HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-10-15, Page 1alicrikgh No. 41—ALWAYS FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1970 10 CENTS PER COPY BAG BIG MOOSE - Three area hunters returned home from Northern Oniar io on Sunday and brought with them a prize catch - a 1200 ib. moose, shot by Herb Mousseau, at the left in the above photo. A. the right of the photo is Andy Crown and Don Brenner, both of Grand Bend. Huron and Middlesex Library Boards Make Agreement For Inter -Borrowing Huron County Library Board has entered into an arrangement with Middlesex County Library Board for reciprocal use of bor- rowers cards in the two counties. Effective October 15, 1970, bor- rowers registerl in Huron County will have their cards honoured for borrowing in Middlesex Coun- ty libraries. Middlesex borrowers will have the same privilege in Hurnn. This will not affect the librar- ies in the northern part of Huron County so much as in the south where the two counties have a 27 -anile common boundary. Re- quirements are simple - (1) the reader must present a member- ship card from a public library or Store Manager Dies Suddenly Manager of the LCBO store in Zurich for the past 10 years, Leon- ard Howard Bates passed away suddenly at his home on Monday, October 12, in his 62nd year. He was born in Toronto on September 2, 1909. Prior to coming to Zurich 10 years ago, Mr. Bates managed a store for the LCBO in Minden for four years. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, and was active in the National Assoc- iation of Campers and Hikers. Surviving besides his wife, the former Daisy Elliott, is one Baugh• ter, Mrs. Reg (Sandra) Jarvis, of Minden; one son, Carl, of Van- couver, B.C. There are also three grandchildren. _The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, where a private funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m, conducted by Rev. A.C. Black- well. Interment to follow in the Minden Cemetery. branch in his area of residence. (2) he must abide by the rules of the library from which he is to borrow books. (3) he must return books to the library from which he borrowed them. 0 The group of members of the Zurich Recreation League, who have been in London, England, for the past few weeks, will return home this Friday night. LUTHERAN WOMEN "It's His World We're Spoiling" was the Topic for the October Meeting of Lutheran Church Wo- men. Mrs. C. Willert, Mrs. D. Armstrong and Mrs. H. Turkheim discussed Pollution and how we as Christians could help prevent it. Mrs. Claire Deichert, vice- president, presided for the busin- ess meeting. Fellowship of the Least Coin Offering was received. Mrs. Blackwell gave a few inter- esting highlights of the Assembly in Milverton. Provincial Police Investigate Four Area Accidents During Past Week Four accidents were investig- ated during the week of October 4 to October 10, by the Exeter detachment of the Ontario Prov- incial Police. There were no injuries in the one-week period. On Sunday, October 4, at 3;40 p. m. , Provincial Constable Wilcox investigated a collision in Larry Snider's parking lot in- volving two parked cars, and a bar driven by Dennis Bruce Hack- ney, of Exeter. There were no in- juries and damage was listed at $500. to the three vehicles. On Tuesday, October 6, at 12; 01 a.m. Provincial Constable Mason investigated a collision involving a car driven by Gerar- dus Giesen of Thorndale and a holstein cow owned by Cleve Pullman. The damage to the car was listed at $500, and there were no injuries, On Wednesday, October 7, at 10 a. m. Provincial Constable Glassford investigated a bit and run collision involving a car owned by James Stubbs, of Sarn= ia, which was struck by an un- known vehicle. Damage to the Stubbs vehicle was listed at $150. On Saturday, October 10, at 7 p. m. Constable Giffin invest- igated a two car collision in- volving cars driven by Ronald Keller, of Dashwood and Ray- mond Keller, of Dashwood. There were no injuries and dam- age was listed at $450. A total of 28 charges under the Highway Traffic Act were laid by the detachment in the same period, along with 11 warnings. Six charges were laid under the Criminal Code of Canada, but none under the Liquor Control Act. The new officer in charge of the detachment, Corporal R.F. Brooks, assumed his duties this week, replacing Corporal C. J. Mitchell who has been transferred to the Whitby detachment. Corp- oral Brooks was previously station- ed at Downsview, 0 Legion. Auxiliary Plan Lucky Draw The Legion Ladies Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall, Tuesday evening, October 6, for their October meeting with past pres- ident, Mrs. Garnet Allan presid- ing. She announced a draw for a $50 bill will be held Saturday, October 17, in charge of the sports committee, Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Alice Koehler. The sports committee will send a bowling team to a bowlin€ tournament in Exeter in the near future. Members will canvass for the C . N . I. B . early in October. The group decided to go out for dinner to celebrate the 21st birthday of the Auxiliary. Mrs. W. H. Bell gave an int- eresting report of the Legion Auxiliary convention held at Niagara Falls, which she, pres- ident Mrs. Vic Stan, and Mrs. Clarence Reid attended. Mrs. Grant Bisback won the mystery prize, and Mrs. Garnet McClinchey the guessing prize. Bingo was enjoyed and lunch was served, including a birthday cake. 0 The third meeting of the Goshen Roadrunners was held at Debbie McKinley's home, on Tuesday, October 6, at 7 p. m. Everyone was present. We took part in doing some foot exerc- ises and discussed Personal Care. The meeting closed early be- cause of other social activities. RECEIVES CERTIFICATES - Nine of last year's Grade Eight Students of Willy Blom, Yvonne Oud, Toni Pennings, Reta Farwell. Front row, St. Boniface School, Zurich receive certificates for the St. John's left to right, Susan Bedour, Donnie VanRaay, Dennis Charrette, Ambulance First Aid Course at a special ceremony last Tuesday night. Jackie Day. (Citizens News Photo) Back row, left to right, Mrs. N. Siebert, instructress, Patricia Zimmer