HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-10-29, Page 12PAGE TWELVE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1970 From My Window Out of the Mouths of Babes Shirley Keller Never in my entire married motherly life was I so grateful for a large roomy house as I was the other evening when my children and their friends conv- erged on the house. As you may have guessed by this time, our home is the meet- ing place for the masses. That wouldn't be half so bad if our children and their friends had similar interests —.but then, I wouldn't have material for a column if things went that smoothly at our house. You see, to begin with it was the evening of a big high school dance - the one when the girls invite the boys. "They used to call it a Sadie Hawkins dance, I think, " expl- ained our teenage son, " but now they've updated it a little and named it a Suzie Q hop." At any rate, the boys were getting all spiffed up to meet the girls. The meeting place was out house and the living room was the exact spot. That's where the best record player in the house is situated so naturally, it was the ONLY room in which you could invite company to recline. In the adjoining room, the diningroom separated from the livingroom by a pair of very see- through glass doors, my nearly - teenage daughter was the hostess for a very posh party. It was a surprise birthday party for a friend with two other very special girlfriends invited. Even though the guests wore blue jeans and sloppy sweaters and clacked away on wads of bubblegum, the affair called for crystal water glasses and sherbets, delicate china dessert plates, linen, flowers, table napkins, the works. Need I explain the kind of picture these two scenes present- ed - one room filled with suave young men about to embark ori their almost first-time dates with enthusiastic young women who had solicited their attent- ions and in the next room, a group of giggling girl -gluttons who were devouring a chocolate birthday cake and mounds of ice cream with about as much grace as an elephant turning in a pansy patch. Need I remind you of the blend of dissimilar odors - the stench of too much after -shave lotion and the heavy smell of chocolate cake, chocolate sauce and grape fruit punch? And need I explain the ex- change of conversation between the two rooms - the boys shout- ing insults like "How old are you Punk? and "Who baked the cake? Broom Hilda?" and the girls retorting with things like, "Mom, why can't I ever have a party without him interfering? In the back room, cut off from the rest of the house, our young- est child was entertaining some of his friends. "Where's your brother going; asked one lad. "He's going to school cause a girl told him to, " answered our son in all honestly. "Why?" carne the natural question. " 'Cause that's what boys do, " insisted our son. "My daddy goes when my mom says to." "What's your sister doing?" was the next question. "She's having a birthday party, he responded. "But it's not her birthday. It's the other girl's birthday. But the party's here 'cause my sister made the cake. "Why?" " 'Cause that's what girls do. DASA: OP and DIST Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader ICT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. William Chand- ler, of London have purchased the store from Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid. They have two sons, Mike 17 and Mark 12. Ray VanDorsselaer attended the annual cage Bird Show for London and District last week. As well as receiving several prizes and red ribbons he brought back the winning ticket for the 50-50 draw which was won by Mrs. Wilda Clark, of Grand Bend. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Laura Datars were Mrs. Hilda Haugh, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van- Dorsselaer and Susan, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Datars and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader, Dian- ne and friend, of Stratford. Sunday visitors at Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wei - berg and family were Mr. and tPROMMIMISIMMINIIMMORRSINIMMIES SCHROEDER MILLING GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS • SEED BEANS • `Buyers of White Beans' 237-3651 -- DASHWOOD Mrs. Garnet Willert, Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Keller, Fred Wei - berg, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willert, of Zurich. • Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and Sharon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and girls, Zion. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Amid a setting of Charlie Brown and Hallowe'en, Allen Hendrick, six- year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrick celebrated his birthday by ent- ertaining seven boy pals after school, namely, Brian Horner, David Hunt, Scott Armstrong, Richard Forrest, John McAllister, James Atkins, and' Peter Mc- Bride. His sister Elaine and 'Carol Walper joined in the excit- ing time. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick arrived later in the evening. 0 LADIES BOWLING (October 19) Night Hawks - B. Oke - 718 Dominionaires - M. Gelinas -587 Left -Overs - S. Teevins - 699 Happy Gals - P. Miller - 591 Packers - F. Gibson - 656 Starlites - D. Finkbeiner - 723 Ups & Downs - R. Schenk - 614 Mix -Ups - A. Faber - 575 Pinpoppers - G. Goudie - 459 Scamps - D. Dietrich 648 Alley-Oops - M. Bedard - 658 Jolly Six - D. Bettke - 560 Make cakes and junk. And giggle And whisper. And yell at boys." Our youngest son is only four years old, but sometimes he has the wisdom of a sage. The very questions his father and I had been asking as we watched the performances of the two older kids from our vantage point in the kitchen, were explained so, easily by our pre-schooler while he built a castle of blocks with his pals. Out of the mouths of babes, I thought, oft times come gems that even parents cannot deny. Special Speakers At Anniversary in Emmanuel Church Capacity audiences were in attendance at the 96th Anniver- sary Services at Emmanuel Unit- ed Church, Zurich, on Sunday, October 25. The guest speaker at the morning service was the Rev. Dr. Ross Crosby, of St. Marys United Church, who spoke on the theme "Three Important' Things:" "What do you desire?" "What do you know?" "What are you doing about it?" His topic was based on a portion of John 9. The music at the morning worship was provided by the Senior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Milton Oesch, and an Intermediate Girls Chorus under the leadership of Miss Meda Sur- erus, accompanied by Mrs. Beat- rice Hess. The speaker at the evening service was the Rev. Douglas Warren, of the United Church, at Crediton, who spoke on the theme: "Chosen of God" baling his sermon on John 15. The 1-Iuronia Male Choir, of Exeter under the direction of Mrs. R. J, McCaffrey and ac- companied by Mrs. F. Wildfong, inspired the evening worshippers with three anthems. 0 You Know . . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Duch- arme, Detroit, and Mrs. Ty Stansbury, of Grosse Pointe, were Monday visitors with their mother, Mrs. Fred Ducharme, and sister, Mrs. Theresa Hartman The Ladies Auxiliary to the Blue Water Rest Home will hold their regular meeting on Wed- nesday, November 4. at the home. All ladies are invited. WE MUST: CLEAR THE DECKS of all our Furniture & Appliances Christmas Merchandise is arriving daily, and we are swamped for space. Help us clear the deck by taking advantage of our specials. STORE -WIDE CLEARANCE RUNS THROUGH TO NOVEMBER 7 JET ACTION WASHER MODEL WAASN 269.0.,,. FLOWING HEAT DRYER MODEL OEASN 9 01 01 169° W./T FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS IN MANY MODELS Priced as low as $199 w.t. FRIGIDAIRE RANGES CHECK OUR PRICES AS LOW AS $219 411J F GM MARK OF EXCELLENCE BEFORE YOU BUY ! ! G/NGERICII' Clinton ZURICH LTD. Seaforth