HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-07-01, Page 14TV THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1971 Bayfield Liens Pick New Slate Joe Mayman, of Bayfield was installed as the new President of the Bayfield Lions Club at the last regular meeting of the seas- on held at the Little Inn on Tuesday night. Zone Chairman for Region 3 South, Orville Wassman, instal- led the officers who, with in- coming President, Joe Mayman, were: Immediate Past -President, Eric Earl; First Vice- President, Ernie Hovey; Second Vice -Pres- ident, Gordon Graham; Third Vice -President, Jack Merner; Secretary, Pat Graham; Treasur- er, Gordon Graham; Directors for one year, Murray Garrett and Clare Merner; Directors for two years, Ken Mackie and Lloyd Westlake; Tail Twisters, Fred LeBeau and Murray Garrett; Lion Tamer, George Clark; and S ong Leader, Clare Merner. Outgoing president, Eric Earl, initiated and welcomed new member, Don Johnston, into the club. At the meeting that preceded the installation and initiation, plans were discussed re the var- ious activities of the club memb- ers for the Bayfield Lions Frolic, which will be held on Friday, July 23, commencing with a parade starting from the post office at 7:30 p.m. Regular dinner meetings of the Bayfield Lions Club will re- sume in the fall. However. it is hoped that all Bayfield Lions will attend a meeting to be held at the Fire Hall on Tuesday, July 13, to finalize plans for the Frolic ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS rom my window By golly it is the first of July, and 1971 is officially half gone, Isn't that a unique way to start a column which has to do with smoking? I was leafing through the morn- ing paper today and discovered the picture of a 17 month old child from Normanby, England. The baby...I'm sure most moth- ers will agree that he is still very much a baby at 17 months.. , was photographed as he puffed away on his pipe'full of tobacco. The accompanying lines told me the little guy had been enjoy- ing the smoking habit since he was just 12 months old. What do you think of that? His father is the secretary of a pipe smokers' club. He feels it is better for the little fellow to be smoking that to be eating candy. I'm surely enough of a fool to say the youngster would benefit more from meat, milk, vegetables and fruit and an aft- ernoon nap in the, fresh air than either pipe smoking or candy. I really cannot imagine any mother or father teaching a youngster such a bad habit as smoking. True, pipe smoking is not considered to be as dang- erous to the health as cigarette smoking, , but why on earth would any parent get pleasure from seeing a toddler pulling on a pipe stoked with burfling tobacco any more than he would method ically teach him profanity in- stead of ma -ma and da -da? It just isn't natural. Our 15 -year old son said he would dearly love our permission GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES 1 0/ For Five Years JOHN R.CONSITT 23fi1l332 -ZURICH BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER to smoke. He is no different than most boys his age I suppose. We know he takes the occasional cigarette and I'm convinced , that when he is particularly flush on payday, he may even purch- ase a pack of the obnoxious weed; Whenever I converse with him concerning the smoking habit, I tell him what I discovered abou• it while I was hooked on tobacco - it is dirty, expensive, offensive to others and unhealthy. I remind him it is much easier never to start than to stop once you've begun... and he listens and nods knowingly. Then he tells me that at school there are plenty of films and piles of pamphlets available to tellyou all about the ugly smok- ing habit. He says that his teach- ers and the school medical auth- orities save no effort to discour- age him concerning smoking... but he persists. Why? No beicause he enjoys smoking. Not because he needs something to do with his hands. Not because he is prone to over- weight. Not because he is nerv- ous and tense. Not even because all his friends do. Would you actually believe •that our son smokes because it makes him look older? That's rright. Our mature and well ad- justed .boy who is tall and mus- cular smokes to give the impres- sion that he is older than 15 years. How's that for common sense in the face of all the knowledge about the harmful effects of smoking which are available to the kids these days? I decided that since the kid was smoking anyway, he might just about as well smoke at home, Some folks are not in agreement with that thenry but somehow, I thought that was the best way to deal with a situation like that. So I re -opened the smoking subject one day with out son. I told him that if he insisted on ruining his health and fouling up the air; he night as well smoke at home in our presence than sneak around in restaurants and side streets with his fags. Be looked at me with a wide - eyed stare which bordered on terror., In that instant I realized that our son did not really WANT to smoke and that by inviting hin to enjoy his vice in our home I was actually encouraging him daring him if you like - to cont- inue the habit against his better judgement. I was being no help to him at a time when he really needed assistance. On the cont - NOW, THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE THE CARPETS IN YOUR HOME LOOK AND STAY CLEANER LONGER! It's the most effective on -location cleaning process ever developed . . . recommended by the leading fibre manufacturers and carpet mills in North America. Instead of scrubbing dirt in deeper by the use of brushes and strong detergents, Deep Steam penetrates, suspends and extracts soil in one operation keeping your carpets cleaner, longer. Call us today for a no -obligation estimate. Your carpets can have that beautiful brand- new lustre again, and at moderate cost. CaII Bill Pinder at DEEP STEAM EXTRACTION of Huron County Seaforth, Ontario PHONE 527-1851 rary, I was giving up and making it more difficult for him to break off. And that's what I think about the father mentioned in the news paper who is teaching his little lad to smoke. It may seem like the cute and harmless thing to do today but someday, that boy may be sick or physically or mentally weakened by the habit and he may learn to hate his father for letting him down when he needed him most. And that's when old pop may wish he'd given his son a teething biscuit instead of a pipe. , PAGE FIFTEEN Lifeguard at Bend Bill Dinnin, a 25 -year old London public school, teacher with four years experience in life guarding at the summer re- sort beach will be the chief lifeguard and will receive $2 per.hour. His assistant will be Sandy McPherson, 23 years of age at $1. 90 per hour, Completing the staff will be Mary Lattimer of the physical education staff at the University of Western Ontario and Janet Lochead of Forest who will each be paid $1.75 per hour. SAVE $$DOLLARS$$ ON HOG FEED Conn's 40% Hog Concentrate -ton $119 Mixed Grain -ton $50 Hog Grower 1600 Grain 400 Hog Concentrate -ton $67 Hog Finisher 1800 Grain 200 Hog Concentrate -ton $61 Cann's Mill Limited 235-1782 ® Exeter LIMITED TIME OFFER T,= with MOORE'S HOUSE PAINT EXTERIOR WHITE BARN P ED INT (limited quantity) 5.95 gallon HARDWARE MAIN INTERSECTION - ZURICH ZURICH PHONE 236-4911