Zurich Citizens News, 1971-09-23, Page 28PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1971 we,.yrr`-+rrrrr . •�4 ..: riulr:i1111i1I_ d iii FOR SALE APPLES, Pick your own, low trees, Spy, King, Russet, Snow, Delicious, Tatman Sweet, Greening, etc., Cider apples, Picked McIntosh. Picking days beginning October 4, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur- days. Closed Sundays, Phone 482-9141, Fred McClymont, 1 mile south of Varna. 39, 40, 41, 42 X APPLES: McIntosh, Courtlands. Pick your own. Large excellent quality. Bring containers. Low trees, no ladder climbing. Ross Middleton Orchard, 1 mile east of Bayfield, North of River, 39- 40-41-B McINTOSH, APPLES in your containers, also green and red cabbage. 2 1/2 miles west of Hensall on Highway 84. Wilfred Mousseau, Phone 236-4110. 39-b QUALITY CASSETTE TAPE Recorder, AC Adapter, micro- phone, four blank tapes, plus head cleaner. Excellent cond- ition. Phone 236-4978 on the weekends. 39-b 1962 VALIANT, in good running order, good motor, needs some body work - or for repairs as is. Cheap. Phone 262-2115. 39-b GOOD QUALITY McIntosh Apples. $2.50 a bushel. Tree - run $2.00. David Steckle, Phone 262-5442, 39-40-41-b BERG EQUIPMENT: We are ag- ents for Berg Farm Equipment Stable cleaners, ventilation, stabling, etc. Call John Zan- dwyk, R, R, 2, Zurich, Phone 262-5448. Hensall. 38-9-0 p 16 -FOOT MUNRO BOAT - 15 H, P electric start motor with trailer and tarp. Call 236-4959. 37, 8, 9-b POTATOES; also cooking and Spanish Onions. Call A. Van- denboomen, 236-4038, on high- way 84 east of Zurich, ONTARIO No. 1 Table Potatoes. 75 pound bag for $2, 00. - Martin Mommersteeg, 3 miles south of Bayfield, on Blue Water Highway. 37, 8, 9,40-b POTATOES for sale: Gladwin Westlake, R, R.3, Bayfield, Phone 565-5272. 36-7-8-9-b ' WANTED TO RENT WANTED -CAR Garage, must be centrally located in down- town area of Zurich, with easy access to street. Call 236-4672. MISCELLANEOUS WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. ltfb CUSTOM HARVESTING of all crops, 2 combines and swather toe serve you. Trucks available. For a complete job, contact Lionel Wilder, 236-4020. 29 tf JIM'S DECORATING SERVICE Painting & Paper Hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone Zurich 236-4924 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dalton, Grand Bend, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jo Ann Marie, to Mr. Kenneth Charles Duch- arme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Duch arme, R, R, 2, Zurich The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 16, 1971. at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Grand Bend at 2 p.m. 39-p Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Oesch R, R,1 Varna, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joan Marie, to Mr. Glenn Harvey Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hodgins of Crediton. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Octob- er 30, 1971 at 2 p.m. at St. Boniface Church, Zurich. 39-b CARDS OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to friends, neighbours, family and the Catholic Wom- en's League for sending cards and visits while in the hospital. Also Father Durand, Father Mooney, Dr. Goddard, nurses and staff of South Huron Hospita - Mrs. Philip Masse - 39-p COMING EVENTS The Blue Water Rest Home Ladies Auxiliary will meet on October 6, at 8 p.m. at the Rest Home. 39-b "Annual Knights of Columbus Charter Night" Saturday, Oct- ober 9, Zurich Arena. Roger Quick's Orchestra. Social 6-7. Dance 9-12. Banquet and dance $3.50 per plate; dance only $3, 00 per couple. Restricted to 18 years and over." 39-40-b A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, October 6, 1971 at 2:00 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, basement entrance off Anne Street, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. These will be held at weekly intervals for eight weeks. Those interested are invited to attend or phone the Huron County Health Unit Office, Exeter, 235-1014, between 9:00 a.m. and 12 noon, 38-39-b WANTED TO BUY GOOD USED dresser and desk. Phone 236-4804. 38-b NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of PHILIP MASSE deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Philip Masse, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 14th day of August, 1971, are required to file particulars of same with Bell and Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 2nd day of October, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ontario. Renew `Your Subscription Now "Compare party performance" Responsibility and leadership are the basic questions in the Ontario election, Hon. Charles MacNaughton told four nomin- ating convelrtinns last week. He urged Ontario electors to compare the positive perform, ance of Bill Davis and his "New Wave" team with the cynical negativism of opposition spokes- men. The Minister of Transportat- ion and Communications spoke at Brampton Friday on behalf of Prime Minister Davis, at St. Thomas, Petrolia and Arthur in support of other Progressive Conservative candidates. "Our party has a new cause, a new champion, " he stated. "We have a new leader who has proven his ability to give Ont- ario a new approach to develop- ment ---a new era of sensitive, decisive and responsible lead- ership for this province." The minister praised "the tough and honest decisions" that Prime Minister Davis has been making at Queen's Park... the ban on logging in Quetico Park, cancellation of the Spadina Expressway, strong legislation against pollution. "In the 150 days of the recent session, Bill Davis presented and passed 150 pieces of legislation --a bill a day-- to change government direction in this province. He is determined to put a new sincerity and a new humanity into Queen's Park. " MacNaughton cited some of the major achievements of the government --lower health care ' fees, elimination of premiums for pensioners, crackdown on welfare handouts, lowering the voting age, continuing tax re- form and controls on education spending. These constructive programs, he suggested, contrasted strik- ingly to the carping criticisms of "a bewildered Liberal party NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of GERTRUDE DATARS deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Gertrude Datars, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 1st day of July, 1971, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario by the 9th day of October, 1971, after which date the estate will be distribut- ed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238.2291 CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood and a calculating socialist force;' Hansard, he said, reveals a "remarkable string of policy confliction" within the Liberal party. He compared the NDP to an iceberg --"10 per cent RCSS Board name five to special committee (continued from page 1) The Board will support the Stratford Kiwanis Club Music Festival. Copies of the printout of the financial statement, covering a period from 'une 1 to August 31, were distributed to the trustees for discussion at the next meeting to be held on October 12. 'oseph Tokar, Assistant Sup- erintendent of Education, rep- orted the "live-in" for a numb- er of teachers held in Stratford on September 17, 18 and 19 was 'an unqualified success,' The purpose of the Live-in was to provide background enrichment on the Canadian Catechism Program as taught by the teach- ers in the schools in Huron and Perth Counties. The lease for the rental of the board offices is to be re- newed for 1972 and 1973, and with an option for 1974, as per former lease terms with R. S Box, of Seaforth, 'ack Lane, Business Administ- rator, reporting on the integrat- ion of the bus system in Mc- Killop Township, said the turn- ing area for students switching buses at Winthrop was built up and gravelled in 'a most satis- factory manner' to ensure the safety of the children. AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Household Furnishings On the premises 256 WILLIAM ST., EXETER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:00 p.m. sharp ANTIQUES — Mission Furni- ture — 2 matching rockers and 2 straight back chairs; small tables; library table; hall tree; sectional bookcase with secre- tary desk; iron and brass bed; a/i bed (over 100 years old); dressers; washstands; 1909 Eaton's sewing machine; rock- ing chairs; press back chairs; odd antique chairs; pine blan- ket box; small steamer trunk; gingerbread clock; mantel clock; clock shelf; old pictures and frames; Canadian glass — dahlia; colonial butter dish, cream & sugar; several pieces of Nippon; biscuit jar; pleat and panel spooner and sugar; hand painted china; blue milk glass salt; depression glass; carnival glass; satin glass; commemorative pieces; copper lustre; Dicken's pitcher; six Scotch thistle nappies; crocks; oil lamps; copper boiler; Bea- ver sealers and many other items. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: RCA Victor portable television and stand; studio; maple table and 4 chairs; large dining room ta- ble; buffet; table and floor lamps; TV tables; 12 place set- ting of dishes; blankets; quilts and bedding; clothes hamper; ironing board; hot plate; wash- ing machine; laundry tubs; step ladder; garden tools; lawn chairs and many other items. Terms: Cash MRS. ETHEL BALFOUR, Prop. NORM WHITING, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 visible, 90 per cent hidden beneath the surface, and 100 per cent adrift at sea." Between speaking engage- ments, the Huron PC candidate launched his own campaign with calls in Usborne and Stephen Townships, Hensall and Centralia Industrial Park, He intends to visit all parts of the riding before the October 21 voting day. Campaign chairman Lorne Kleinstiver, of Dashwood, ind- icates that PC offices will be opened in Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter within the next week. Campaign displays were operated at Seaforth, Exeter and Zurich fairs over the past week. MacNaughton has named Charles L. Smith, Exeter, as his official agent. Members of the Huron PC strategy committee include Elmer D. Bell, QC, Exeter, finance chairman, Clayton Laithwaite, Goderich, sign chairman; Mrs. M, J, Gaiser, Exeter, canvass chairman; Victor Fulcher, Exeter, youth chairman, Mayor Frank Sills, Seaforth; Reeve Gordon Hess, Zurich; Arthur Bolton, McKillop Township; H2O, Jerry, Goderich and Joseph Murphy, Clinton. Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER Motor vehicle fatalities DROPPED 2% in 1970. This is the greatest decline in 12 years. * A total of 242 gasoline additives has been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency by the various oil companies. A major auto insurance firm advocates a limit to speed capabilities of all vehicles. Says speed and accidents are closely related. * The median age of all small -car owners is 31 to 33 years. * If you are an average driver in an average car, how many gallons of gas did you buy last year? Would you believe 820? Is your car a gas -robber? Why not trade in for a newer, more conservative model at Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 227.4191 Huron Co'inty's Largest Ford Dealer