HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-09-17, Page 7ti fi j THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS MORE AWARDS FOR RAY - Ray VanDorsselaer, of Dashwood, once again was a top winner with his birds at the Welland District Cage Society annual show, held last weekend in Beamsville. Out of 15 entries his birds walked off with 11 first prizes, two seconds and two thirds. He was also award- ed four rosettes and two trophies in the competition, which saw 500 birds entered in the various classes. ( Citizens News Photo) '71 ACADIAN ENGINE A 250 CUBIC -INCH SIX: Like all 1971 General Motors engines, the new standard Acadian engine will operate on regular low -lead, no -lead gasoline. The result is a marked decrease in exhaust emissions. Acadian also features a brand-new vapour emission control system that prevents fuel vap- ours in the carburetor and fuel tank from escaping into the atmos- phere. New high-intensity headlights on '71 Acadian provide 25 per cent more brightness over conventional units. Shown here is the Acadian two -door coupe with optional 350 V8 engine. PRICES TRIMMED Sirloin OR WING SteaksE Ib. $1.09 Wieners 16. 55c COLEMAN'S SMOKED Picnic Ham 16. 49c Head Cheese Ib. 59c LAPORTE MEAT MARKET PHONE 236-4962 PAGE SEVEN The International Scene (by Raymonsi Canon) ' 1 doubt that there was anybody 'in Southwestern Ontario who ever 'heard of Spiro Agnew before he I became the Republican candidate for vice-president in the last Am- erican election, Even during the "election campaign, about all the publicity he got was when he com mitted some verbal faux pas, -which of course offended some- body. Since his election as Vice -Pres- ident, Mr. Agnew has suddenly become a hot item. He is in great demand as a speaker, and although he has managed to be a bit more diplomatic in his speech he is just as vociferous as ever, and does not hesitate to take a verbal swing at anybody or any group that he thinks is not pulling its weight. He is especially ang- ered by those who deprecate the United States and what it is doing without themselves having any suitable alternative. This is something that many people find very easy to do, and so they pro- vide Mr. Agnew with plenty of ammunition for his speeches. For some time now I have been keeping track of the reaction to what he has to say both in Canada and in other countries which are relatively friendly to the United States. One thing I have discov- ered is that very few people sit on the fence when his name is mentioned. They either like him :and what he is saying or they dis- like hint. Quite a few people may not agree with what he says but they grudgingly admire him for his courage in standing up and saying what he thinks, This is where I come in because I fall in this latter category. It is rather obvious that Mr. Agnew in his eagerness to attack those who nuke it their business to be pejorative on just about every- thing the United States does, sometimes goes too far in his blasts. But basically I have to applaud him because he is not afraid to stand up and be counted. Frankly I an: getting awfully tired of reading and listening to drivel about what is wrong with the Un- ited States. There are too many parents and students who seem to take a sadistic pleasure in critic- izing teachers and the school system. The post office comes in for its share of abuse, and it Southern Leaf Blight on Corn If a blight disease is present on your corn this year, there is a good chance that it is southern leaf blight. According to Dr. J.C. Sutton, Department of Botany, and Dr. Elwood Hatley, Depart- ment of Crop Science, both with the University of Guelph, south- ern leaf blight is especially com- mon in the Counties of Middlesex, Oxford, Waterloo, and Wellington as well as the areas farther south. Corn grown for grain should be harvested early if it has been infected by southern leaf blight. Also, use drying facilities if avail- able, or store as high moisture corn. Early Harvesting and careful drying will minimize the amount of mold damage on the kernels. The southern leaf blight fungus develops iin kernels as a blaskish mold which may continue to grow on corn dried to as low as 20 to 5007o moisture. Southern leaf blight also increa- ses stalk breakage. With early harvesting, there will be less stalk breakage. Early harvesting is recommend- ed only where southern leaf blight is present. If corn is attacked by other leaf blights such as yellow leaf blight, or northern leaf blight, or if there is drought in- jury to the crop, early harvesting is not recommenddd. If you are in doubt about whether or not the blight on your corn is southern leaf blight, or if you wish further information about this disease, contact the Soils and Crops Specialist at the nearest county or district office of the Ontario Department of Agric- ulture and Food. ainimagmeasmenter Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565.2686 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pickup MINMEINIMMINNIMINIONIMMEIIIMMIRMINIMMIMI is open season on the government, federal, provincial or municipal. Considering all the criticism about the school system, it seems to have turned out a multiple of so called experts on just about every subject, experts who do not hesitate to criticize but seld- om to commend or construct. I once met a woman on a train in Switzerland. She has spent a few weeks in Russia, and inform- ed me without any hesitation that she knew how the Russians should be handled. I do not know how many tithes since I have met close relatives of that woman, people who can not seem to real - apparent, people to whom critic- ism and self-interest is a way of life. Societies are not built by such people, but they- do collapse because of them, and if Spiro Agnew wants: to take aim at these glib negationists, all the more power to him, You can be Assured of Fast Dependable Automatic Delivery of BULK PROPANE for your GRAIN DRYING NEEDS call Hensofl District Co-operative INCORPORATED Hensall — 262-2608 FFor more information call or Imail coupon Ito: I CO-OP PROPANE DEPT., IUNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO, 96 Kensington St., GUELPH, Ontario. Phone (519) 824-7370 Name Address Phone LIMA MINIM 'MOM MNROMI MOM miMnfel MOM ZISMJ