HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-07-22, Page 10PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1971 McKillop delegation visits board (by Shirley J. Keller) A delegation of parents from McKillop who have children goinE into kindergarten in the Walton school this fallvisited the Huron County Board of Education Mon- day evening in Clinton. A number of questions were ask- ed of the board by the parents but there were no immediate ans- wers from the board. Chairman Robert Elliott claimed the deleg- ation had been invited to submit a brief concerning the specific questions which would be asked of the board but had chosen not to comply with that regulation. The group's spokesman, M,H, Smith, Walton, said he and his delegation had felt the letter stat- ing an intention to discuss matters pertaining to kindergarten was sufficient information for the board. Smith said a more specific accounting of the questions to be Student workers at hayfield Student workers Environmental Enhancement Program sent 12 students, young men, to the Bayfield beaches for a clean-up program Wednesday and Thurs- day of last week. The greater part of the workers was assigned to the Main Beach, but five of them worked on the pier area of the south shore of the river, picking up bottles and cans and burning paper, garbage, and large pieces of wood. These five found mixed react- ions to their job on the part of the public. Most found the task a necessary and commendable one, but there were some comp- laints to the effect that Bayfield doesn't need outsiders picking up after them. Maybe it would'ni if Bayfielders, or at least beach - goers, would pick up after them- selves, argue the boys. "People just don't care, " says Louis Hartman. Another added, "they think we're trying to take work away from them." A truck arrived, and the fore- man, Bruce Smith, carne to see how the work was going. The boys had been working hard, and were glad to take time off to talk for a minute. "Of all the summer jobs I've had, though, I like this best. " said Stan Rollings. He explained that though the work was physic- ally taxing, it was good to be outdoors, and especially since the work was an attempt to bet- ter the environment. It was a hot day, and a water jug filled with lemonade stood ready. The boys picked up their tools and hard-hats, and got back to work. They will be spen- ding the rest of the summer mov- ing around the Ausable River Conservation area, performing similar jobs. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237.3422 asked by the delegation at the meeting would "tie our hands" to discuss only certain aspects of the entire problem. Smith said the Walton and Mc- Killop people wanted to know why the kindergarten hours had been changed from half days to a full day every other day. He said the parents had been asked which system they preferred for their children and when they indicated the half-day every day plan, they were told the board would not supply transportation at noon for the students. "If this was not going to be con- sidered why was it ever asked?" questioned Smith. "Was the wel- fare of the children taken into consideration? Are we just confus- ing the people?" Smith said his delegation did not like the manner in which the parents had been contacted conc- erning the change in kindergarten hours for fall. "Some people got a letter in the mail, some got it from their children, some from the bus driv- ers and some still haven't got them, " stated Smith. "We don't just want to stir up trouble, we are concerned." The chairman told the delegat- ion there would be answers to all their questions at the next meet- ing, after the board members had had an opportunity to seek out the policy on the matter and study the committee reports. Also during Monday's meeting, the McKillop member, John Henderson attempted to have the subject of kindergartens in Huron County reopened. lie claims the committee on kindergartens did not talk with the teachers, the principals and the parents of the county to determine the feeling of the educators and the ratepay- ers regarding kindergarten before forming the policy which binds the board. He failed to get the required two-thirds majority vote of the board which would have permitted the question to be discussed again. I.Ienderson then asked the chairman how the board could supply answers for the delegation without re -opening discussion on the matter. Chairman Elliott said the questions of the delegation would be answered completely according to policy at the next meeting. "You may not like the answers you get, " said Elliott to the dele- gation, " but there will be answers. Singer -Actress Shirley Jones is seen every Monday on CBC -TV's The Partridge Family. 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