Zurich Citizens News, 1970-09-10, Page 11THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1970 'sr 50 Years Ago SEPTEMBER, 1920 Dr. Taylor was in the village on Monday. Miss Lila Melick left on Mon- day for Clinton where she is tak- ing a commercial course in the Business College. The Anniversary Services of the Evangelical Church which will be held on Sunday September 19, and Bishop S. P, Spring, of Naperville, Illinois, will conduct the morning and evening services. Mr. O'Dwyer, of Lucan, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O'Dwyer. Mr. Alvin Surerus left on Tues- day morning for Oakville, where he is a teacher of language in a large college. Mr. W. H. Hoffman is greatly improving the appearance of his dwelling by the addition of a fine new verandah. Quite a number from this vic- inity attended Goderich Fair last week. Miss Gertrude Weber has return- ed home after spending a few pleasant weeks at Woodstock. - OE_ YEARS GONE - BY- Mr. W. H. Pfile was a business visitor to London on Tuesday. Sugar has taken a drop and it is predicted that it will be l0cents in the near future. 40 Years Ago SEPTEMBER, 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Fisher, and son Raymond, were Sunday visitors with friends in town. Mr. William Lamont was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Braun, Forest. Miss Jane Lamont, who spent the past week at Forest, returning with Mr. Lamont. The date for the big fowl supper of the Zurich Evangelical Church has been set for Thursday evening, October 16, when efforts are being put forth to make this the best and biggest supper ever held in this place. A meeting of the Directors of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held on Saturday evening at which final plans were made for the Fall Fair to be held on Sept- ember 22 and 23. p K 30 THE SQUARE: PHONE 524-7811 AR GODERICH`' AIRCONDITIONED THURS., FRI., SAT. SEPT. 10-11-12 One Showing Thursday at 8 p.m. Two Showings Friday and Saturday at 7:30 & 9:13 They make their own laws at "The Cheyenne Social Club" HATTONAL GENERAL PICTURES PRESENTS , JAMES STEWART ,, HENRY FONDA THE CHEYENNE SOCIALCUJ9 SHIRLEY JONES • SUE ANE LAP!GDON k TECHNICOLOR. PANAYISION. e . 3!•, `� GP e : y?o::.:: SATURDAY MATINEE — SEPTEMBER 12 2:00 P.M. Victor Mature " 1 BAL" ®SEPT. SUN., MON., TUES. 13-14-15 One Showing at 8:00 p.m. L1•... Today's child 0.1 is Christine. ' NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES Presents the A.4 . x � erasch. r • , JACQUELINE BISSET . '•, %`" „ .-...-, JOSEPH COTTEN G�..•, yyaa y „nOnP• I Mris •i'l [q..._... �. �.i �' . ; JM A. BROMrcWt,N Ton.rry .S:k ,LMtn .. o Starts WE=DNESDAY! FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 to TUESDAY, SEPT. 22 One Show a Night at 8:00 p.m. timill)N ,. zi 1 _ �,• � �� ,�`> r .'� r ,, a„.7-'' ',. .// A GEORGE KARL t/N SCOTA7 / MALDEN iu"PATTON". IAFRAMAMdAA1NY•FRANALINI.SCHAFFMERPAODUCTICN FAANAMcCAATNY•FMNNLIN1.SCHOENEN h"IAIE�s10I1 0. COLOR IY DE LURE' 115 ' `�` 20th Century.Fo. presents IOMMEINIfDAS OAT ENTERTANMIIENT ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Mr. Earl Weido spent a few days vacation at Goderich. A large number of villagers are attending the big western fair at London this week, which promises to be the best ever. Mr. Harold Klopp who has spent a week's vacation at his home, has returned to Detroit. 25 Years Ago SEPTEMBER, 1945 Mrs. Nelson Armstrong, of Woodstock is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut and other relatives The many friends of Mr. Ed- mund Swartzentruber, of Blake are pleased to see him well enougl to take a trip to Zurich after his recent accident. Miss Betty Rumstedler and friend, Reta Miller, of Kitchener, were weekend visitors at the home of the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell. The girls made the trip on the bicycles in about eight hours, a distance of over seventy miles. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler and Miss Martha Heideman, at- tended the wedding of Miss Dor- othy Standing, a former teacher of Zurich Public School, held at Paisley, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, and daughter Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and sons were rec- ent visitors at Port lluron and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Coreless, of Clin- ton, were weekend visitors at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey. 15 Years Ago SEPTEMBER, 1955 Dr. Bruce Eickmeier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickmeier, of Zurich, has moved his dental practice to Hamilton where he will form a dental clinic in ass- ociation with Dr. D.A. Shearer. Dr. Eickmeier also intends to take some post graduate studies on gas anaesthesia at the Univer- sity this coming winter. Monday afternoon and evening was Hensall's Big Day of the sum- mer months when the Kinsmen Club of that town staged its' sec- ond annual Bean Festival and sport: day. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gascho and children spent a few days at Toronto last week, taking in the Exhibition. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON -- ONTARIO Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. First Show at Dusk THURS. - FRI. - SAT. September 10-11-12 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE" ADMITTANCE �i TO PusO S "11 It T1A,M AGI d Ovlt In Color Natalie Wood, Robert Culp Elliott Gould Dyan Cannon A contemporary satire on American marital mores about 2 couples caught up in the sexual revolution. "LOCK GAP YOUR DAUGHTERS" AOMIiTANCF �Christopher Plummer 3McT("fi t'I Susannah York � tlttONi 11 TWIN a AG(C4 CNN Glynis Johns In Color Coming Next Weekend: "TOPAZ" "THE LOST MAN" Miss Margaret Deichert, of K -W Hospital, Kitchener is spend - ling four week's holidays with her !parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert. Mrs. Fred HabererJr. and dau- ghter have returned from holiday- ing with her parents Rev. and Mrs. E, W. Heimrich, in Brantford. Mrs. Harold Stade has returned home from South Huron Hospital, Exeter, much improved in health. 10 Years Ago SEPTEMBER, 1960 Charles H. Thiel was re-elect- ed as president of the Zurich and district Chamber of Commerce at the annual meeting last Thursday evening in the Zurich Dominion PACE ELEVEIN, Hotel. A combination beer and liquor retail store will be built in the village of Zurich, it was learned by the citizens News on Wednes- day afternoon. Mark Bender, R, R,1, Varna, .has been awarded the $200 schol- arship awarded by the University of Western Ontario Board of Gov- ernors. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wushke (bridal couple) have arrived in Zurich from the west, and will spend several days with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rader, Miss Marion Fleischauer has left for London Teachers' College, where she will complete the sec- ond year of her two-year course. W4� THEATRE HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD..4 ,.PHONE 524.9981 THURS., FRI., SAT. SEPT. 10 - 11 - 12 ...with only their leathers between THEM and HELL! / awn ,Mr W ARI Ot Otte FANTASCOPE • COLOR LEATHER ON THE OUTSIDE ..ALL WOMAN ON THE INSIDE! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THEY'RE THE WILDEST OFTHE WILD ONES! 1TTAM Rto ST 114111eIRN..M M OM STEVE ALAIMO WILLIE PASTRANO A CROWN INTERNATIONAL PICTURES RELEASE = It ,t CROWN INTERNATIONAL PICTURES PRESENTS '11). tc _Or PATHECOLOR ROSS HAGEN • DEE DUFFY A GEMINI.AMERICAN PRODUCTION SUN., MON., TUES. Fat Martha... you'll never forget her as one of... THE HONEY - moon SEPT. 13.14 - 15 Don't lel the frilly '' shirt fool you. This man can kill without stirring a ruffle.`' ADULT (NTl,le WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. SEPT. 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 The strangest trio ever to track a killer. rlA/uou,l J O H N hCIUr[5 Prtxms WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY HAL WALLIS' PROOUCTION TICMgrAIOA'' 1 PIAMIOUNI pcupt PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENT'S AJtUt3h.R'I' B. ItAUNI7'L PROOI'CTION Side ofthe effO1111ta11t "A FRESH AND STIMULATING FILM I"- TURDA BREVIEW TEDDY ECCLES tic And THEODORE BIKE ARDO• PANAVISION'•TECHNICOUNt• A PARAMOUNT PICTURE