HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-11-12, Page 9THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS From My Window Shirley Keller I really believe the hemlines are dropping. I've seen some of the new fall coats and suits on the street the last few days and I'm positive the trend is to long- er skirts. Now I am in a quandry. I'm a "late starter" as far as fashion is concerned. It was late last winter that I finally got a- round to shortening my winter clothes and now I find I'm hope- lessly out of style with them. What does one do? And how does one explain the problem to a husband who thinks you can wear a red tie and orange socks with a gold shirt and green suit! The best solution to my prob- lem came from my next door neighbour. She's much more aggressive about fashion than I'll ever be so she hurried downtown one day this fall to get some advice from the local ladies' wear salesladies. "If your dresses are too short to wear alone, shorten them a little more and buy pants!" the salesgirls suggested. Pants! I'm not 'opposed to ladies in pants. In fact, 1 find them very, very comfortable... and a whole lot warmer this time of the year than those terribly brief dresses we wore last winter. But there are severe connotations to the idea of women wearing nothing but pant dresses and pant suits... and I'm not just sure that I'm quite ready for that kind of situation. You know the old saying about" wearing the pants in the family." It seems to me that women are giving public notice that they are abdicating their femininity and their God-given right to be pampered and worshipped by the male species. They are indicat- ing by wearing pants rather than dresses that they want to be on the same level as men... and I'm not sure I can go along with that bit. If there ever was a group which could have its cake and eat it too, it is the women of this world. A man may think he is the master, the captain, of his own ship, but when it comes right down to it, a soft, beguil- ling, weak little wisp of a wo- mancan turn him into a heap of jelly by simply smiling wanly through big tears and stroking the back of his neck. A woman with any kind of feminine charms at all can bask in the light of tender love and affection and still have her own way on most important issues. That's something 1 wouldn't want to let slip through my fing- ers for the sake of fashion... and the pant suit. Still, I'm aware that a woman is not feminine and attractive just because she wears a frilly pink frock. Some gals would tura men's heads if they wore a twine sack and hip boots... so pant suits shouldn't be all that difficult to adapt as feminine apparrel- There is little doubt though, that if women are going to wear pant suits.. pant suits for business, pant suits for evening, pant suits for lounging... they are going to fall. But I'm afraid I'nz going to loose ground in the battle of the sexes until fashion rights it- self and puts women back in dresses, .. or until I learn how to forget my hang-ups about ". have to increase the speed of the eyelash flutter and double the application of heady cologne. And I'm not certain I can compete in that kind of a league, rm not sure that I can give the impression of femininity in a pair of pants and a double-breast- ed jacket complete with wide lapels and back vents. I really wonder if I'd look much differ- ent than the auto mechanic down at the corner garage unless I really knocked myself out to re- mind the men with whom I came in contact that I am a woman. I guess I will have to go along with the pant suit fad for a while at least. I don't know what else to do when I can't afford to buy all new clothes for Measure Feed Value by Energy; Says Officials of Co -Operative Movement (This message brought to you through the courtesy of Hensall District Co -Operative.) Of the many methods of meas- uring energy in feeds - the two most common are TDN (total digestible ,nutrients) and Net Energy. The most accurate, particularly on forages and in balancing forages and concent- rates for a total feeding program, is Net Energy. TDN is frequently considered as an absolute value, but it is not. TDN determined with dif- ferent animals may vary consid- erably, and can be influenced NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given .�vilerrain a,ihwit oftheMourc7 dAch ly-law Ne. t.Mid cposed f the Fetters of the Mo.icipality of the Township of Hay wdl be held is the TOWNSHIP HALL IN THE Village of Zurich ON WED., NOVEMBER 25, 1970 At the hew from One to Two o'clock p.m. for the perpmse of Nesrioetieg Cs.rCd.tes for Rene, Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay for the veers 1971 and 1972. 11.0001.010/41110.1.111.1111.1.1.0141010.44101.6 011411.1114•M111•11.1.I.0110/1111W....1.01411, In Case a Pell Is Demanded, Pals WA Be Opened 0.: Mon., December 7,1970 la the several Palling Sub -Divisions .f tee Tawsship es films: NI No. Polling Place 1 Percy Campbell Residence 2 Dave Ingram Residence 3 Hay Township Hall 4 Leonard Becker's Garage 5 Earl Guenther Block 6 Bayview Golf Course D. R. O. Pall Clerk Percy Campbell Larne Chapman Hugh McEwon Glen Weido Theodore Steinbach Clore Reichert Clifford Pepper Harold Horner George Greiner Howard Donors Elgin Hendrick Dennis Cfarrette Said Pelts Will Be Kept Open fres Tea .'dak A.M. Usti Efykt o'clock P.M. Dated at ZURICH, ONT., N.seadnee 1st,1970 W. C. HORNER, Ralweirrl Officer by the composition of the feed- stuffs, the animal on which it is detrmined and the level of feed intake. TDN is an indication of the nutrients available for production, but it tells nothing regarding the actual utilization of the nutrients In other words, the energy as measured in TDN is used not only for production - making milk, putting on growth, and maintaining the body- but it also includes the enrgy lost through the urine, through gases of the digestive tract, and through the process of chewing, digesting and assimilating the feed, Net Energy, on the other hand, is the measure of the energy actually used by the animal for production purposes only. It does not include the energy lost through urine, rumen gases, or "heat increment" - the heat that is produced as a result of the work of digestion. For corn, the relationship bet- ween net energy and TDN is essentially 1 to 1. For good tim- othy hay, it is about 3/4 to 1. For wheat straw, it is only about 1/4 to 1. For poor hay, it is about 1/2 to 1. This shows the advantage of net energy in a true evaluation of feeding value. TDN over- evaluates forages and the poorer the quality of the for- age the greater the over -eval- uation. Net energy is not a constant figure - for net energy value of the feed varies with the utilizat- ion made of the feed. It is lower for fattening than it is for maint- enance, growth, or milk product- ion. Net Energy is commonly figured in "Therms" a therm representing a thousand large calories or one million small calories (mega calories). The term "megacalories" however, is more scientifically correct, and is replacing the word therm. Lets start balancing feeding programs in megacalories of net energy. It is a measure of energy that will give you a value that more than any other method in- dicates total productive value of a ration or forage. who wears the pants in the family For comfort and real freedom, I love the pant suit. But 1 really wonder if we aren't risking too much, leaving ourselves open to male revolution which could take PAGE NINE us back centuries to when women were servants and slaves to a man's whims. I know that's not my idea of a womanhood. , . and there isn't a pant suit in the country that is worth it. NOTICE Ratepayers of the TOWNSHIP OF HAY The SECOND INSTALMENT of the 1970 TAXES of the Township of Hay are DUE on or before the 30th day of NOVEMBER, 1970 After November 30th, Interest will be charged on outstanding taxes at the rate of 1% per month. W. C. HORNER. Tax -Collector, Township of Hay. NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School Supporters for Representation on the Huron County Board of Ed- ucation will be held in the Hay Township Hall ZURICH, ONTARIO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1970 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 2: p.m. (EST) Nominees must be a Separate School Supporter and may be from any municipality within the County of Huron (One Representative to be elected) W. C. HORNER. Clerk, Hay Township NO M INATION PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that i. Compliance with By -tow He. 22, passed Oc- tober 1. IBA under authority of the M.icipd Act, a Mwtiap of the Electors of the Ma.icipatty of the Vil.ge of Zwick will be held in the ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE IN TIE Village of Zurich ON MONDAY, NOVEMDER 23, 7970 At the hors farm Seven to Eight o'clock P.M. fee the Purpose of Nominating Candidates fur Reese sal Fear Coaciliers for tke Wine of Zwick for the Veers 1971 end 1972 — Tore Year Tess. When a Proposed Candidate is not present his Nomination Paper shall set he VuIxl unless there is attached thereto evidence in writing Signed by the Proposed Candidate satisfactory to the Return- ing Officer that he consents to be so Nominated. Is Case a Pel Is Etemosded, Pelts Wil Be Opened Oe: Mon., December 7,1970 Is the Ewe Posey Sob-D"nvisierrs .f the Vamp .s fames: Psl Ns. P.lh. Piece D. R. O. P.M C1sek 1 Community Centre William Siebert Mrs. G. banner 2 Community Centre Wm. McAdams Mrs, B. Geoffrey Sell Pols Wil ke Kept Opee From Nine o'clock A.M. Usti Six clap P.M. Dated at ZURICH, ONT., W. D. ARMSTRONG, N.vember lst, 1970 Reterimp Met