HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-07-29, Page 8PAGE 8 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1971 t :ams,—..aS �`."l i,.?J�5: ::sb v+.'tiv'�q' ,''u�.'�.'�bb' :a'4 'i•;• • 'y �� % get the jol) clone For Sale 13 ACRES standing hay, 3 miles south of Bayfield. Apply to John A. Keys 482-7423. 27-p ONE COMPLETE antique bathroorrj set. Tub, toilet, and basin for cottage or rec room. One double window 63 x 65. 2 panel doors 32" x 6'8", 2 panel doors 32" x 7". Call 236-4144. 30-p PIGS - weaner and started pigs. Call Alvin Gingerich, 236-4735. 30-tf FRESH HONEY Bring Your Own Container and Save Ferguson Apiaries ZURICH Phone.236 4979' BUILDING LOTS, in the north- west section of Zurich. Also Custom Built Hanes. Apply to Len Debus, 236-4101. 27-b Miscellaneous CUSTOM HARVESTING of all crops, 2 combines and swather to serve you. Trucks available. For a complete job, contact Lionel Wilder, 236-4020. 29 tf CUSTOM COMBINING -wheat, oats, barley and beans. Wagon, auger and truck available. Apply to Dennis Overholt, 236-4048. 29-p CUSTOM SWATHING - $2. 50 per acre, with 12 foot Case swather. Phone Ken Faber, 262-5299. 291 WATCH AND CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine select- ion of watches, diamonds and china. Diamond re -setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. ltfb CUSTOM work of Silo Filling. Grass Silage or Dry Hay. Cont- act Albert Erb. Phone 236-4884. 23 to. 30 p. CUSTOM COMBINING - oats, barley, and beans. Contact Milton or Deward McAdams, 236-4186. 28-p CUSTOM FORAGE, straw and silo filling. Contact Jack Dunn 565-5344. 30-p JIM'S DECORATING SERVICE Painting & Paper Hanging FREE ESTIMATES Phone Zurich 236.4924 SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238.2291 McADAMS Radio -TY Service ZURICH a� � h. 2364094 or 411 1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Zurich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan Anne, to Mr. Evert Van Slightenhorst Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Evert Van Slightenhorst, of Tara. The wedding to take place on Saturday, August 21, 1971, at 3 p. m. in Goshen United Church. 30-p HELP WANTED CUCUMBER PICKERS, to start soon. Work on share basis. Cont- act Randy Collins, 262-5326. 30-b THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF HURON COUNTY requires SOCIAL WORKER I, beginning September, 1971. Minimum re- quirement: Social Services dip- loma, and the names of three references. The position will entail case and programme re- sponsibilities in child protection, and related community services. Personnel policy available on request. Apply to: Bruce R. Heath M. S.W., Director, The Child- ren's Aid Society of Huron Coun- ty, 181 Victoria Street, North, Drawer 218, GODERICH, Ontario. 30-b AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Furn- ishings, Antiques, Carpenter tools and Equipment and Misc. items On the premises Goshen Street, South, Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 at 1:30 p. m. REAL ESTATE consists of Part of Lot 146 and 147. Plan 10 in the village of Zurich on which is situated cottage type frame dwel- ling covered with asphalt shingles living and dining area, two bed- rooms, kitchen and utility room. TERMS of Real Estate: 105 on day of sale, balance in 30 days, sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. Inspection invited. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- Frig- idaire 4 -burner electric stove, Westinghouse refrigerator, settee and chairs, drop-leaf table, four chairs, sideboard, bureau, chest of drawers, pine wash stand, pine chest, wicker arm chair, fernery, daybed, clover -leaf top table, kitchen cabinet, oak bedstead, dresser commode, white french provincial bedroom suite, coal -oil lamps, pine dry sink, trunks, mirrors, pictures and frames, clocks, Raymond sewing machine, radio, mantel clock, ironing board, Axminster rug, 9 x 10. Assortment bedding, quilts, comforters, •mats, table- cloths, fancy work, bedspreads, silverware, glassware, antique dishes, kitchen utensils, iron kettle, lanterns, pocket watches, electric heater, porch glider, fluorescent lights, large assort- ment carpenter tools, table saw and motor, lawn chairs, screen doors and windows, barrel, etc. etc., TERMS: CASH MEDA SURERUS, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Action in Rec league playoffs The playoffs in the Zurich Rec League got under way on Monday night of this week with the Pontiacs downing the league -leading Bluewater crew 7-3, and Charlies trouncing the D. J.'s 43-6. Behind the superb pitching effort of Phil Overholt on the mound for the Pontiacs, his team-mates banged out 11 hits off Brian Hodgins. Overholt gave up only four safeties. The Pontiacs scored one run in the second, added four more in the third and then completed their effort with two more in the sixth. Don O'Brien and Phil Overholt each hit safely three times for the Pontiacs, while Shane McKinnon came through with two. Bob Merner FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE of tractors, combine, implements, antiques and household effects to be held on the premises Lot 19, con. 8 Stanley Twp. 1 mile west and 1 mile south of Varna, Saturday, July 31, at 2 p.m. sharp. TRACTORS: Int. standard super W4 in excellent condition with belt pulley. Case RC model VAC and scuffler. Int. 9 ft. double spring tooth cultivator, Allis Chalmers Model 60 combine with„AC motor mounted; Int. 15 run power lift fertilizer seed drill (disc) with markers, Massey bean puller and scuffler; Gehl 10 in. hammer mill like new condition; Fleury Bissell disc; Fleury manure spreader, M.H. 7ft. binder; Int. 3 -furrow ace bottom plow on rubber; Int. 2-fu'rYow, 6 ft. McCormick mower, rubber tired wagon, 1 hayrack with grain box, 4 sections harrows, MCD drophead hayloader, 1950 Dodge truck % t.; sold as is, %-inch plywood truck racks; Bell City threshing machine; 150 ft. 7 -inch drive belt; set of cable and blocks for threshing machine; electric barn hot water heater; rubber tired wheelbarrow; bag truck and bagger; hayfork and ropes; 2 new 10 ft. sections eavestroughing; quantity hemlock planks 12 — 14 inches wide, excellent condition; quantity of side barn lumber for rec. rooms. Rolling shed doors, 6% x 11 ft.; weed sprayer; 4 all steel wagon shweels. ANTIQUES: 4 high wooden spoked wagon wheels, spinning wheel, yarn winder, apple peeler, iron kettle, toilet set, 3 truniis, cherry wood organ with top stand and mirror, barrel churn, excellent condition; also glass hand churn, rubber tired buggy; antique lamps; dishes and baskets; 3 sets of antique scales; New. Williams drophead sewing machine. 10 by 12 Tarpolin. McCullogh chain saw, 24 in. blade like new. approx. 100 ft. 3 wire heavy electric cord. Jubille 20 inch lawn mower with Briggs and Stratton motor. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Deluxe 30 -inch Frigidaire electric stove, like new condition; dining room table and chairs; wood and coal heater; RCA TV and stand; 2 beds and springs; 1 spring for bed; 2 doz. % gal. sealers, furnace fan, hand lawnmower, forks, shovels, chaons a quantity of other items too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash Neither Auctioneer or proprietor responsible for accidents day of sale. Cecil Dowson, Proprietor Varna Tel: 482-3355 Percy Wright, Auctioneer, Tel.: 262-5515 and Jim Bedard both hit safely once. Don Ayotte, Tony Denomme, Dave Durand and Brian Hodgins each carne through with safeties for the Bluewater. In the second half of the twin -bill, Charlies ran rough- shod over the D. J.'s, with the game being called in the sixth inning due to the one-sided score. Gary Flaxbard led the attack for Charlies with five big hits, while Bob McBride was next with four safeties. Peter Regier Richard Schilbe and Richard Turkheim each had three hits, while Jerry Rader, Dave Stark and Doug Stade connected safely twice. Ray Finkbeiner chipped in with one safety. For the losers Richard Fisher connected twice while Tim Decker and Ken Clarke came through with single hits. Further action in the playoffs will take place every Monday and Wednesday night, with rained out games scheduled for Sunday afternoons, if necessary. Next Monday night Charlies play the D. J.'s in the early contest, while Gingerichs play the Farm Union in the second half, On Wednesday, August 4, the Pontiacs play Bluewater for the second time while Charlies meet the D. J.'s in the second half. Games will continue each Monday and Wednesday Extensive AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Garage, Equipment Tools, House- hold Items, Antiques and Misc, items on the premises First farm south of St. Joseph, Highway 21. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 at 1:00 p.m. Watch for complete list of this interesting sale in following issue. HECTOR FORCIER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, plainly iden- tified, will be received by the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board not later than 12:00 o'clock noon D.S.T., Friday, July 30, 1971 for the following: ASPHALT PAVING AT: St. Aloysius School, 228 Avon- dale Ave., Stratford, Ont. Sacred Heart School, Wing - ham, Ont. St. Mary's School, 70 Bennett St., Goderich, Ont. Precious Blood, School, Exe- ter. GRAVEL: • Parking Lot at Sacred Heart School, Wirgham. FLUORESCENT LIGHTING: St. Ambrose School, 181 Louise St., Stratford. St. Joseph's School, Beech St., Clinton. Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, RR 3 Dashwood. The lowest or 'any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications avail- able at Board Office, Main St., Seaforth, Ont. night until a winner is declar- ed. Last year Charlies won thw Rec League title. Plan extention at Conestoga The most modern upholstery training facilities in Ontario are being built at Conestoga College, Donn Centre; Kitchener. The 11, 000 square foot extens- ion will form part of a model upholstery training centre for Canada Manpower programs. The building has been planned to provide accommodation for the most modern manufacturing tech- niques. Allied to the upholstery train- ing facilities is the Wood Products technician course. In this prog- ram, furniture frames are manu- factured by the students and these frames will be incorporated into the upholstery course. 0 Avoid unnecessary eye accid- ents the summer. Start by storing glass containers at moderate temp- eratures and keep jarred and bot- tled goods either ona lower shelf, in a cool room, or in a refrigerate] Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER Look for a mid -engine car as a 1971'1x. All companies working on it. Tests show that daytime driving with parking lights on reduces accidents. * Latest convenience in travel trailers: a rack on the outside to hang a trail motorcycle on. Park, camp and bike out. * New armored truck has individual compartments, like safe deposit boxes. English firm has a fleet of mobile garages which can be driven to car owner's home for servicing the vehicle. * We can't promise "English" service, but you can count on expert, courteous help when you come to see our cars at Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer