HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1971-01-07, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1971 -CILISIHIPIAPF A For Sale A number of second litter sows New Hamp cross, due Feo. 10 to Feb. 28, Apply Leandre Bedard. 236-4748. 1p SHELLED CORN — Large quan- tity of dried, •shelled corn. Pick- up or delivered. Apply to Lionel Wilder, 2364020. 60-tfb VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zuric.i, phone Hensel! 262-5748. 34,tf POTATOES, parrots and arnions now available. Contact Arnold Vanden Boomen, 21 miles east of Zurich, on Hwy. 84. Phone 236- 4038 40tfb LIVING ROOM SUITE — 1 used 3 piece (Geen Gold) Living Rocrn Suite, used only 6 months. Like new, $180. A real saving. New Value $399.00 Apply Gingerich's Ltd. 236-4351. 50-b SNOWMOBILE Trailers, single and double units. Tilting plat- form for loading and un loading. Clearance and signal lights equip - ed. Toni Penhale, phone 565-2476 46 tfb APPLE BUTTER — quantity of apple butter, made from sweet apples, Also apples for sale,— Spies, Red Delicious, Wa•gneets, Golden Delicious, Courtland, etc. Alvin Steckle, phone noon hours or evenings, 262-5445. 1,2p Services Income Tax Reurns filed. Con- tact Lance Reed, phone Clinton, 482-9923. ltfb For went CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. ^36-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sal- urday. 15,tf Help Wanted GENERAL OFFICE STAFF Applications waiting will be received and interviews arranged by the undersigned for a clerk - typist for employment in tae Children's Aid Society office at Goderich. Please include details of qualifications, experience, and when available. Salary range $3,300 - 4.200 de- pending on experience. Attrac- tive ttracttive employee benefits. John G. Berry, Clerk-Treasu rer & Administrator County of Huron, Court House, Goderich,Ontario, Miscellaneous Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteed, Fine selection of watches, diamonds and china. Di- amond re -setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. ltfb SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238-2291 Births :12OMMERSTEEG—Mr. and Mrs. Martin 'Mommersteeg, RR 3, Bayfield, are happy to announ- ce the birth sof their daughter, Kellie Marie, at South Huron' Hospital on Thursday, Dec. 31, 1970. A sister for Michael and Linda. Coming Events A series of prenatal lasses will begin Wednesday, January 13, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, basement entrance off Anne Street, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. These will be iheld at weekly intervals for eight weeks. Those interested are in- vited to attend or phone the Hur- on County Health Unit Office, Exeter 235-1014, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. lb Notice to Creditors and Others IN THE ESTATE OF LEONARD HOWARD BATES All persons having claims against the estate of Leonard Howard Bates late of Centre St., Zurich, Ontario, deceased, who died on ar about the 12th day of October, 1970, are hereby notifi- ed to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 23rd day of January, 1971, full particulars of their claims. Im-- mediately after the said date the said Representative will dis- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased haying regard only to claims of which it shall then have •notice. Dated et Stratford this 16th day of December, 1970. VICTORIA. & GREY 'TRUST CO. 1 Ontario St. Stratford, Executor by BELL C LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING A11 meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to decrease in meat pric- es we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer f a s t efficient, courteous, same day service, 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 40tfb FARMS FOR SALE Four miles north of Grand Bend on Highway 21 — 169 acres; 9 room brick house, bath and oil furnace. Barn 42x66, 30x40; silo. The right farm for cash crop or beef. Ten miles north of Grand Bend on Highway 21 — 158 acres; 9 room brick house, bath and oil furnace. Large barn; new im- plement shed. Goderich Townsehip — 80 acres; 7 room house, bath and oil fur- nace. Rani 40x60; stable clean- er milk house; bulk cooler; 26 milk cows; 10 heifers; imple- ments. 200 acres, 2 miles south of Clinton, Highway 4 — 11 room brick house, bath, oil furnace. Large barns 90x72nd 50x30. Dairy and beef. Stable cleaner, mik house, bulk cooler. New hen house 180x40 fqr 10,000 hens. Four miles south of Clinton on Highway 4 — 100 acres; 8 room frame house with bath and oil furnace. Barn 60x40. Broiler quota 10,000. 482-3287 C. BURUMA, RR 2 CLINTON Salesman for K. W. Colquhoun Limdted, Clinton. Elliott Named (continued from page 1) and the Advisory Committee on Schools for Trainable Retarded Children, are still to be appoint- ed. For at least the first two month of the new year, regular meet- ings of the board will be held on the first and third Mondays, with the agenda to include a period of perhaps one-half hour to dis- cuss plans for future action. This period would be a forum - type discussion on any subject relative to an ad hoc committee for investigation and report. The new system comes as the result of prodding by Mrs. J. C. Wallace who urged "more talk- ing with teachers and experts on the matter of education in Ont- ario and more particularly Hur- Card of 'Thanks ,I wish to take this opportunity of thanking my relatives, neigeh- bours and friends, for cards, vis- its, treats and flowers wnile a patient in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. Blackwell for his visits and prayers.—Ethel Hess. 1p I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the visits, cards and flowers while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Maynard, Doctors and nurses on the sixth floor, Rev. Gingerich and the WMSA. Your kindness was greatly appre- oiated—Laura Erb. lb I wish to thank my relatives, friends and family for prayers, visits, cards, flowers and gifts while I was in St. Joseph's Hos- pital and since returning home. Special thanks Monseignor Bour- deau, Drs. Goddard, Hessions and Jodd, staff and nurses on .third floor south and I.C.U. It was all gb aatly appreciated. —+Alphonse Jeffrey. 1p I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Josephs Hospital and South Hunan. Special thenks to Drs. Wallace, Jo•ry and Westlake Am- bulance. Rev. Blackwell, nurses and staff at St. Josephs and South Huron Hospitals. Your kindness will a•hvays be remembered. — Olivda Thiel. lb I wishto thank friends, rela- tives and neighbours for cards, letters and flowers received while a patient in South ,Huron Hospi- tal. All were much appreciated. Many thanks to Dr. Wallace, nurs- es and staff, Westlake Ambulan- ce, Rev. Morrison, Rev. Ephraim Gingerich, Rev. Cyril G+inrerich, Rev. Wattam and Rev. Thynne. A special thank you to those friends who provided transporta- tion for Elizabeth to the hospital. —William .Clarke. lb PIROWNES Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy S'cotthmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Seervieia No Charges on Pick..p on County." "We are not offering an adeq- uate preparation for our young people in Huron County, " said Mrs. Wallace. "We need more time to consider what's going ori in the schools so we can spend the taxpayers' money intellig- ently. We can't work too hard or too quickly. It is crucial to make a start before budget time." The board also approved a borrowing bylaw permitting the sum of UD to $7, 500, 000 to be borrowed if necessary. Superint- endent of business affairs, Roy B. Dunlop, said the board had found it necessary to borrow about $7, 000, 000 during the past year. The accounting fine of A,M, Harper was appointed for the calender years 1971 and 1972. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 10- 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School Everyone Welcome vosoloonnaMOMM Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A., S.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 10- 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:10 a.m. Sunday Church School Wednesday, January 13- 2:15 p.m. UCW Meeting Annual Reports isessmesmansift tam Zurich Mennonite Cyril K. Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 10- 9:45- a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Friday Evening—GMSA New Year Meditation— Another year is dawning, Dear Master let tit be On earth, or else in Heaven Another year for Thee. Everyone Welcome etwousioasoweaseasasimmummilmons owasesolosessemsimEnimmemoismemi LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin Baker SUNDAY, JANUARY 10- 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening — 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us ISSOMMeler Mrs. Allan Gascho returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, where she has been a patient for the past three and a half months, after suffering from injuries in an accident. Miss Linda Gascho is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Gas- cho. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Foley and Lori Ann, of Lucan, Miss Lillian Burke, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, of the Goshen Line, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. William Wit- mer, in Zurich. 111.0110X. 0311•1■111MIIIMMOMPIMMIIIIIMM11•9611111114M Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER In Pennsylvania, a doctor must certify that every new driving license applicant is not an alcoholic. Latest anti -tailgate gadget: a radar -controlled - system which automatically applies brakes and closes the throttle of a tailgater when he gets too close to another car. Engine knock that occurs after the car has been running for half an hour or so can usually be traced to diluted oil. When replacing your windshield wipers (and 8 out of 10 sets need it), it's a good idea to have the wiper arm pressure tested. Efficiency is cut when tension is too weak. Power -steering inefficiency can be caused by low fluid condition, loose belt, or under -inflated front tires. A reminder to drive safely this year — and a happy New Year to all our friends, present and future! Larry Snider MOTORS LIM'JIITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer We have a Limited Supply OF SEED CORN STILL AVAILABLE!! HENSALL DISTRICT COOPERATIVE l4E �S:1I.I, BRUCEFIELD ZURICH 262-2608 482-9823 236-4393