HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-10-15, Page 13THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1S, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS
50 Years Ago
The first frost of the season
has made it's appearance in
this district on Thursday morn-
ing of last week.
Mrs. Ross, who has been visit-
ing at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Uttley,
for some time, has returned to
her home in Toronto.
A number from the village
attended the Kekoa's Hawaiian
Glee Club concert in the Credit-
on Town Hall last Tuesday even-
The hall Dent Company of
Zurich are now in a position to
give a limited amount of work
to responsible people to comp-
lete , in their own homes.
Mrs. David Plante, of St.
Joseph, was taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, where she
underwent an operation for canc-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. John Albrecht, in
Mr. Herbert Uttley has sold
his dwelling property in the
north end of the village to Mr.
David Mero, of Drysdale, who
gets possession on February 1.
Mr. John Siemon has disposed
of his property in the south-west
corner of the village to Mr.
Henry Badour, who gets immed-
iate possession.
40 Years Ago
Mr. Theo. Bedard, of Til-
bury, who has recently purch-
ased the farm of Mr. 0. Klopp,
14th concession was in Zurich
last week, and made full ar-
rangements of coming up, which
will be in the near future. Mr.
Klopp and family will move to
The whole baking equipment
_OE -
as well as the household effects
of Mr, William Reith were
moved on Saturday from the
quarters occupied at the west
end of town to the Merrier block
which they recently purchased
and rigged up for the baking
Ferris Cantelon, Hensall,
who underwent an operation
for appendicitis a few weeks
ago is able to resume his duties
as principal of the Continuation
James S. Tapp, B . A „ a
1930 graduate of Honour Chem-
istry of the University of West-
ern Ontario, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Tapp, Hensall, left to
take up his new appointment as
demonstrator in chemistry at
McGill University, Montreal.
25 Years Ago
Mr. Morris Weber has sold
one of his fine cottages at the
lakefront to Mr. Walter Eckel,
at Schadeview Beach.
Mr. Theodore Wagner and
daughter, Catherine, of Guelph,
were weekend visitors at the
Wagner home here in Zurich.
A number fromhere attended
the funeral of the late Edgar
Butt, in Kippers, last Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Exias Charette
and family, of Detroit, were
weekend visitors in Zurich at
the home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. David Ducharme.
Mr. Allan Gascho, who has
been a Flying Officer in the
RCAF, has returned to his home
in Zurich, and is taking a well
earned rest at the home of his
Mr. Milton Oesch was the
lucky winner of a General Elect-
ric washing machine at the Ex-
eter Lions Club Frolic last week.
Mr. Clayton Smith and sons
pet foods
Doesn't it make sense that the Shur -Gain
people, specialists in feeding animals, should
really know what's good for dogs—and also
know how to make dog food in a way that
really appeals to dogs? Yes! It does make
sense—and what's more, thousands of dog
owners have found that Shur -Gain Dog Food
with beef gives dogs the vigour, bloom and
good health that make them a joy to live with.
Treat your dog to Shur -Gain Dog Food. Bite
size with beef.
PHONE 236-4951 — ZURICH
are erecting an ice house of
large enough capacity so they
can supply their summer camp-
ers with ice next summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Den-
omme are preparing to move
to their new home near Dash-
wood where he is employed in
Klumpp's Planing Mill.
15 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs, James Hackett
and baby Linda Marie, of Belle-
ville spent the weekend at the
home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Steinbach, The form-
er have been transfered from
Belleville Bank of Montreal to
St, Catherines Bank.
Mrs. Roy Morenz, Mrs. Hugh
Morenz, Mrs. Leslie Adams,
Mrs. Irvin Rader and Marian,
members of the Huron Waves
Housewives group, along with
other members from Thedford,
Zurich and Kippen were guests
of the London Free Press last
Miss Kathie Kalbfleisch who
is attending the University of
Western Ontario, London, was
in Montreal over the weekend
for the Western -McGill football
game. Kathie has been chosen
the leading majorette of the
Mustang Western Band.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel
and friends of Toronto were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. George J. Thiel
of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and
Mary Lou, are touring Vienna,
Austria, Russia and Germany.
10 Years Ago
Close to 300 relatives, church
friends, neighbours and other
friends shared in a very impres-
sive farewell service in honour
of Rev. and Mrs. Cyril K. Ging-
erich, on the evening of Thanks-
giving Day. Rev. and Mrs, Gin-
gerich will be leaving shortly
for a term of missionary service
in Nigeria, West Africa. Mr.
Gingerich will serve as Chapl-
ain and business manager while
Mrs. Gingerich will serve as
head nurse or Matron at the
Abiriba Community Joint Hospit-
Grant A. Case, a former man-
ager of the Zurich branch of the
Hensall District Co -Operative,
has received the "Co -Operator
of the Year" award from the
United Co -Operatives of Ontario,
in the field of Management for
the year 1960.
On their way to attend their
daughter's wedding reception
in Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Ducharme, Zurich were involv-
ed in an accident three miles
west of the tillage on Saturday.
Marriage vows were exchang-
ed in St. Peter's Roman Catho-
lic Church, St. Joseph, on
Saturday, October 1, by Theresa
Pauline Ducharme, Dashwood
and Peter Lawrence Bedard,
Horner to Speak
At PC Annual
Jack Horner, member of
Parliament for Crowfoot and an
Alberta cattle rancher, is to be
guest speaker at the annual
meeting of the Huron County
Federal Progressive Conservative
Association, October 21.
Robert McKinley (PC - Huron)
said a number of federal memb-
ers expect to accompany Mr.
Horner and the provincial assoc-
iation will be represented by
Charles McNaughton, Ontario
treasurer and MPP for Huron.
The meeting is to be held in
the Royal Canadian Legion Hall,
, Clinton.
Fall and winter driving
means increased hours of
darkness. Obviously, your
car's lights will be getting
more use. But do you use
your lights as much as you
According to professional
drivers, use of headlights has
an effect on safety. Checker
Cab Company in Chicago
conducted a 12 -month ex-
periment where drivers put
on their headlamps during
the day as well as at night.
The result was a 10 per-
cent decrease in accidents.
Bodily injury accidents were
reduced 12 percent.
Why the decrease?
According to Checker,
'First, by physically turning
on and shutting off the head-
lights, the driver is reminded
he is doing something for
"Second, pedestrians and
other drivers are constantly
telling our men that their
lights are on and this serves
as a further reminder of
safety to the driver. Also,
when Checker drivers see
other Checker cabs with
their headlights on, they
think of safety."
McCann Const. Ltd.
Phone 237-3381 or 237.3422
Flat Wall Paint
* Beautiful colors—and white
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* Completely washable
Quarts also available at Sale savings!
Inquire about other fine Moortone products
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But act now... Sale prices good for 14 days only!
"The best friend your home ever had::.
Benjamin Moore Paints