatment in
a programmed soak
cycle. The cycle
selections take care
of any type of fabric
or load.
For Best uysi
He 10 firm EIar k
personality in our community
and write ut up for the Tweeds-
muir History Book. Two hundred
and seventy-one sat down to a
hot roast beef dinner.
A donation was made to CNIB
and three members were thanked
for helping to canvas the village
Invitations were received
from Zurich branch for Tuesday,
October 26, at 7:15 p.m. for a
dessert luncheon and social eve-
ning, and one from Seaforth
branch for Tuesday, November
9, at 8:15 p.m. in the Orange
Articles shown in the Institute
exhibit at Exeter and Zurich
fairs were on display, and Mrs.
Grace Harpole was the winner
of the draw on the doll dressed
as a bride; representing Mrs.
Pierre Trudeau, and Mrs, C.
Payne won the going away cost-
Hostesses, Mrs. W. Dilling
and Mrs. Harpole, and their
committee, served a cup of tea.
The regular meeting of the
Anglican Church Women, of
St. Paul's Church, Hensall,
was held at the home of Miss
Olive Petty with the president,
Mrs. Kay Scrabuik, presiding.
The meeting opened with
devotions from the Living Mes-
sage. Roll Call was answered
by a verse from the Bible
having the name of a King in
it. Contribution to United
Pledge Fund was made.
The business consisted of
planning for the bazaar, bake
sale and tea to be held Octob-
er 30, and an invitation of the
Presbyterian Church, November
Airs. Mary Taylor read a let-
ter from their Prayer Partner.
Mrs. F. Forrest read two chapt-
ers from the Study Book. Meet-
ing closed with Prayer.
Chiselhurst UCW
plan events
President Mrs. Russell Brock
opened the meeting of Chisel-
hurst United Church Women
with a poem on "Thanksgiving."
Mrs. R. Taylor gave the wor-
ship with the title being "Thank-
Short business was discussed.
The bazaar is to be held Nov-
ember 3 at three o'clock.
Rev. D.R. Beck gave the
Bible study. Mrs. Jack Brintnell
read a poem on "Thanksgiving."
Mrs. Boyce and Mrs. Harold
Parker served lunch.
(continued from page 1)
is much slower than originally
hoped and that fears now are
that the school will not be com-
pleted per contract at the end
of December; and found that the
next regular board meeting will
be Monday, November 15 with
an academic presentation at
at 3;30 p.m., committee of
the whole board (In Camera)
from 7;3 0 to 8 p.m., and open
meeting at 8 p.m.
Christian Women's Fellowship Group
will meet Friday morning, Oct. 22
Anglican Parish Hall, Exeter
9...30 to 1 1.30 A. M.
for coffee hour, hymn sing and Bible
discussion groups,
ALL women are welcome
Hensa6l Figure Skating
Saturday, October 23
TIME 2 P.M. — 3 P.M.
32-9514 SEAF
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