HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-03-25, Page 13PAGE FOURTEEN ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1971 Zuric'h Women's Institute Present Life Certificate to Valued Member Eighteen members and three visitors attended the March meeting of the Zurich Wom- en's Institute. Thence for the program was health. Mrs. 0. Schwartzentruber was in charge of the program. She conducted a true or false contest on health. The roll call, "don't's for the sick room, presented the various answers. Don't smoke, don't visit too long, never tell your health or other troubles to a patient, don't touch a patients bed, be pleasant, don't talk loudly. Mrs. Thomas Meyers was presented with a framed Life Mamhership certificate and pin by the district president, , Mts. D. Geiger and Branch President, Mrs. L. hlopp, Mrs. Meyers was a president of the Zurich Institute for almost 10 years and a member for 43 years. She also had the office of secretary and branch direct- or. She was a federated repres- entative for the area and serv- ed in the office as provincial board director for three years. It was an honor to the Zurich branch, as well as to Mrs. Meyers, to have the presentat- ion of a Life Membership. Only on two occasions were similar presentations made. Those were to the late Mrs. William Bassow and Mrs. Charles Fritz. Institute members and friends quilted one large, two single and seven crib quilts on March third and fourth. These are for the booth at the Sixth Annual Bean Festival in August. Reports were that the six euchre parties were entertain- ing and successful. Representatives for the Inst- itute to the Agricultural Soc- iety are Mrs. Eileen Consitt and Mrs. llarvey Bohner. A piano recital will be spon- sored for Miss Idella Gabel, at the Hay Township Hall, in May, Girls Work on Sewing Project (by Joan Finkbeiner) We met at the home of Mrs. Oke on March 17, for our four- th meeting. The 4-11 Pledge was said followed by minutes and roll call. We decided to come in the week of our holidays and get some of our summer separates sewed up. Mfrs. Oke demon- strated inserting an invisible zipper on a girl's garment. Next meeting will be March 31, because there are going to be some girls away for the holidays. 0 About People Dr. and Mrs. D. Clarkson and son Mark, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc Curdy, of Miss- issauga spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T. Meyers. Faith, Jane and babe retrained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Dinnin spent some time this week at their cottage at Point Au Baril. NOTICE the TRACTOR DIVISION of L I' rry Snider Motors LIMITED WILL. `E CLOSED All Day - Saturday, March 27 For Stock Taking Prior to the Sale of The Tractor Division to EXETER FORD EQUIPMENT SALES LTD. Open For Business As Usual Monday, March 29 ALL NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT CLEARING AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES This Thursday and Friday BUY NOW — AND SAVE Hydro Official Spikes Story OF area Generating Station (continued from page 1) 1300, 000 gallons of water a minute to keep cool while a nuclear installation requires even more. The supply must be kept reasonably free from ice, weeds and algae, which can clog intake screens and shut down a generator within minutes, " he said. "One by one llydro's system planners and design engineers eliminate the less feasible sites, " Mr. Boitson explained. "Once the search has narrowed down to, say, three possibilit- ies, each site is allotted points on the basis of these and other factors. As you can see, it is a ling, and difficult matter to choose a site for a generating station." Coining back to your own concerns in this community, I wish to repeat that any spec- ulation is simply that --specul- ation, " Mr. Boitson concluded. Ontario Hydro is looking at the shorelines of the Great Lake: system, but Ontario Hydro has not taken any steps beyond just looking, and there are no im- mediate plans for announcing a new generating station. " The guest speaker was intr- oduced by 1-Ierb Turkheim, and thanked by Douglas Armstrong. Glen Thiel, president of the organization, chaired the meeting. During the business section, of the meeting, plans were finalized for the annual Sauer- kraut Supper, which is being held on April 7. Considerable discussion took place regard- ing membership, and it was left up to the membership committee to visit members who have not been regular in attendance, as well as prospects for membership. Plans were also outlined at the meeting regarding the anniversary celebration of the organization, which is sched- uled for April 15. At this time the president of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce will be present to address the group. MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT HENSALL ARENA FRI., MAR. 26 7 p.m. FIVE GAMES Sponsored by: Hensail Minor Athlatie Asaoe. BRING YOUR BOY TO THE ARENA—DON'T SEND HIMI Special Dance featuring MAJOR HOMES BOARDING HOUSE Zurich Arena Thursday, March 25 9-12 Advance tickets $2.00 Tickets at door $2.25 Benjamin Moore's finest interior latex wallfinish. REGAL WALL SATIN \%.?..1\arn-triii.,,,t JJllllllllliillul� nli�lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIMt. Eliminate the guesswork. We guarantee that Regal Wall Satin is Benjamin Moore's finest Interior latex wall finish. EE 11111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111f rrr • Easy to use • Dry in minutes • Choose from 1,500 colors • Soap and eater clean up • Extra—high hiding Quarte also available at sale savings! But act now... Sale prices good for 14 days only! Use it. , e y u'11 get the greatest decorating s ZURICH PHONE 236-4911 tisf cti,. n. HARDWARE MAIN INTERSECTION — ZURICH