HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-03-18, Page 13THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1971
Golden Glimpses
This morning two lovely
robins made their appearance
outside the office window, and
with the snow disappearing al-
most as quickly as it came, I
am sure that this gives most of
us a ray of hope that spring
must be just around the corner,
and will help us feel just so
much better. A few more vis-
itors are beginning to find
their way back to the Home,
and some of our residents are
now able to get out for a Sun-
day drive or up to the village
for a visit. This all helps as
a morale booster.
This past week the films
shown on Tuesday evening were
"Black Creek Pioneer Village, "
and "Alaskan Eskimos." Each
week the residents look for-
ward to film night. Mr. Leroy
O'Brien has kindly offered to
sponsor the films for the month
of March, and we are grateful
to him. Have we a volunteer
for next month? The cost is
only $2. 00 per week.
Due to other commitments,
bingo was played on Thursday
afternoon instead of the even-
ing, and Mrs. Risi kindly help-
ed Mrs. Siebert to supervise it.
Last week I mentioned that
we would be holding another
film night for the public "That
Funny Feeling" in technicolor
with Sandra Dee & Bobby Darrin
This film will be shown on
Monday, March 29 at '7:15 p.m.
in the dining room. We had
0 0
Zurich V 4-H Girls
Discuss Choice
Of Fabrics
The first meeting of the
Zurich Five 4- H girls was held
at Mrs. Bob McKinley's on
February 24. She and Mrs.
Floyd Armstrong are the leaders
with seven members including
one new one.
Frances Armstrong was nom-
inated president. The discuss-
ion was on choosing the style
and fabric.
The second meeting of Sep-
arates for Summer, will be
held on Wednesday.
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intended to show this film on
Tuesday evening, but the
Annual Meeting of the Home
will be held on that date here.
We are pleased to welcome
Mr. and Mrs. James Brine, of
St. Marys as new residents to
our Home.
On Sunday evening, Rev.
John Huether, of Zurich was in
charge of the Chapel service,
and Miss Idella Gabel presided
at the organ.
Unit 2 of UCW
Study America
The rescheduled meeting of
Unit II was held on March 15.
Mrs. Stewart Blackwell chaired
the meeting and opened with
a poem followed by a hymn.
Mrs. Jack Corbett chose for
her devotional the theme "The
Hidden Treasure of Easter" and
followed with a prayer, explain
ing the meaning of "Praying
Hands. "
The study on the Americas
was very capably given by
Mrs. Ron Mock who spoke on
the rural and slum areas in
Latin America, educational
planning, illiteracy and the
roll of the church in education.
Roll call with 15 members
responding was answered by
"Did you Know?"
Thank you cards were read
from Mrs. Dave Blackwell and
Mrs. Ross Forrest.
Plans were made for the
"Spring Thaw" supper to be
held on March 31, from 5:30
to 7:00.
Volunteers responded to help
Mrs. Pearl Passmore with crafts
for the month of April at the
Queensway Nursing Home.
Meeting closed with prayer
followed by the Mezpah Bened-
An interesting contest was
enjoyed and the March group
served lunch.
Zurich Peewees
Down Huron Park
On Monday night the Zurich
Peewees downed Huron Park
in the second game of the zone
playoffs to take a two game
lead in the best of five series.
Huron Park took a 1-0 lead
in the first period on a goal
by Kevin McKesler.
Wayne Schilbe tied the scor-
ing at the 2:10 mark of the sec-
ond period. Before the period
ended Wayne Clarke and Dan-
ny Laporte each scored on goal
to go ahead 3-1.
In the third period two goals
by Wayne Clarke and singles
by Paul Robinson, Jeff O'Brien,
Bill Hay and Fred Mommersteeg
gave the Peewees their 9-1
Hensall Kinettes
Pian Rummage
The. Kinette Club of Mensall
met at the home of Mrs. Roy
Bell with all members present.
It was decided to hold the
annual spring rummage sale on
Friday, May 5.
District i Interclub will be
hosted this year by the Kinette
Club of Goderich, April 14,
and District I Convention will
be held in Woodstock, May 16.
On April 4, the Kinettes
will visit shut-ins from the
Abouf People
You Know
Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Mrs.
Mayme Hoffman, Miss Jane
Lamont, and Mrs. Newell
Geiger attended a birthday
party for Mrs. Jean Manson,
Exeter, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Hilton Laing.
Relatives and friends from Hen-
sall and Exeter were also pres-
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