Zurich Citizens News, 1971-02-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
50 Years Ago
The Zurich Book Room has fin-
ally closed it's doors to the public.
By examining the prices in the
catalogues now being sent out
and comparing them with the
local stores, one will be amazed
to see how much cheaper the local
stores are in most cases.
Fine sleighing has been enjoyed
the past week, and the motor bus
to Hensall has been replaced by
the sleigh.
Clayton and Clarence Hoffman
assisted the Ailsa Craig hockey
team in a game against St. Marys,
in which the Ailsa Craig team
was the victor,
A number of good fat steers
brought as high as $10.50 per cwt.,
at the Toronto Sales last week.
The good stuff is very popular.
On Friday afternoon last, the
neighbours and friends of Robert
McKinley, came with their saws
and axes, and cut a good pile of
wood for him.
The Hensall and Zurich U. F.O.
group have purchased the ware-
house of the Simmons estate, just
west of the tracks in Hensall.
40 Years Ago
Mr. Everett Haist who motored
to Harbour Beach, Michigan last
week in response to the call of
his father's illness, returned the
following day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kochems
and family have moved their
household effects into the house
known as the old Zurich Bakery
On Friday, February 20, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas of Drys-
dale observed their 60th anniver-
sary of their wedded life. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Gelinas are enjoy-
ing very good health.
We are happy to state that there
are a few auction sales in this
community shortly. On Tuesday,
March 3, the sale of farm stock
and implements of Mr. William
Thiel of the Bronson Line, Hay,
will be held, and then a week
later the sale of Mr. Conrad Sie-
mon's farm stock and implements
will take place on his farm.
The farmers welcome the good
news that the prices of beans are
now on the increase as they took
a raise of 20 cents a bushel last
week, and the prevailing price
now is $1.20 for good beans.
Messers Ward Fritz and Jacob
Haberer are away to Windsor to
get the new Chevrolet truck that
has been ordered by Haberer Bros.
to use in their honey business.
25 Years Agcy
Mr. Fred W. Hess, of Zurich,
has been successful in passing his
final exams in the Faculty of Med-
icine at the University of Toronto,
and will now be known as Dr.
Fred W. Hess.
Mr. Earl Thiel has received his
new semi -trailer truck, and it is
a monster in size. The truck was
made by the Dodge people, and
'the woodwork was completed in
Mr. Morris Weber left on Mon-
day for Westminster Hospital, in
London, where he will be receiv-
ing treatment.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Char-
rette, who have been residents of
Detroit for many years, have
moved onto the farm they recently
purchased from William Jennison.
Mr. Keith Westlake, local fun-
Qra1 director, is adding a building
to his funeral parlors, and when
completed he will have a modern
up-to-date funeral home,
Miss Alpha Meyers, R.N.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Meyers, of Zurich, has accepted
a position with the Christie Street
Hospital, in Toronto.
David Meyers returned to Zur-
ich last week, after serving three
and a half years overseas with the
Canadian Army.
15 Yilars Ago
Willard Sturgeon, Bayfield,
was found unconscious early
Monday morning on the street
with his hands, arms, feet and
part of his body frozen, he is 60,
and is fighting for his life in
Clinton Hospital. He was the
subject of a heart attack.
The new deadline set for the
purchasing of the 1956 auto
licence plates has now been shift
ed on till March 20.
Mr. John Gallman of town is
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, where he had an operat-
ion performed on one of his eyes.
Mr. Gordon Smith of the Blue
Water Highway, had his two from
fingers caught on his left hand
one day last week in a fast rev-
olving planer.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Geiger and
Mrs. Melizza Geiger of the Bron-
son Line motored to Detroit for
the weekend. The latter remain-
ing for a few days visiting relat-
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher were
hosts to the Zurich and District
Chamber of Commerce on Friday,
February 17, when the Chamber
feted Mr. Carl Scott on his dep-
arture from our midst as manager
of the local branch of the Bank
of Montreal.
10 Years Ago
A bad sleet storm last Saturday
night caused considerable damage
to telephone poles and lines be-
longing to the Hay Municipal
Telephone System. Worst damage
occured along No. 83 Highway,
between Dashwood and Grand
Sales of the Hensall District
Co -Operative hit a new all time
high in 1960. The total sales
reached $676, 516. for the year,
almost $24, 000 above the 1959
Four young Zurich boys, Barry
Bloch, Larry Merner, Robert
Bannister and Richard Stade,
attended the big hockey game in
Stratford last Tuesday, when the
Detroit Red Wings made a visit
to that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Beierling,
of the Bluewater Highway, have
moved to the farm they purchased
north of Zurich, formerly owned
by Robert Clausius.
Mr. and Mrs, Neil Walker and
family have moved from their
apartment above the Mousseau
and Parkins garage to their new
home west of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Gerber,
and family, of Baden, were Sun-
day visitors with the former's
mother, Mrs. M. Gerber, in Zur-
Ramblers - A. Merrier - 515
Newcomers - H. Peck - 503
Whippoorwills - H. Stade -649
Varieties - H. Finkbeiner - 597
Hawkeyes - M. Gelinas - 602
Hi Hopes - H. Geiger - 665
HIGH SINGLE - H. Stade - 345
HIGH TRIPLE - H. Stade - 778
To: The Members of Council, and Ratepayers of the Corporation
of the Village of Zurich.
I have examined the 1970 financial statements of the Corporation
of the Village of Zurich and its local boards, which are listed on the
attached Index. My examination included a general review of the
•accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other
supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the circumstances.
In any opinion, these financial statements present fairly the finan-
cial position of the Corporation of the Village of Zurich, and its local
boards as at December 31st, 1970, and the results of their operations
for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis con-
sistent with that of the preceding year.
(Signed) A. M. HARPER
Goderich, February 5, 1971. License Number 3859
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure
for the year ended December 31, 1970
Revenue $
Taxation 45,006
Contributions from other tgovernments 28,917
Other 15.586
Total revenue 85,509
General government 8,091 5,686
Protection to persons and property 7.746 7,062
Public works 10,028 32,890
Sanitation and waste removal 178 416
Social and family services 1,139 1,802
Recreation and community services 25,691 23,347
Community planning and development 125
Financial expenses 5,297 1,988
Education 24,196 24,020
County -share of expenditure 12.863 13.452
Total expenditure
95,354 90,663
Excess of revenue over expenditure for the year 21.223
(Excess of expenditure over revenue dor the year) (5,845)
Surplus (deficit) at the beginning
of the year 7,934 (13,289)
Surplus at the end of the year 2,089 7,934
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at December 31, 1970
Taxes receivable
Other current assets
Total current assets
16,853 27,059
Capital outlay to be recovered in future years 59,600 64,200
Total assets
Temporary loans
76,453 91,259
4,000 11,000
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,366 4,625
Other current liabilities 648
Total current liabilities 8,014 15,625
Net long term liabilities 59,600
Reserves and reserve funds 6,750
Unappropriated balances 2,089
Total liabilities 76,453 91,259
Notes to Financial Statements
Charge for net long term liabilities
Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities
were as follows:
Principal payments
4 9,239
Of the total charges shown above, an amount of $8,143. was paid
from the general revenues of the municipality and is included in ex-
penditure, classified under the appropriate functional headings, and an
amount of $1,096, was recovered from the municipal enterprises for
hich the related net long term liabilities were incurred.
Provision for Reserves
Provisions for reserves amounting to $3,250 are included in the
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. Of this amount, $3,250 is
included in `Financial expenses".
Saris of Consolidation
The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects the assets and liabilities
of the revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve funds of the
municipalities. The assets and liabilities of any local boards of the
municipalities have not been included in this consolidation.
Net Tong term liabilities
Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and out-
standing at the end of the year amount to $59,600
Analysis o
for the year ended
Realty -Residential and farm .
-Commercial and industrial
Contributions from other governmet
Payments in lieu of taxes
Ontario enterprises
Municipal enterprises
Ontario -General
Per capita
Residential property tax reduction
General welfare assistance
Special grant re Park Lights ...
County of Huron
Other Revenue:
Licenses and permits
Rents, concessions and franchises
Service charges
Penalties and interest on taxes
Tax rebate recovered
Provision for deferred revenue
Total revenue
Analysis of {
for the year ended
General government:
Members of council
General administration
Protection to persons and property:
Street lighting
Public works:
Sanitation and waste removal:
Garbage collection and disposal
Social and family services:
General assistance
Recreation a•.d community services:
Parks and recreation
Other cultural facilities
Unclassified -Ball Park Lights .
Community planning and developme
Planning and zoning
Financial expenses
Interest on temporary borrowing
Provision for reserves ..... ...