Zurich Citizens News, 1971-07-08, Page 14THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS t. „d. duI,J NEW SYSTEM ac A Stanley Township farmer, Earl Love, has come up with a new idea for building bridges over a culvert, and the plan has met with praise from many officials. Instead of building cement forms for the bridge, Mr. Love filled jute bags with poured concrete, and placed them in the proper formation. A great deal of time-consuming work was avoided and the project seems to be proving quite satisfactory. After the jute bags rot away, the farmer will have an up-to-date looking bridge over the creek. Hear Reports at County Council (by Shirley J. Keller) Winding up business for the summer was the order of the day at last Friday's session of Huron County Council in Goderich. Re- ports from various committees and county officers were heard and approved by council and members were treated to two picture presentations including slides depicting the work of the Huron County Health Unit and a film entitled "Wherever there are Children" and shown by Bruce Heath, director of the Huron County Children's Aid Society. This latter film, Heath noted, is available for showing to any group in Huron County who ex- presses an interest and may be had by making arrangements REDIMIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Lot DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 through the CAS office in God- erich. In a brief report to council, Heath explained that for the first time in years, there is a lack of children eligible for ad- option. He said at the present time there are 32 couples wait- ing to adopt a baby with only one child available at this mom- ent. He did stress that this trend has its good side in that all child- ren in care up to the age of four years have been adopted and that more and more children of multi -racial backgrounds are being placed in homes. A library report showed that the following new librarians have been appointed: Mrs. Isabelle Shortreed at Walton; 3. W. Elgin Porter at Varna; Mrs. Mel Beck- er at Cranbrook; and Mrs. Mary Ann Martin at St. Helen's. Council learned through the executive committee report that advertisements for a county welfare director and two field workers will be placed in the proper newspapers with the duties of these new personnel to begin on or before November 1, 1971. It was noted the welfare direct- or would be located in Goderich while the field workers would probably be located throughout the county, other than in Goder- ich. The property chairman reported that the fuel oil tender of H.O. Jerry Ltd. Goderich, has been accepted for supplying oil to the court house. �Innuuummnnuuuuuunuutulllllunnuuuuum� Saturday Matinee I 0 Don TECHNICOLOR' A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Wed. 7 Thu. 8 Fri.9 sat.10 "The funniest movie I've seen this year! Just go, run to see it!" LOVERS ACID OMER SWIMMERS CRC 17""COLOR • New York Post Sun.11 Mon.12 rue.13 Wed.14 The hit-pichire ' r ,7T,EE% is ,.@gmog WALT DISNEY >,r EXECUTIVE• / rtclrrlcouR. .iunuumuuuuuuuuuulpmlmluuuunluullatm9umuuuuuuunuuuuuauunuunuuuluuunuuuuli pati BAREFOOT lir,' Visit Toronto On Monday June 28, the grade eight students from St. Boniface School went on an ed- ucational tour to Toronto. They boarded the train at 6;50 a.ni. which took them to the Union Station in Toronto by 9:10 a.m. In Toronto they had a look at the Royal York Hotel and proc- eeded on to the Toronto Domin- ion Bank. It is the tallest sky- scraper in Toronto. From its 56th floor you can see everything if it's a clear day. Next they went by bus to Ontario Place near Lake Ontario. There they viewed films such as Seasons "of the Mind" depicting scenes of Ontario. The other film was "Explosions." In the basement were other films on Canadian history. Most of the students took ad- vantage of the boats and paddled on Lake Ontario. They left Ont- ario Place at 1"30 p.m. and took a streetcar to a subway station. At the subway they took two trains, to the Royal Ontario Museum. The Museum had many interesting exhibits but some of the more interesting ones were the planetariums, stuffed anim- als, temples, artifacts and rocks. At 5:00 p.m. the group went to Queen's Park and proceeded on to the Parliament Buildings. There they saw representatives in sestion. PAGE 15 After a half hour of listening they went to the library where they saw thousands of books, and then reached Union Station about 6;30 p.m. and took a supper break. At 7:40 all board- ed the train for London, and reached Zurich about 12:00 mid- night. DAVE'S DRIVE IN 236-4955 Main St. -- Zurich HOMEMADE PIZZA SERVICE Phone ahead for speedy take—home service STOP IN FOR YOUR SUPPLY OF CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID Pick up all your camping supplies!! Now available — Ice Cubes emAggsgsgemegmoggemogggoamsommislogigeoagesnmaktommegmemgsmillma _'!!! 11111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111911111I 4' 119111111911101111111111111111111119119111191191111111111111111111111119111111 Thu. 8 Fri., Sat. 1 0 "Epic battle of the sexes!" Vincent Canby. R r rlme: RICHARD BURTON GENEVIEVE BUJOLD g. gag gg Moolvx IN me HALWALLIS rxununulN e.,4rtrteIht'e 7`lt'ousartb Da s COLE`"` ands TI NlANHUNTTihA�1 4 1 P. % NLVILXRiNG LE hFIER = A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ADULTLNTLR1AINMEN1 BRAND • DROWN r KIRK 4 WALT DISNEY prodaceoar KThEofthe Leprechaun ooa Magic! WALT DISNEY'S Darby®Gill and the ls. HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD 4 . ow OPEN AT :00 P.Nl. III111111911IIIIIl1111IIIIIIIIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItI111IIIIIII111A NEW OWNER CHARLIE'S AUTO SALES North -End Supertest — Exeter wish to announce the sale of 11e GARAGE AND GAS BUSINESS to Mr. Harry Wolper who will carry on the business as WALPER'S SUPERTEST Mr. Wolper will continue to service all maks of cars, with licenced mechanics on staff. He will also service ;7;II Rambler Product for Charlie's Auto Sales. Mr. Thiel will continue to sell new Ramblers ad top quality Used Cars, at his location across the street from the garage.