HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-07-08, Page 13PAGE 14 _OF - YEARS GONE -BY- 50 Years Ago Mr. Frank Bossenberry, of Kitchener, called on relatives in the village of Zurich over the past weekend. Mr. Will Colles recently made a business trip to Chatham and points in Michigan. While away he purchased a fine Oakland Six touring car. Several from this vicinity attended the circus in London last week. While crossing a creek during the recent flood, a farmer near the village lost a roll of bills valued at $100. The roll fell into the water and floated down strean a considerable distance. Later on the bills were picked up by a neighbour, some hanging on chocks, and some on the fences. The finder returned the money to the owner. It apparently seems a hard pill for Goderich to take - the County Town (and over ten times the population of Zurich, that they cannot produce a ball team sup- reme to the Zurich boys. Bright- en up, Purities, next game Ohlert will likely use Purity flour on the ball and dought it all over you. Mr. Charles Fritz is this week replanting his acre of celery, which was drowned out in the flood. 40 Years Ago The average monthly payment under the Mother's Allowance Act in Huron County is $32. a month, clerk George Holman told the County Council last Tuesday. Soloman Jacobi, son of John and Margaret Jacobi was born at St. Jacobs, Ont. November 15, 1857 and departed this life July 6, 1931, aged 73 years, 7 months and 21 days. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walper, bridal couple of Detroit, were visitors with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Walp- er of town. Miss Cathryn Merner who attended High School at Elmira, is spending her vacation with her parents in town. Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim, Miss Ruth Turkheim and Mr. Louis Weber motored to Gadshill on July 1, where Mr. Turkheim conducted services. There are more people sticking to the straight and narrow path these days. They have to, the traffic is so heavy. 25 Years Ago William Leonard Geromette, of Detroit, has purchased the fine 100 -acre farm of Mr. and Mrs. August Koehler, one-half mile north of Zurich including all implements and stock. Mr. Geromette has been serving on the Detroit police force for the past number of years. An Oesch family reunion was held on Saturday at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rad• er on the Goshen Line south of Zurich. The reunion was in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Saskatchewan, who have been visiting here. Miss Ethel Williams has had as her guest for the past week, Mrs. Emma Sanders, from Tam- pa, Florida, who has been call- ing on friends in her native town. Dr. Archie MacKinnon left on Tuesday morning for Manit- oulin Island, where he will carry on extensive and experimental research for the Department of Agriculture. Mr. Harold Koehler has rec- eived word that he has complet- ed a successful year at the Univ- ersity of Toronto, where he is taking a course in Faculty of Applied Service of Engineering Physics. 15 Years Ago George Albert Garnet Jacobe, 69, died on July 4, 1956, on his farm home, Parr Line, Hay Township, where he had farmed during his married life, after an illness of some time duration. As we sit down to think over the big Centennial of last week we feel that we could write column after column of the big doings and the big success it THE CHEESE HOUSE Main Street — Zurich has added to it's line of GARDINER'S MILK NOW AVAILABLE in PLASTIC BAGS or CARTONS Three 1 -Quart Plastic Bags — only 954 See us for Eggs, Butter, Cheese, etc. teTHE LITTLE FARMERS MARKET" bag kace Jjaw5 MAIN STREET — ZURICH ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS was, but we are already past our printing hour. Mr. and Mrs. Roswell O'Brien of Vancouver, B.C., Mr. Wil- liam O'Brien, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien, of town motored to Flint, Michigan to visit with the former's sister, Mrs. Enema Melick. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Siebert attended the funeral of the latter's mother, Mrs. Wellington Paisley of Stouffviile, last Friday, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Rowe and family from Bolton, visited the Centennial week -end at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger. Their son Thomas a radio announcer at Sarnia, was also here. 10 Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger, R. R. 2, Zurich, were pleasantly surprised when relatives met at their home to honour them, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Members of the Zurich Lions Club are making preparations to feed 1, 000 people at their big Chicken Barbecue next Wednes- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Black and family are vacationing at their cottage in the Pinery, at Port Franks. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bannister and family have returned home after spending a week's vacat- ion with relatives in Morrisburg. Miss Gloria Gingerich R.N. spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich. Miss Meda Surerus, of Toronto, is spending the summer vacatinn season in Zurich, with her brother Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and family, of Georgia, are spending a couple of week's vacation at the home of Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs. Anne Turk- heim. STARLITE 3 - DRIVE -IN THEATRE GRAND BEND Wed., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. July 7.8.9-10 WOODSTOCK (Adult Entertainment) (Color) All Star Cast -1 Show Each Night Approximate Starting Time 9:15 Mon., & Tues.—July 12 - 13 (Double Feature) (Color) HELLS ANGELS 69 Adult Entertainment Jeremy Slate. Tom Stern SCREAM and SCREAM AGAIN Color Vincent Price, Christopher Lee Wed., to Tues. — 1 WEEK July 14-15-16.17.19-20 Double Feature Disney Production Color THE ARISTOCATS Phill Harris, Eva Gabor DAD CAN I BORROW THE CAR Featurette BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Children Linder 12 in Cars Free Wedding TAYLOR - MILLS Riverside United Church, London, decorated with white mums and pink candles, was the setting for the wedding of Sandra Mills and Mervin S. Taylor, June 26, 1971, with Rev. H.J. Snell performing the ceremony. Mrs. Margaret E. Mills is the mother of the bride and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff, Exeter. The soloist for the occasion was Mrs. Bev. Skinner, Exeter. The bride's brother, Gerry Mills, gave her in marriage. She was gowned in a stunning white eyelet lace dress which fell in cape -like folds at the back. Her wrist length illusion veil was edged with the same lace as the dress and her flowers were white daisies and yellow rosebuds. The matron of honor was Mrs. Gord O'Neil, London, who wore a high waisted yellow gown trimmed with embroidered daisies. Sharon Harp and Mrs. Jack Triebn er were maids of honor and they were dressed in mauve dresses similar to the matron of honor. All carried baskets of white and mauve daisies and wore the same flowers in their hair. Ross Gould was best man and THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 Brian Hern and Jack Triebner ushered the guests. The reception was held at the Exeter Legion Hall after which the couple left for a trip to points in the Northern United States and Ontario. The bride's travelling outfit was a pale mauve pant suit. Mr, and Mrs. Taylor will reside in London where the groom is with Bill Bestard Plumb- ing and Heating, and the bride is employed with Harrison & Martin Construction. Prior to the wedding showers in honor of the bride wereheld by Mrs. Gord O'Neil, London, Mrs. Jack Triebner and Mrs. Lorne Haugh, Exeter. TONIGHT THURSDAY, at 7 P. M. CEREAL TWILIGHT MEETING Sponsored by Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association at the farm of JACK PECK miles west of Kippen See Winter Wheat and Spring Cereal varieties. Cereal Diseases and Seed Treatment to be discussed HARDWARE �STORESi PUTS BUGS ON 1HE RUN 60-100 w Reg. 2 for 89c NON ATTRACTING INSECT LIGHT TOILET TANK DRIP TRAY POSITIVE SEAL PLASTIC LETTUCE CRISPER FROST COLOUR 96 -oz. capacity °a"&Xs:OVWPQ< , ER 6: ;: ;'E:, ,:Ay+atxrc5 'd3% tag uY S':fa:'OZSMIU SIMIME" ' iltiMS=EN SHOP PRO WHEREVER YOU GO ZURICH PHONE 236-4911 HARDWARE MAIN INTERSECTION — ZURICH 0