HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-11-19, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 19, 1970 For Sale ONE Yamaha PG -110 'guitar,. Phone 236-4614 after 6. 45,6p D U C K S -Live or Dressed, Oali Ken Dueharme, 2364160, RR 2, Zurich,. 45,6,7,8,9,50p DURO pressure pump, complete with tank and motor. 2364369 after 5 p.m. x USED TYPEWRITERS, different makes and sizes, See them at the Zurich Citizens News 40tfn BOY'S SUIT, sive 38, and winter jacket, size 38. Phone 236.4892 46b 1969 FORD PIOK-UP, half -tom Fleetside. Under warranty, 6-eyd- inder, ,heavy-duty suspension. Call Pete Deitz, 336-4951, Zurich 46p YOUNG LADIES green winter coat with fur collar in excellent condition for $12. Contact Norma Shantz, 2364036 46p VACUUM CLEANERS - Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf COMMERCIAL BUILDING in the Village of Zurich. About 1500 sq. feet. Idea for small 'business or warehouse. Pr lc ed reasonable. Phone 2164672. 45,6p POTATOES, carrots and onions now available. Contact Arnold Vanden Boonien, 21 miles east of Zurich, on Hwy. 84. Phone 236• 4038 40tfb FIELD TOMATOES- Pick your own or order. Bring your own containers - Case Van Raay, Highway 83, one mile east of Dashwood. Phone 237-3496. 33,tf MINITURE Silver Poddle, regis- ered male, 3 months, dewormed. vaccinated, paper twined, de rightful temperment. Wi.1 hole till Christmas. Phone 262-5080 46b SNOWMOBU F Trailers, single and double units. Tilting plat- form for loading and un loading. Clearance and signal lights equip - ed. Tom Penhale, Phone 565-2476 46 tfb FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until :5:00 p.m., Mon- day, November 30, 1970, for the property of Miss Cassie Dougall being Lots 308 and 309, Moir Sur- vey in the Village of Hensall. For further information or in- spection of property 'contact the undersigned or Mr. James Ben- gough, Hensall - 362-3100. TERMS: A •deposit of 10% must a0campany tender. Balance ,due 80 day after acceptance. Highest or 'any tender not neces- sarily accepted.. B. G. manly, Deputy Clerk -Treasurer, County sof Huron, CourtHouse, Goderich, Ontario. Telephone 519,-524.3394 For Sale RIMS - 14" for Fjord and GM products. Phone 2361734 POLLED Hereford Buil, service - sable age. William Heard, RR 3, Bayfield. Phone 565-5371. 46b Tenders Wanted TENDER Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned, until 6 p.m. on Saturday, November 28, for the installation of Cement Floor and Electric Heaters, in the Dry Weals at Blue Water Rest Home. For further particulars cantaet the Seoretary, Gerald Gingerich, Zurich 46b Wanted to Buy A quantity of Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed. Must be free of weeds. Apply to David Black- well, Par Line, Phone 236-4820, 46p Services ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS- MEN and FARMERS Hate keeping books? Why bother when it can all be done for you. Complete Bookkeeping Service offered by reliable, erperienoed bookkeeper at reasonable rate. Write Bayfield Box 106 or phone 565-2423 for further information For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 2364954, after 6 p.m, and en Sat- urday. 15,tf Custom Work CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY - Beef and Pork FRIDAY - Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON We pay highest prevailing price for fresh dead or disabled cowls and horses over 500 pounds. Smaller animals picked nap as 'a service to you. 24 -Hour Service -7 Days a Week Free Post Mortem Call Collect 482-9811 License No. 237-C-70 4015 TENDERS FOR OIL EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH ZURICH Sealed Tenders for the supply of Fuel Oil, for the calendar year 1971, for Emmanuel United Church Emmanuel United Church Parsonage will be accepted by the undersigned, until SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1970 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MISS MEDA SURERUS, Zurich, Ontario. Conning Events ATTENTION - Open A.A. meet- ings in the Presbyterian Church basement, at 9 pm. every Satur- day night, in Hensall, with guest speakers. Everyone Welcome. For information phone 262-2625 44,5,6P You :have a date to keep on No- vember 28, at St. Columba;n, Par- ish Hall, The CASH BINGO you have been waiting for. 15 regular games -310 each; 5 share -the - wealth; 2 door prizes. Sponsored Sesaforth and District. Admission by the Knights of Columbus of $1.00; Extra cards 25c each; 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00. 46-7b CHRISTMAS BALL -in the Zur- ich Community Centre, on Satur- day, December 19, at 9 p.m. Mus- ic usis by the Bluetones. Food and Re- freshments. Tickets $2.50 C a 11 Glen . Weida, 236-4629 or Hubert Sehilbe, 2364792, for advance tickets. Sponsored by Zurich Mire or Athletic Association. 46-7-8-9-504 b A N N U,A L BAZAAR, Tea and Bake Sale, to be held at Blue Water Rest Home, on Saturday, November 21, from 2 to 4 .p.m. Donations for either Bazaar or Bake Sale would be very much appreciated, and may •be left at the Home anytime until noon on November 21, Sponsored, by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Rest Home. 45,6b A P.T.A. MEETING will be held at St. Peter's Church Hall on the Bluewater Highway on Novem- ber 26, at 8:30 pm. The upcom- ing election for school board trus- tees will be the topic of discussion Mr. J. Venter, separate school superintendant will be guest speaker, along with election can- didates. Zurich Separate School mate -payers are ,cordially invited to attend this meeting. 46,p Yelp Wanted OFFICE I-I'>♦n aP - good reliable person, experience not entirely necessary. Call for appointment. Gerald Gingerich, 236-4351, 46b Notice BEGINNING October 23 -ticked on Two Free Draws will be .giv enon purchase of $L00 or over. First Draw will be made Novem- ber 30; Second Draw will be made Christmas Eve. One ticket for every $1 purchase. Desch Footwear, Zurich 43,4,5b Miscellaneous Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteei, Fine selection of wat- ches, diamonds and china. Dia- monds re -setting. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2923 or 238-2291 Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD S65-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 4-H Groups Planning for Achievement Day 4-H Homemaking Club Ach- ievement Days are soon to be held in Huron County. This fall the project has been "Focus on Fitness" and the club members have learned how to maintain good physical and mental health, home and highway safety, first aid, as well as how to be a good citizen both at home and in the community. Each girl equips a first aid kit, completes a record book and finishes one of the fol- lowing handcrafts: knitting, buck weaving, a stuffed animal or a mobile, Miss Catherine Hunt, Home Economist for Huron County will be in charge of the Achievement Days which will be held in the Seaforth District High School, November 21; Wingham District High School, November 28; Ho - wick Central School, December 5; Exeter High School, Decem- Births ROWE-Mr. 'and Mrs. James A. Rowe, Ailsa Craig, proudly an- nounce the birth of their first child, a eon, Steven James, on November 13, 1970 at St. Jos eph's (Hospital. Card of Thanks Sincere thanks to all our friends, relatives, and neighbours for the cards, visits, flowers, treats and gifts for the baby and T while lin: the hospital and since returning home. Joan and Don- na Marie Turkheirn. 46x Sincere thanks to the friends who visited and rent cards whale T was in South Huron Hospital. Thanks to those wwho offered prayers, fihe Brotherhood of Em- manuel United Ohnreh, Rev. flue. then, Rev. Dobson, Dr. Gulens and the bind nurses. Art Gabel 46p We wish to thank all our vela- tives, neighbours and friends for the many acts of kindness shown to us in our recent loss of a dear wife, mother and gunny. To Pas- tor Blackwell, Dr. Wallace, Luth- eran Church Women and pall- bearers, allbearers, we would dike to espec- ially thank for their help to us at this time. The flora Tributes con- tributions and cards were very much appreciated and will never be forgotten. - Karl, Ruth Decker and family 46b ber 12; Zurich Community Centre January 9; and Clinton High School, Tanuary 16. The afternoon program begins at 1;15 p. m, and features skits, demonstrations and exhibits by each club. Do plan to attend this worthwile event in your area. The girls and their leaders put a great deal of effort and imag- ination into the program and your presence will show that you support the young people in your community. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22- 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.--Sunday Church School Everyone Welcome Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huethor, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22- 10:00 ,a.m; Moaning Worship 11:10 a.m.-Sun. Church Sclwol MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23- 8 pan. Stewardship Comm MIL ANNE Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22- 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School '7:45 p.m. -Mission tour slides of Puerto Rico, Sammie and Had will be shown at the Blake Chnirdh: Thursday Afternoon WM&. Meditation - Look upon thy brothers need Live for self, you live in vain, Live for Christ you live again. Everyone Welcome mommomm LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin Baker SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22-- 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service 8:00 p.m. -Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening - 8:00 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us NOTICE Ratepayers of the TOWNSHIP OF HAY The SECOND INSTALMENT of the 1970 TAXES of the Township of Hay are DUE on or before the 30th day of NOVEMBER, 1970 After November 30th, Interest will be charged on outstanding taxes at the rate of 1% per month. W. C. HORNER.. Tax -Collector, Township of Hay.