HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-03-25, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1971 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN' For Sale DISC—Massey Ferguson, 3 point hitch disc, i'n good condition. 236- 4136. 364136. 11-p ,RED CLOVER SEED—Phone 236- 4749. Phil Durand. 1Zb COB CORN—Apply to lion Over- holt. 236-4841. 12-6b ALFALFA SEED—apply Jeffrey Brothers, Blake phone Zurich 236- 4015. 11-2-p +SNO WMOBJe el —. MOTO - SKI Snowmobile, 20 H.P, Like new. Apply to Stewart Deutz, Zurich. 12p SHELLED CORN Large quan- tity of dried, shelled corn. Pick- up or delivered. Apply to Lionel Wilder, 2364020. 60-tfb VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf POTATOES, carrots and onions now available, Contact Arnold Vanden Boomen, 21/2 miles east of Zurich, on Hwy. 84. Phone 236- 4038 40tfb SNOWMOBTLF Trailers, single and double units. Tilting plat- form for loading and un loading. Clearance and signal lights equip - ed. Tom Penhale, phone 565-2476 46 tfb APPLFS — No. 1 Spies, Kings, Maclntosh, Delicious and Green- ings per bushel $2.99. POTATOES No. 1 Sabago, 75 lb. bag $1.99 Vernon Schatz, General Merchant, Dashwood. 8-tfb FARM -75 acres on Highway 83, 1 mile west of Dashwood, Good clay -loam, 50 acres ready for seed- ing, 25 acres pasture. Creek run- ning through farm, excellent barn pig stable and large implement shed. For quick sale, to settlees- tate, Phone after 5 p.m. Leona Rader, 2364366. 12p MIXED GRAIN -30 tons of clean good quality mixed grain, also government graded no. 1 Timothy and. Red Clover seed at worth- while savings, seed will be avail- able soon. Inquires invited, you are under no obligation to buy. David Blackwell, Parr Line, 236- 4820. 12-3p Lost and Found FOUND — Golden Collie, Owner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Contact Harvey Martin, 262-5453. 12b Help Wanted AVON CALLING YOU — For a wonderful earning 'opportunity in your own territory—during your own hours. Call or write Mrs, M. Millsan, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London; 32. 451-0541. 12b Full -Time arena manager, park supervisor and ice maker. Please state wages expected and exper- ience. Send .appllioation to Hensall Recreation Committee, C/O Kar- en Alexander, Hensall, Ontario. All entries to be in by 6 p.m. April 7, 1981. 11-2b For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump. mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Custom Work CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear . see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Coming Events "RD Film Day for Nurses, Perth - Huron Regional School of Nurs- ing, Wednesday, April 14, 1971, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Luncheon will be provided at the School and Conference closes at 4 p,m, This educational day for nurses is sponsored by the Huron -Perth TB and Respiratory Disease As- soCiatio•n, 121 Wellington Street, Stratford, Phone 271-7500" 12b South Huron and District Assoc- iation for the !mentally retarded meeting will be held at the Ex- eter Public School, on Tuesday, March 30, 8 p.m. Speaker: Keith Hudson, staff representative of the O.A.M.R., for this area. He will speak on adult services and planned workshop for the Dis- trict. The Opportunity Workshop Choir will entertain et the meet- ing. Please note change of date. Everyone is invited. 12b Card of Thanks Sincere thanks to everyone for cards, treats and visits While I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital__JIM GRANGER, 12b My sincere thanks to all who remembered me on my 90th birthday, on March 9, with lovely cards, gifts and e house plant, also a lovely potted plant from the Friendship and Visitation Committee of Hensall United Church. It was greatly appreciat- ed—MRS. E. SAR.AR.AS. 12b Sincere thanks to everyone who remembered me with cards, gifts, prayers and visits while a patient et St. Joseph's Hospital. Thanks also to Rev. Cyril Gingerich, Rev, Ephriem Gingerich, Drs. Wallace and Manners, also the nurses en sixth floor, north east wing. Your thou;ehfulness will alsways be re- membered—MRS. ROY GINGER - ICH. 12p Services RADIO & TELEVISION Servic- ing, Forrest Electronics, Hensall. Phone 262-2143 or 262-2202. 12-3b Miscellaneous Why wait for Spring—do it now! Horne painting and decorating— interior and exterior. Guaranteed Results. Phone 2364924. 7tfb Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteed, F i n e selection of watches, diamonds and china. Di- amond re -setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. ltfb Large Feed Company has fantat- lc Hog, Poultry and Beef Con- tracts :available. Apply to Herold Schroeder Milling, Dashwood, 237- 3651, 12-7b SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238.2291 HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to decrease in meat pric- es we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer f a s t efficient, courteous, same day service, 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 40tfb Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MINERVA LOVE, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Married Woman. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of April, 1971. after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 12-4b Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Threshers, Farm Machin- ery, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 10, CON. 13, STANLEY TOWNSHIP 2i miles north of Blake, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, THRESHER and MACHINERY—M.M. "U" Stand- ard tractor in good condition; Allis 'Chalmers C "A" tractor equipped with loader and 2 row scuffler; Gehl 10" forage har- vester, equipped with pick-up and single row corn head; Dion self unloading forage harvest- er box and wagon, like new; Waterloo 36x48 grain thresher equipped with straw cutter and grain thrower; Owens bean ma- chine; Papec 10" .hammer mill; Smaley blower with extention pipes; 40' bale or forage eleva- tor equipped with gas engine; 14' cob corn elevator equipped with le H.P. motor; 14' grain elevator with pipes; Gehl blow- er with pipes; M.H. 10' power take -off grain swather; Cock- shutt 15 run grain and fertiliz- er drill !in good condition; New Idea 7' trailmower; Geo. White 95 bus. power take -off manure spreader; John Deere 3 furrow 14" bottom, on rubber; M.H. 6' binder; 4 section spring tooth harrows; 4 section diamond har- rows; M.H. 8' double disc; rub- ber tire wagon and rack; Cock - !Shutt 8' !one,way disc; steel wag- on and box; 10' link harrow; 8' stiff tooth cultivator; Allis Chal- mers 2 furrow plow; 3 point hitch fertilizer spreader; M.H. 2 row corn planter; power take- off roller spray pump with two nozzels for liquid fertilizer; Har- die !orchard sprayer; Large ca- pacity feed mixer equipped with 2 H.P. electric motor; 2000 lb. weigh scales; Clinton fanning mill with motor; air pressure pump equipped with 1 H.P. mo- tor; ,hog crate with weigh beam scales; 545 gal. drums; work bench with heavy duty vice; large assortment tools; forks; 'shovels; axes; sledge; rolls of barb wire; team'bells; emery grinder; galv. pails; -harness; collars; nylon rope. HAY, GRAIN & CORN—large quantity cut hay and straw; ap- prox. 5 ton shelled corn and 30 ton cob corn; 200 bus. oats suit- able for seed; quantity mixed grain. TERMS — CASH No reserve as farm ds sold. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. ED. STECKLE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Combine, rarm Ma• cninery, play, mousenold Effects and Misc. Items on the Premises LOT 36, 'CON. SOu1.H BOUND- ARY, HAY TOWNSHIP 11/4 males East of Port Blake or 33/4 miles West of Dashwood, Highway 83 The undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public Auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 6 at 1 p.m. TRACTOR and COMBINE — Int, W4 Standard Tractor, in good condition; MoDeering No. 82 power take -off Combine equipped with hydraulic con- trols, also 2 sets concaves and cylinders, used 1 season, like new. FARM MACHINERY — Int. double disc 15 -run grain and 'fertilizer drill with wide steel wheels, in good condition; Int 15 -run single disc grain and fertilizer drill with power lift; New Holland. 110 bushel man- ure spreader, like new; McCor- mick No. 1 portable 40' grain and bale elevator, like new; Heavy duty Tomen wagon equip- ped with 8 -ply tires, 175 bus. self unloading gravity box; New Holland side delivery rake; Int. 8 ft cultivator; Int. stiff tooth cultivator; Int. 7' binder; 18' grain auger with motor; 2 -drum steel roller; sleigh; MeDeering bean puller with new knives; 2- H.P. electric motor and grind- er; 1/4 H.P. electric motor; 40' endless belt; litter carrier and track; steel water tank; fanning mill; feed cart; 1 cylinder gas- oline motor; 400 oap. electric incubator; chains; forks; barrels many other mise items. HAY -600 bales mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — dressers; beds; wash stands; sealers; etc. etc. No Reserve TERMS—CASH ED TURNBULL, Prop, GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate on the premises NORTH '/z LOT 4, CON. 13, HAY TOWNSHIP Y2 mile North of Dashwood The undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public Auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 at 2 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of North '/a Lot 4, Con, 13, Hay Township -50 acre farm; 10 a- cres mixed bush, 7 acres pas- ture land, remainder all fall ploughed ready for spring seed- ing. Land—sandy clay loam, never failing water supply. Farm sit- uated for various potential val- ue. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days, sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. CARL OESTREICHER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 Extensive AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Farm Machinery, Combine, Feed and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 24, PARR LINE, HAY TOWNSHIP 2i miles east of Zurich, thence 2 miles north, on SATURDAY, APRIL 3 at 1:00 p.in. TRACTORS, TRUCK & AUTO: David Brown 990 Standard Tree, tar, completely hydraulic equip- ped and power steering, in per- fect condition; M.M. 'Z' row crop tractor, equipped with 4 - row scuffler Oliver 70 row crop tractor; Ford 66-'/z ton pickup truck with racks, in good con- dition; 1962 Chest 2 -door Belair car, in good condition; Skiroule 1300, ,1970 model snowmobile, like new. COMBINE & MACHINERY -- Int. 80 power take -off combine; MoDeering No. 46 hay baler, like new; MeDeering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill on rub- ber; M•cDeering single raw corn picker; 32' grain and bale ele- vator; Turnco rubber tire wag- on and grain box; 91/2' Kong- skilde cultivator; Massey semi mounted shay mower; 3 -point hitch hydraulic plow; Int. 15- ' run single disc grain drill; 3- drum steel roller; set diamond harrows; Allis Chalmers side delivery rake; McCormick side rake; Corn and bean planter; 2 grain augers, 20' and 10'; Pi- oneer 18" bar chain saw; snow blower; Surge Milking machine; strainer and pails; 180 amp Ho- bart electric welder; air com- pressor; Bolen garden tractor plow and cultivator; Quantity mixed hay; 500 bales straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Chesterfield and Chair; piano; dining room suite table, 5 chairs buffet and China cabinet, cof- fee table; rocking chair; round wall mirror; combination radio and record player; beds; steel baby crib; rug; blankets; table lamps; baseboard electric heat- er; dishes; sealers etc. TERMS — CASH ARTHUR TOWTON, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctionee, 0 Estate AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Ef- fects and Misc. items on the premises ZURICH, ONTARIO The undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1971 at 1 p.m. Complete list of sale in follow- ing issue. MRS. MARJORIE LOVE, Executrix for the Estate of the late Alvino Sararas. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. 0 FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE Godericih Township — 194 acres, 10 room house, large barn. 2 silos, 50 milk cows, 65 heifers, stable - cleaner, milkhouse, bulk cooler. Goderieh Township — 160 acres, 10 room house, large barn, 48 milk cows, 56 heifers and steers, 2 si- los, milkhouse, bulk cooler, sta- ble -cleaner. Goderich Township — 80 acres, 7 room house, dairy barn, 26 milk cows, silo, stable cleaner, milkhouse, bulk cooler. 7 miles South of Goderich — 30 acres, 9 room house, sow and hog barn, new hen -house, 5,000 hens in cages all automatic. Close to Clinton — 120 acres, 9 room brick house, barn 50x60. Between Blyth and Walton — 139 acres, 9 roam brick house, large barn for 450 hogs, stable cleaner, manure tank. 4 miles South of Clinton — 100 acres, 8 room house, new bare with broiler quota of 10,000 birds. 4 miles North of Grand Bend — 169 acres, 9 room house, barn 42x 66, 30x40 , the right farm for cash crop and beef. South of Bayfield on Highway 21 — 158 acres, 9 roam brick house, bath, oil furnace, barn, new drive shed. 80 acres of land in Goderieh Township. C. BURUMA. RR 2, CLINTON 482-3287 Salesman for K. W. Coktuhou Limited, Clinton. 482-9747 12-3b SENIOR BOWLING (March 20, 1971) Hi Hopes - R. Finkbeiner -519 Ramblers - 7. Turkheim - 495 Whippoorwills - L. Surerus - 556 Newcomers - R. Stephenson -52' Hawkeyes -G. Soudant - 670 Varieties - L. Willert - 650 High Single - H. Stade -345 High Triple - H, Stade - 778