HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-12-17, Page 8PAGit EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 For Sale Thinking of Christmas gifts? CO-, nary or Budgies. Poone Ray Van Dorsselaer, 2373323, 48,9,50b 1969 F 0 R D PICK-UP, half -ton Fleetside. Under warranty. 6-eyl- inder, ,heavy-duty suspension. Call Pete Deitz, 3364951, Zurich 46p USED TYPEWRITER — Royal, with 18" carriage. In good condi- tion. Zurich .Citizens News, 236- 4672. 49tf PUPPIES — Great Dane Puppies. Fawn color, house broken, crop- ped and vaocinated. Phone 442- 2810. 50-b SHELLED CORN — Large quare tiby of dried, shelled corn. Pick- up or delivered. Apply to Lionel Wilder, 236-4020, 60 -tib PROJECTOR — 1 -Used Bell and Howell -8 m m Movie Projector like new, only $60 Apply Gdng- erich's Ltd., 2364351. 50b ROASTING CHICKENS — Fresh and quick frozen. Average 7 lbs. 50c Ib. M Vanderhoek, RR 3, Zurich, phone 237-3324. VACUUM CLEANERS — Sales.. and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf HOUSE—in Zurich, living room, two bedrooms and large utility room, storage shed,basement. Call 236-4396. 49,50b FLOWERS—Remember 'her wit i a gift of Pointsetta, Cyclamen, Mums or cut flowers. NETE'S FLOWERS, Mrs. Milton Oesch, 236-4602, 50-b USED TYPEWRITERS — •numer- ous models, with 11" and 14" carriages. An ideal gift for the student. Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672. 49tf CHRISTMAS TREES can be seen at EmmanueI United Church Par- sonage, or contact Russell Graing- er, 565-5352 or Robert Horner 236-4866. 49tfb POTATOES, carrots and onions now available. Contact Arnold Vanden Boomen, 21/2 miles east of Zurich, on Hwy. 84. Phone 236- 4038 40tfb COMMERCIAL BUILDING in the Village of Zurich. About 1500 sq. feet. Idea for small business or warehouse. Priced reasonable. Phone 216-4672. 45,6p LIVING ROOM •STJITE — 1 used 3 piece (Geen Gold) Living Room Suite, used only 6 months. Like new, $180. A real slaving. New Value $399.00 Apply Gingeridh's Ltd. 236-4351. 50-b LUGGAGE—See our new lines in luggage, a very approrpriate Christmas gift. Don't forget the Christmas Draw. The November draw winner was Mrs. Darrell Rau. Oeseh Shoe Store. 48,9,0b SNOWMOBILE Trailers, single and double units. Tilting plat- form for loading and un loading.. Clears ,•ce and signal lights ermin- ed. Tom Penhale, phone 565-2476 - 46 hfb REDI- MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 For Sale CHRISTMAS is getting closer. Eliminate shopping, wrapping and mailing. Give the gift that gives all year. You name the magazine, I sell them all. Mrs. C. Kipfer, phone Hensall 262-2278 47tfb APPLE BUTTER—quantity of ap- ple Butter, made from sweet ap- ples. Also apples for sale—+Spies Red Delicious, Wegners, Golden Delicious, Courtland, etc,, Alivn Steekle, phone noon hours or ev- enings, 262-5445. 49,50,1p Custom Work CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork FRIDAY — Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON Due to decrease in meat pric- es we are unable to pay for any farm stock. We offer f a s t efficient, courteous, same day service, 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 40tfb Services ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS- MEN and FARMERS Hatekeeping books? Why bother when it can all be done for you. Complete Bookkeeping Service offered by reliable, erperienoed bookkeeper at reasonable rate. Write Bayfield Box 106 or phone 565-2423 for further information Card of Thanks I wish to thank any relatives, friends and neighbours for visits, cards and treats while a patient at Clinton ,Hospdtal.—Avila (Bill) Ducharane. 50-p We would like to thank the staff of the Blue Water Rest Home for the beautiful gifts re- ceived at the Christmas Party. They are deeply appreciated. — Connie and Joe Risi. p I would like to th all my relatives and friends fel- their cards and visits while /1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Special thanks to Rev. A. Blackwell — Mrs. Alice Hugill, Kitchener, . 50-p IA, sincere "Thank You" to everyone for their acts of kind- ness shown Glen and I during my stay in hospital. A special thanks to Drs. Wallace and Gulens and staff of South Huron. — Donna Thiel 50-p I wish to express my sincere thanks to all the kind people wlho helped Orden and the children while I was in hospital.Also to a 1 I any relatives, friends and neighbours who sent cards, treats sand came to visit me while a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Ephraim Ginger- idh, Rev. Cyril Gingerich• and all the nurses and Drs. on the 5th floor centre. Your kindness will always be remembered. — Lor- raine Sdhwartzentruber. 50-p The International Scene (by Raymond Canon) "WHAT IS A MERRY CHRISTMAS` I confess, I consider myself a Christian. Not a sain, or even an exemplary one, but rather a struggling member of the Unitee Church who realizes that being a Christian in today's world is one of the hardest jobs you could find. Like other people both in Canada and abroad who share by belief, I get a little uptight about Christ- mas since I think it is far too pagan and not nearly enough Christian to suit nie. I don't think this is anything new, as I imag- ine that there have always been people who deplored the pagan aspects of the holiday. However, Miscellaneous Skates will be sharpened at the ,Oesch 'Shoe Store, 236-4602. 50-b Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteei. Fine selection of wat- ches, diamonds and china. Dia - mc ds re -setting. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. JIM'S PAINTING & DECORATING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PHONE 236-4924 SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 9RR-9.998 nr 23R-2291 For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. • Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Coming Events DANCE—New Year's Eve Dance, Zurich Community Centre, llhurs- December 31, 1970. Dancing 10 to ???. Lunch and Refreshments Free. Tickets $10.00 each. 48tfb CHRISTMAS BALL—in the Zur- ich Community Centre, on Satur- day, December 19, et 9 p.m. Mus- ic by the Bluetones. Food and Re- freshments. Tickets $2.50 C a 11 Glen Weido, 2364629 or Hubert Sehilbe, 2364792, for advance tickets. Sponsored by Zurich Min- or Athletic Association. 46-7-8-9-50-1 b CIAMIDEEMB1121•MIIVNI1600.16%. "Mat HESS ZURICH Fine Quality Watches, Rings, Silverware, Crystal, China, Dresser Sets, Mantle, Cuckoo and Chime Clocks. We have an excellent stock of: BLUE BIRD AND KEEP- SAKE DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS. Buy her a diamond for Christmas 10% Discount Just a $1.00 purchase entitles you to a Free Draw on a fine lady's or gent's wrist watch. Draw Christmas Eve Prompt Watch and Clock Repairing and Diamond Resetting. See our Window Display Illuminated Every Evening that's what the early Christians get for trying to mix a religious event with a pagan one. It's hard enough for people to show suffic- ient reverence for a purely Christian holiday, such as Faster, let alond put religion above mat- erialistic considerations when the two are mixed. Even Easter is in danger of losing some of its religious tone to the Easter bunny, and as far as Lent is concerned, it lost out long ago to the mardi gras or Fastnocht, so in all honesty we have not really one important festival to our name which is purely relig- ious. I. can complain about such an unfortunate situation and wonder what can be done about it, but complaining isn't enough. I have come to the pessimistic conclusion that there simply are not enough people, both within the Church or outside it, who really care. The Church is hav- ing a hard enough time even holding its own, let alone revers- ing the standard concept of Christmas that has been with us ever since the beginning. If there comes a day, when the Church is a vital force in society, then perhaps something can be done to put first things first. In the meantime, we will go on spending more money than we really can afford on things that we may or may not need. If I sound pessimistic, it is simply because I regret the pres- ent attitude toward Christmas, but I have no intention of throw- ing up my hands in dispair and joining the mob. To a certain extent I think that we have to accept the dual nature of Christ- mas and try to avoid the more crass commercial aspects of the event. We can't ban Christmas trees, or the exchange of pres- ents. We can, however, make sure that, if we are going to continue with the Christmas that we have, in all honesty, always known, we can make sure that it is a time when we can emphas- ize one or more of the Christian aspects of Christmas. The pagan side always seems to do quite nicely, by itself and needs no encouragement whatsoever. A Christmas can be both merry and Christian; but only if you want to make it that way. Bowling Scores SENIOR BOWLING Hi hopes - C. Geiger - 617 Hawlceyes - S. Rennie - 546 Newcomers - A, Oesch - 569 Ramblers - C. Finkbeiner - 588 Whippoorwills - H. Stade - 769 Varieties - H. Finkbeiner - 675 HIGH SINGLE - H. Peck - 330 HIGH TRIPLE - H. Stade - 7'78 Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER One gadget no car should be without: a warning blinker light that can be set well in back of your car if it's disabled at night on a dark road. Keeping your car clean and in topnotch condition can bring as much as $400 extra at trade-in time over the same, but neglected model. Near Toronto, there's a Skid Control School. Students learn how to handle the problem on a 300 -foot long highway on which treacherous driving conditions are simulated. Drivers ticketed in New York State no longer face trial in criminal court. Informal hearings before referees replace judges and court -rooms. The average stopping distance when going 40 mph is 124 feet; at 50 mph it's up to 186 feet ,.. provided the driver has good brakes and average reflexes. You can be certain of fine brakes in the fully -tested car you choose at tarry Snider MOTORS L IMI TED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer BEAN HARVESTING EQUIPMENT 1—Inness No. 16-100" pickup attachment for combine $385,00 2 --Inness 520 bean windrowers & cross con- veyors each $850.09 1 --IHC No. 400 bean cultivator 4 rows $225.00 2—Sets, IHC No. 401 bean pullers ea. $160:00 1 --IHC 455 bean paniter complete 28" row $850.00 All above like new condition, used 3 years. Contact: Andrew Malo RR 4, Simcoe, Ontario Phone 443-8104