HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-12-25, Page 23s CHRISTMAS EDITION, 1910 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE TWENTY-THREE For Sale BOY'S size 6, Ski Boots. In new .condition. 'Sxds and poles con- plete $10. Phone 246-4666. 51b FREE: Golden Labrador splayed female. Must be a good :home for a good pet. Call Harvey Clausius, 2364307. 51-2 p. SHELLED CORN — Large quan- tity of dried, shelled •conn. Pick- up or delivered. Apply to Lionel Wilder, 2364020. 60 tfb PROJECTOR — 1 -Used Bell and Howeil-8 ar► m I-40. ie Projector like •new, only $60 Apply Gdng- erich's Ltd., 2364351. 50b CHRISTMAS TREFIS — Scotch Pine, now available. No. (deliveries Contact Ken Westlake, Zurich. 49tfb VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensel]. 262-5748. 34,tf FLOWERS—Remember her with a gift of Pointsetta, Cyclamen, Mums or cut flowers. NETE'S FLOWERS, Mrs. Milton Oesch, 2364602, 50-b POTATOES, .carrots sand onions now available. .Contact Arnold Vanden Boomen, 21 miles east of Zurich, on Hwy. 84. Phone 226- 4038 40tfb LIVING ROOM SUITE — 1 used 3 piece (Geen Gold) Living Room Suite, used only 6 months.. Like new, $180. A reed saving. New Value $399.00 Apply Gingerich's Ltd. 236-4251. 50-b LUGGAGE—See our new lines in luggage, a very appropriate Christmas gift. Don't forget the Christmas Draw. The November draw winner was Mrs. Darrell Rau. Oesch Shoe Store. 48,9,0b SNOWMOBILE Trailers, •single and double units. Tilting plat- form for loading and un loading. Clearance and signal bights equip - ed. Tom Penhale, phone 565-2476 46 tfb CHRISTMAS is getting closer. Eliminate shopping, wrapping and mailing. Give the gift that gives all year. You name the magazine, I sell them ell. Mrs. C. Kipfer, phone Hensel]. 262-2278 47tfb APPLE BUTTER—quantity of ap- ple Butter, made from sweet ap- ples. Aliso apples for Ssale --Spies Red Delicious, Wagners, Golden Delicious, Courtland, etc., Alivn Steckle, phone noon hours or ev- enings, 262-5445. 49,50,1p For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Coming Events DANCE—New Year's Eve Dance, Zurich Community Centre, Thurs- December 31, 1970. Dancing 10 to ???. Lunch and Refreshments Free. Tickets $10.00 each. 48tfb Births JANTZI—Mr. and Mrs. Orland Jantai (nee Eleanor Erb) Water- loo are happy to announce the • arrival of .their chosen daugh- ter, Cynthia Dawn, a sister for Tommy. Notice HOME CARE PRODUCTS—Have a new distributor in your area. Call orders to Doris Goldsmith, 236-4236 after 6 p.m. 51b Miscellaneous Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteei. Fine selection of wat- ches, diamonds and china. Dia- moaas re -setting. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. figfP ArAF Card of Thanks I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for remembering me with their prayers, cards, visits treats end gifts, while I was a patient in St. Josephs Hospital. —Daryl Rau. 51-b I would lake to thank all who remembered me with cards end visits while I was a patient et Victoria Hospital, London. Spec- ial thanks to Rev. John Huether end Rev. Cyril Gingeraoh —Ora Horner. 51-p I would like to say a sincere thank you to my friends end rel- atives of Zurich for prayers and cards while in hospital. Speciral thanks to the Sisters of St. Joseph and Father Durand. It was all greatly appreciated.—Peter Reg- ier. 51-p Div Rine ere thanks to relatives. neighbours and afmiends for the gifts, flowers and cards and many acts of kindness shown to mQ wWle a patient .in St. Josephs Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Caroll. Walker and Ninkle and the nurses of the 4th floor. All was greatly rappreciated.—Marg Neeb. 51b SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238.2923 or 238-2291 Custom Work CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to decrease in meat pric- es we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer f a s t efficient, courteous, same day service, 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 40tfb Huron Member Backs Davis For Ontario Leader In an announcement Monday afternoon, Hon. C .S . MacNaugh- ton, Huron MLA and Treasurer of Ontario, said he has accepted the position of Campaign Chair- man for Hon. William G. Davis, the first candidate to announce his intention of seeking the lead- ership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party. Earlier in the day Mr. Davis had announced his intention of seeking the lead- ership, and the announcement by Mr. MacNaughton came shortly after. Mr. MacNaughton also praised the leadership which has been given to the people in Ontario during the last nine years, under Prime Minister John Robarts. In 1961, Mr. MacNaughton was one of the main supporters of Robarts in his campaign for the leadership. "I am sorry to see Mr. Robarts step down, " Mr. MacNaughton added. "But since he has chosen to retire I am pledging my full support to Mr. Davis, who has proven his ability as Minister of Education and Minister of Univer- sity Affairs during the past years. He has the qualities required to be a good leader." Mr. MacNaughton's announce- ment ended speculation in'some circles that he might himself be a candidate for the leadership. The new leader will be chosen at a convention in Maple Leaf Gard- ens, Toronto, in February. RECEPTION for MR. and MRS. PETER DUCHARME on the occasion of their GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Saturday, Dec. 26 8:80 p.m. Zurich Community Centre Everyone Welcome 1 NOTICE All Branches of HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS AND BOXING DAY DECEMBER 25 and DECEMBER 26 NEW YEAR'S JANUARY 1 and 2 Retires After 50 Years In Produce Business (continued from page 21) this community and played on championship baseball and hock- ey teams. After giving up his playing career, he went on to be top-notch hockey referee and baseball umpire. He served for many years as president of the Huron -Perth Baseball League and the old Cyclone Hockey League. While retiring from active business, he is not going to be- come completely inactive, since he has accepted a part-time position with his neighbour, Isid- ore Laporte, in the meat market. "I hope I will be able to work a couple of days a week, just to keep from being bored, " he told this newspaper. "When you have been active all your life, you hate to thing of doing nothing at a11." Mr. O'Brien is married to the former Mildred Hoffman, and they have two sons, Bill, a bank manager in Niagara Falls, and Donald, the principal of the Public School in Zurich. DANCE in the Zurich Arena Thurs., Dec. 31 10 to ??? LUNCH & REFRESHMENTS FREE Tickets: $10.00 Each A CHRISTMAS Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27- 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome INIESEMIONNOMM St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor CHRISTMAS EVE — 7:30 p.m.—Sun. School Program CHRISTMAS DAY — 10:00 a.m. — Worship Service SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27- 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School Everyone Welcome "He came among us" LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27- 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening — 8:00 p.m—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27- 10:00 a:in.—Morning Worship Guest Speaker. Miss Joan Rader, R.N., M. J. Boylen Hospital, Baie Verte, Nfld. 11:10 a.m.-1Sun. Church School SUNDAY, JANUARY 3- 10:00 ,a.m.--Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—S'um Church School 12111111111.1111113111610. CAVALIER CHRISTMAS DANCE featuring "The Cavaliers" ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Monday, December 28 Admission: $1.25 "See You There"