HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-11-12, Page 2PAGE TWO
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family,
in Waterloo. Mr. MacMillan is
in Scotland with a group of curl-
ers from Canada where they will
be spending three weeks, guests
of members of different clubs
in that country.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer,
Mrs. Florence, Joynt and Mr. and
Mrs. Laird Mickle were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Ardiell, in London. Mrs. Ard-
iell was the former Loretta Bell,
of Hensall.
Carmel Women
Entertain Helpers
On Monday Night
The W , M. S. of Carmel Presby
terian Church held their meeting
on Monday evening, November 2
and had as their guests the home
helpers of the church. President
Mrs. R. A, Orr was in charge.
Study and devotional was given
by Mrs. Robert Madge and Mrs.
Gordon Schwalm.
Those appointed for the nom-
inating committee for the 1971
officers by the next meeting are
Mrs. George Walz and Mrs. Rob-
ert Madge.
Life membership certificates
were presented to the two valu-
able home helpers, Mrs. Melvin
Glanville and Mrs. A.L. Luker.
Next meeting will be held on
December 7, with each member
contributing their own program
for the evening of a story, prayer
scriptures, singing, and roll
call to be answered with a favor-
ite Christmas Carol.
Souvenirs, post cards and maps
from England, Wales and Scot-
land were shown by Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm, who recently came
back from a 17 -day conducted
tour of the British Isles with the
groups sponsored by the Zurich
A surprise tea was served by
Mrs. Orr, Mrs. H. Snell and
Mrs. Schwalm.
Amber Rebekah Lodge Elect New
Slate of Officers For Coming Term
The regular meeting of Amber The commission of the DDP
Rebekah Lodge was held Wednes- was read by Mrs. Elaine Skin-
ner, of Exeter, after which in-
stallation of officers were instal-
led, with Deputy Marshall Mrs.
Mary Fisher, of Exeter, in charge
for the installation of officers of
Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, who
are as follows: Past Noble Grand,
Mrs. Elgin Thompson; Noble
Grand, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Bruce -
field; Vice Grand, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Riley; Recording Secretary,
Mrs. Leona Parke; Financial sec-
retary, Mrs. Bertha McGregor;
Treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett; Chap.
lain, Mrs. Ray Consitt; Conductor
day, November 4, opened with
Noble Grand, Mrs. Elgin Thomp-
son presiding. District Deputy
President, Mrs. Gerald McFalls,
of Exeter was introduced and
welcomed by the members of
the Lodge. She was presented will
a corsage after which the instal-
ling staff of District 23, Exeter,
were received and introduced.
In business it was reported that
a generous donation was given
to the CNIB. All officers were
present at this meeting.
Bazaar and Tea
The Sunday school room of
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Hensall, was decorated with
autumn flowers on Saturday,
November 7, sponsored by the
ladies Aid. Booths of aprons,
knitting, guilts, home baking,
vegetables, canned goods, plants,
touch and take, were donated
by the ladies of the church.
The Sunday School had a
booth of candy and various other
articles. Afternoon tea was serv-
ed by the Arnold Circle of the
The bazaar was well patroniz-
ed and patrons were welcomed
by president Mrs. Clarence Vol -
land, and officially opened by
Rev. W.D. Jarvis.
A Remembrance Day service
was held in the United Church
last Sunday morning with the
pastor, Rev. Murdock Morrison
in charge. After the service the
members paraded to the Cenotapl
where the choir sang an anthem.
A moment of silence was observ-
ed and wreaths were laid, one by
Reeve Ebner Hayter, on behalf
of Stanley Township; one by
William McAsh, on behalf of
the Veterans; and one by Milian
Dawson, on behalf of L. O. L.
1035. Reeve Elmer Hayter spoke
a few words thanking Rev. M.
Morrison and those who took
part in the ceremony.
Use.d Equipment
Allis Chalmers 'C' hydraulic lift, bean
puller and cultivator 3000
Allis Chalmers WD gas standard
tractor, live PTO, hydraulics 595
Ford 20410 -foot wheel disc, good as new 625
Ford Super Major
Ford 6000 Diesel, above average 3250
Ford 50008 speed diesel tractor 3300
This Week's SPECIAL
Manure Spreader
Larry Snider Motors
EXETER 235-1640 LUCAN 227-4191
Mrs. Clarence Volland; War en,
Mrs. Estelle Jackson, Brucefield;
Musician, Mrs, Alex McBeath;
Color Bearer, Mrs. Howard Lem -
mon, Varna; RSN G. , Mrs. Pearl
Eyre, Brucefield; LSNG, Mrs.
Earl Campbell; RSVG, Mrs. Marg
aret Ingram; LSVG, Mrs. Stewart
Blackwell; I, G., Mrs. Jim Aiken.
head, Brucefield; 0,G, Mrs.
Ernest Chipchase.
Soloist for the evening was
Mrs. E. Skinner, of Exeter. Mrs.
McFalls was presented with a
gift. A number of members spoke
News of Varna District
The canvassers for the Bible
Society will be calling on the
homes this week in this com-
The November meeting of the
United Church Women was held
last Thursday evening, Group
three had charge of devotions
with Mrs. John Ostrom leading.
The opening prayer was given
by Mrs. Ralph Stephenson. Mrs.
Bev Hill presided at the piano.
Psalm Twenty-three was sung.
lvirs. J. Ostrom had the meditat-
ion and prayer by Mrs. Fred Mc-
Clymont. The offering was taken
up by Mrs, Ronald Taylor and
dedicated by Mrs. Murvin Johns-
ton. Twenty-seven members
answered the roll call with an
article for the bazaar which will
be held on the afternoon of Nov-
ember 25. Mrs. Ralph Stephen-
son had charge of the business
period. Seventy calls were made
to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. John
Ostrom closed the meeting with
prayer and Group two served
The Explorer Group met on
Tuesday last with the president,
Miss Cathy Taylor, in charge.
Miss Anne Marie Heard read the
scripture lesson and prayer by
Tanis Chuter. Sylvia Wilson
read the minutes and the roll
call was answered by naming a
favourite flower. Miss Sandra
Webster took up the offering and
it was dedicated by Marie Heard,
The treasurer's report was given
by Tanis Chuter. The study
book was in charge of Mrs. Barry
Taylor. Mrs. Eric Chuter had
the craft period. The meeting
was closed by the president.
St. Luke's Folk
Participate In
Hensall Event
A Contemporary Service feat-
uring St. Luke's Folk from St.
Luke's United Church, Toronto,
was held Sunday, November 8,
at Hensall United Church. The
groups' leader, Rev. J. Anderson,
led the worship service assisted
by Cathy Cook and Joan Goddard,
The group made up of 25
young people, guitars and banjos,
sang a number of popular folk
songs such as "Sounds of Silence,
"Let it be, " "Hey Jude" and
many others.
The group arrived Saturday
evening and were billeted in
homes in the community. They
were treated to a hot meal by
the Hi -C following the service.
The church was filled to cap-
acity and there were many
young guests from the surrounding
district present.
The Hi -C's of the United Chur-
ch are a very active group, both
within the church and in the
community. Any teenager, reg-
ardless of his church affiliation,
is welcome to come and join
the group which meets once a
month in the United Church Hall,
CLINTON - 482-9514 SEAFORTH -- 527-0910
HENSALL - 262-2713
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