HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-10-29, Page 15THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Separate School Boards To Discuss Transportati �. (continued from page 1) adults who shall undertake pers- onally to be responsible for the due observance of the board's requirements. The Rules state that all applic- ations for a permit will be made to the principal of the school. In the schedule of fees set up no charges are made for Group A applications which include: 1. Activities sponsored by the Board. 2. Meetings or activities sponsored by groups of teachers or students connected with the school system. 3. Meetings or activities sponsored by the Cath- olic Parent Teacher Association. 4. General meeting or activities of Community Health Associat- ions. 5, Regular meetings of Boy Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brow- nies, 4- clubs, Junior Farmers' Clubs and similar groups. 6. Meetings of church associated groups such as parish councils, CWL, CYO, and similar groups. 7. Community functions spons- ored by local community re- creational commissions. 8. Lect- ures and assemblies sponsored by local organizations when there is no admission charged, no pre- paid membership fee required for admission and no collection taken. 9. Municipal elections. In group B the fee is set at $1.00 per hour for a classroom or $3.00 per hour for a general purpose room and these include: 1. Non-public dances sponsored by teen-age clubs for their membership. 2. Adult activity and recreational groups including square dance clubs sponsored by other than a recognized com- munity recreational commission. 3. Industrial or business athletic groups and leagues. 4. Political_ meeting of non -municipal elect- ion nature. 5. Concerts, dances, travelogues and other functions sponsored by service clubs and other local non -'profit organizat- ions where the admission charge is used to help defray expenses and or for charitable work in the community. 6. Dances or social functions sponsored by church associated groups such as parish councils, CWL, CYO, and sim- ilar groups. For Group C, the fee is set at $2.50 per hour for a classroom and $6.00 per hour for a general purpose room. This includes: 1. Functions sponsored by local organizations and clubs when operated on a commercial basis. 2. All other groups not included in Groups A and B. The above fees do not include custodian's services, which will be extra, if required. A fee of $1.00 will be charged for a proj- ector for movie or slides. Nomination meetings for trust- ees for the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board will be held in each area in the municipality having the highest equalized assessment: For the Townships or Tuckersmitl: and Stapley, Village of Bayfield and the Town of Seaforth the meeting will be held in Tucker - smith (at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield). For the Township of Hay and the Villages of Hensall and Zurich the meet- ing will be held in Ilay Township (in Zurich). For the Townships of McKillop and Hullett and the Town of Clinton the meeting will be held in McKillop (at Winthrop). For the Townships of Ashfield, East Wawanosh, West Wawanosh, Grey, Morris, Howich and Turn - berry and the Town of Wingham the meeting will be held in Ash- field Township. For the Townships of Hibbert and Fullerton and the Town of Mitchell and Village of Dublin, the meeting will be held in Hib- bert. For the Townships of Stephen, Usborne and McGillivary and the Town of Exeter, the meeting will be held in Stephen. For the townships of Goderich and Colborne, and the Town of Goderich the meeting will be held in Goderich. For the Town of St. Marys, arid the Townships of Downie and Blanchard the meeting will ie St. Marys. For the Townships of Ellice and North and South Easthope the meeting will be held in Ellice Township. For the Townships of Morning - ton and Logan the meeting will be held in Mornington. For the City of Stratford the meeting will be held in Stratford, John Vintar, superintendent of education, reported that a progress report will be made available to ratepayers late in November. The report will explain the academic programs being carried out in the Catholic schools in the two counties, and other information will pertain to the disbursement of revenue. 0 Everybody wantsto be"older", but nobody wants to be old. AILOWEEN MASQUERADE ANCE iP IN THE ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 19701 MUSIC BY, KEN MI'1"1'ELHOLTZ & THE TR'YLITES Lunch and $30 hi Refreshments prizes Tickets $2.50 Each SPONSORED BY ZURICH LIONS CLUB Obituary MRS, SIMON HOFFMAN A resident of the Zurich area for many years, Mrs. Simon Hoffman passed away on Satur- day, October 24, at St. Mary's Hospital, London, in her 81st year. Her husband pre -deceased her just several months ago. The former Caroline Regier, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Regier. She was born in Hay Township ori June 7, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman lived on the Goshen line, Hay Town- ship, for many years before ret- iring to Zurich. She had been a resident of St. Mary's Hospital for the past eight years. They were married in 1915. Surviving are six sons, Joseph, Anthony and Leo, all of R.R. 3, Zurich; Albert, of Zurich; Broth-. er Edgar, CSSR, of Keswick, and Wilfred, of London; four daught- ers, Mrs. Joseph (Rose) Traher, London; Mrs. Regis (Mary) Duch- arme, of London; Mrs. Dominic (Doreen) Ducharme, of Sarnia; and Sister Angela Theresa, of the Ursuline Order of Detroit. There is also one sister, Mrs. Margaret iviero, of London, and 25 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, until Tuesday morning, when the sery ice took place at 10 a.m. in St. Boniface Church, Zurich, conducted by Father A. Durand. Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. 0 Messengers Meet In Church For Thanksgiving Twenty-five messengers of Emmanuel United Church, Zur- ich, met for their Thank -Offer- ing meeting on October 18, dur- ing the church hour. After a hymn was sung, Rev. Huether offered prayer and the Messengers returned to the base- ment for their study period. The Messengers displayed the articles they brought for Thanks- giving and the Hymn "An AirplanE Ride" was sung. Jane Huether read a prayer for Thanksgiving. A letter was read from the Story family who are serving in Japan. It was noted that Joan Rader has arrived safely in New- foundland, where she is serving as a missionary in the United Church Hospital in"Baie Verti. The roll call was' answered by things we are thankful for. Cindy O'Brien took up the offering. Mrs, Don O'Brien outlined the new study book, "Our World." Several hymns were sung, then the last chapter of the "Myster- ious Mr. Cobb: " was read. The meeting was closed with the Myspha Benediction. The Messengers will meet again on November 15. Figure Skating REGISTRATION at the ZURICH ARENA. SAT.,, OCT. 31 12 to 2 p.m. Special Classes for Boys For Information: CAS 262-5080 Bright eyes usually are an. indication of curiosity, and more often than not, black eyes are an indication of too m+lch curi- osity. se PAGE FIFTEEN A taxpayer recently moaned: "1 owe the government so much money they don't know whether to throw me in jail or recognize me as a foreign power." Kfflazonvuxammatinavannoniguaamessasmannatagamwsumtwim 4 tiip e Ferguson 2 -furrow plow 60 Allis Chalmers 4 -furrow 12" plow 150 Hydraulic bucket loader to fit Ford or Massey 200 Allis Chalmers 'C' hydraulic lift, bean puller and cultivator 300 Ford 20410 -foot wheel disc, good as new ....... , .. , 625 Ford Super Major 1550 Ford 6000 Diesel, above average 3250 Ford 5000 8 speed diesel tractor 3300 Bine Tag S eels 1 ONE ONLY New Ford 3000 Tractor 14.9 x 24 6-p'ly tires, live PTO, 8 -speed transmission, power steering. Price good until Oct. 30. '3550 Snider Motors LIMITED FORD TRACTOR EXETER 235-1640 LUCAN 227-4191 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 GODERICH THURS., FRI., SAT. MGM prespnlsARr,IphNelsonFilm ONE SHOWING ONLY :cfiT s 8 K ,; ..alck...tick...tic t... AIRCONDITIONED OCT. 29, 30, 31 'PelerGrates.Dunnelkily, t3uA Spencer, NinoCustelnuov0. r " F and etauro'Inaba in ADULT P.M. '' ENTERTAINMENT MGM presents 1 i An (talo Zingarelli Production Ride with lig& Ma» Army . im town eorge Kenn- Fredric March 5 SATURDAY, OCT. 31, t ,a Wil: '' I s MATINEE 2 P.M. raw PICTURES P,,uit, m ING ALLEN PRODUCTION JOHN MILLS. SYLVIA SYMS BERNARD MILES W MARK LESTER_M SUN., MON., TUES. NOV. 1, 2, 3 ' ADMITTANCE .p, Kt STItIICIllbTO PERSONS • 10VEAOSSO GF ,'.�;• UBO BALLAD or, X C. t. ,.. ri 1110GUE TECHNICOLOR= < .•" . ; From WARNER BROS IRI r ac^ '.°2�' s w One showing nightly at 8 p.m. OUR NEXT ATTRACTION "2 MULES FOR SISTER SA' "A"