HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-01-14, Page 14PAGE FOURTEEN
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Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader
Loric Pedersen and Linda
Scott, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Scott, of 1112-A-
13 street S , W. Calgary were
married December 18 and
honeymooned at Van Nurp,
California, with his sister and
family, Mr. and Ivirs. W. G.
Clayton Pfile is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, having
suffered a heart attack.
Mrs. Everett Haist and Don
Geiser are patients in St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, London.
The Historical Research and
current events group with Ivirs.
Mervyn Tiernan convenor in
charge of the January meeting,
Special guests were the 4-H
girls, 24, and their mothers
but only two were present.
Club N9tnber One, Dashwood
Jolly Joggers presented a skit,
"What to do in Leisure Time"
and Club II, Leisure Ladies, a
commentary "Safety in the
Home" by Marjory Schenk.
Nancy Braid, Kathy Ducharme
Teresa Holobowicz, and Patrick
Bender received cup and saucer
gifts from the Women's Insititue
for completing six projects.
Norma Weignad a tea pot for
completing eighteen projects.
The leaders, Mrs. Gordon Bend-
er, Mrs. Howard Datars, Mrs.
Earl Keller and Cora Van Raay
also received gifts for their
leadership. First aid kits,
stuffed toys, mobiles, and rec-
ord books were also on display.
The new project, "Separates
for Summer" was discussed and
leaders for three groups were
still undecided.
Mrs. Howard Maier, presided
for all the business. Many cards
of thanks were received for don-
ations. Two euchre parties will
be held in January, the 19th
and 26th. The ladies and husb-
ands will tour Dashwood Indust-
ries April 27.
Mrs. Tiernan was chairlady
for the program. Roll call
was "Did you Hear?" To be
answered by a current event.
Mrs. Stuart Wolfe discussed
the motto; Don`t let yesterday
take up too much of today.
Mrs, Howard Datars gave a
Huron Federation Pick Directors
And Committees for Coming Year
Four executive members
were elected from nine persons
niminated at the regular meet-
ing of the Huron Federation of
Agriculture. They were Russel
Kernighan, R, R. 4, Goderich;
Mervin Smith, R, R.1, Walton;
Vincent Austin, R. R.1, Dungan -
on; Doug Fortune, R, R.1, Wing -
ham. These four men, along
with president Jack Stafford,
R. R,1, Wroxeter; first vice-
president, Mason Bailey, R. R.3,
Blyth; second vice-president,
Case VanRaay, R, R. 3, Dashwooc
will be the executive of Huron
County Federation of Agricult-
ure for the year 1991.
The following committees
were approved by the directors;
Insurance, Bruce Shapton, Doug
McNeil, Bob McMillan, Bob
Allan, Doug Fortune.
Assessment and Taxation:
Charles Thomas, Barry Baker,
Walter Elliott, Doug Fortune,
Lavern Godkin.
Resolutions: Phil Durand, Pet-
er Chandler, Adrian Vos, Pat
Hunking, Martin Baan.
Finance: Case Van Raay, Jack
Stafford, Mason Bailey, Faye
Publicity: the executive, the
Education and Rural Develop-
ment: Mervin Smith, Alan
Turnbull, Jamieson Ribey, Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver McCharies,
John Riddell, Bob Henry.
Inputs: Charlie Rau, Bob
Gordon, Doug Fraser, Don Eadie,
Vince Austin, John Gaunt.
Entertainment: North group,
Mt. and Mrs, Mason Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Stafford. south
group, Mr. and Ivirs. Harry
Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Love, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc
Gregor, Mr. and Mrs.. Bev Hill,
Alf Warner.
Membership: Mason Bailey,
Lloyd Stewart, Vincent Austin,
Harry Hayter, Case Van Raay.
Properties: Russel Kernighan,
Lloyd Stewart, Bob Down, Mas-
on Bailey.
The first person named on
each committee is to act as
chairman with power to add,
except the two entertainment
committees, who will choose
their own chairmen.
Grant Wallace, director of
field services for Ontario Fed-
eration of Agriculture was guest
speaker and he explained the
old structure of the OFA and
compared the new structure,
showing how communications
have improved between the
farmers and the OFA. He went
on to say that members may be
encouraged to attend county
meetings, if the meetings were
rotated to different locations
each month.
He urged the members to con-
vince the 700 members to each
get out and sell one member-
ship to swell the county memb-
ership to 1400.
Convention reports were
given by Jack Stafford, Betty
Stafford, Doug Fortune.
reading. Mrs. Irvin Rader had
the Tweedsmuir History Book
on display as well as scrap
books and pamphlets on the
two churches. She gave a det-
ailed history of both the United
and Lutheran churches. Lunch
and the Queen brought the
meeting to a close,
Water and Waste
(continued from page 12)
and $100 to the reeve and dep-
uty -reeve, respectively will be
paid yearly.
Under the previous pay scale,
the reeve received $700 per
year for salary and mileage,
the deputy -reeve received a tot-
al of $600 and each councillor's
pay was $575.
Council meeting will be held
on the first and third Tuesdays
of each month. One exception
will be the second meeting of
January which has been changed
to the 21st due to County council
meetings slated for the 19th
when the new Warden will be
The following appointments
were made: Welfare Administrat•
or and Industrial Manager - Reev
Dietrich; Ausable River Conser-
vation Authority, James Hayter;
solicitors, Bell and Laughton;
Auditor, A, M, Harper & Co.
Dog Control Officer, Esteter
Veterinary Clinic, Drainage
engineers, Gamsby and Manner -
Stephen Community centres
Board - Mrs. Harvey Hodgins,
Mrs, Ross Krueger, William
Averill, Lloyd Bender, Lorne
Hodge, Gerald Dearing, Ken
Campbell, Roy Gibson and Bob
Crediton Community Parks
Board - Gerald Schenk, Stephen
Dundas, Cecil Desjardine, Mrs.
Lorne Hodge, Fred Bowers,
Clarence Fahner, Bob Galloway,
Lorne Preszcator and Mrs. Chas.
Centralia Centennial Centre
Stephen Dundas, Gerald Dearing,
Ken Hodgins, Earl Dixon, Ralph
Lightfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Cronyn and Mr. and Mrs. Law-
rence Hirtzel.
Dashwood Athletic Field -
Joseph Dietrich, George Tie-
rnan, Bill Vandeworp, Bob Hof-
fman, Glenn Webb, Irvin Rader.
Dashwood Community Centre -
Joseph Dietrich, Sydney Baker,
Harold Schroeder, Clifford Sal-
mon, Ralph Weber, Mrs. T, H,
Memberships were renewed in
the following organizations:
Association of Rural Municipal-
ities, Grand Bend Chamber of
Commerce, Ontario Good Roads
Association, Mayors and Reeves
Association and MODA,
Former Reeve James Hayter
was named to the Ausable River
Conservation Authority,
Reeve Asks
(continued from page 2)
Day Labourers are to be paid
$190 per hour; grader operators
will receive $2.30 per hour. Sal•
aries will be paid twice a month
in 1971. Road superintendent,
Allan Nicholson will receive
$6500 per annum. Clerk, James
McIntosh will receive $4800
plus $1000 expense allowance.
Road accounts totalling $4,
947.40• were passed for payment,
Membership fees are to be
paid to the Ontario Mayors and
Reeves Association, with the
convention to be held in North
Bay from May 30 to June 2,
and to the Ontario Good Roads
Association. Convention for
this will be held in Toronto,
February 21, 22 and 23.
The clerk was authorized to
apply for the remainder of the
1970 road subsidy.
Reeve Elgin Thompson was
appointed welfare administrator
for a two-year term and will
receive $100 per year.
A tile drain loan for $1500
was approved.
Allistair Broadfoot, R, R. 3,
Seaforth and W , D, Wilson,
Brucefield, were appoint•
ed fence viewers.
Reeve Thompson was named
to attend the meeting of the
Ontario Department of Energy
and Resources in Clinton on
January 21 to consider enlarging
the Ausable Conservation Auth-
ority to include the Bayfield
Valley area.
Independent Shipper
United Co-operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept
Ship Your Livestock
Roy Scotc'hmer
Monday Is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
By 7:30 a.m. Monday
For Prompt Servlca
No Charges on Pickup
We're Overstocked
Set Your :Own 'Prices
All Drastically Reduced
Here Are 5 Examples
Of The Savings We Offer
1965 PLYMOUTH FURY 11 2 -door
hardtop, V-8, automatic. J12039 -
1969 CHEV 2 -door >r-8, automatic,
former OPP car, P66082
1964 FORD 4 -door, V=8,, •automatic, '
1969 ;FORD;,GALAXIE 2 -door; hardtop,
V-8, automatic, power steerirg, power
brakes. J546636
1967 COMET 2 -door, 6 cylinder,
au&omatic, clean, L4029
$ 849
DIM" Sniffer Motors
EXETER 2354640 LONDON 227.4191
Huron Count. 's Largest Ford Dealer
Ea�ibition Perk -4'7'6 Ontario
JANUARY 0, 1971