HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-08-13, Page 10PAGE TEN ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS St. Joseph - Drysdale - Bluewater DEBBIE HOGG 2030-0$57 CORRESPONDENTS THERESA JEFFREY 2.36.4159 News Along The Shore of Beautiful Lake Huron After a week's vacation from the newspaper business it is a little difficult to get back to work on the right track, espec- ially when we still have the same "drab news" to work with, Surely over the past week, someone in this area did some- thing . Why not let the rest of us share it. We would again like to remind people to please help us by either dropping us a note, or phoning one of us. Thank You. The Hogg family were visited last weekend by Mr. Jack Murphy and Miss Muriel Fielder, of Tor- onto. Mrs, Joy Hogg left Tuesday morning for Kenora, Ontario where she joined her youngest daughter, Roberta, for a few week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Peasant and boys, of Montreal are stay- ing with Mrs, Peasant's mother, Mrs. Louise Cantin. Mr. and Mrs, Gerard Rau and family, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rau and family; of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rau and family, of London are all vac• ationing in this area and visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Rau. Mrs, Celina Bedard was visited by Mr. and Mrs, George Kochut of Kitchener, and her son Benny with Valerie and Dolly, from Windsor. Mrs. Bedard is now visiting in London prior to a Sunday depart- ure to Saskatchewan for a three week visit with her brother. The Tom LeGendre family have been spending the last 2 weeks at St. Joseph Beach. Their guests have been Paulette and Jim Hayes and daughter, Jennifer, of Detroit, and Mary LeGrendre and Paul Kamprath, The L, Z. Fourniers have had as their guests, their daughter Cherie and Bob Carter, from Flint Michigan. Spontaneous combustion within a haymow can destroy the hay and the building in which it is stored. A constant check of the temp- erature of the hay is vital, says Mr. Hal Wright, Farm Safety Specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. To take the temperature, a z -inch pipe or tube approximately 10 feet in length can be used. The end of the tube should have a point of hardwood riveted to it, and a few holes, inch in diam- eter, made just above the hard- wood. The tube should be inserted in- to the hay, Dropa candy or oven thermometer attached to a string into the tube and leave it for five minutes. After five minutes the temp- erature should be noted and com- pared to the following scale; if the temperature is 150 degrees, the danger zone is near and observa- tions should be made every day; at 160 degrees, inspections should be made every four hours; at 175 degrees, fire pockets 'may be ant- icipated and the fire pump called to wet down the hay. NOTICE Re: Fifth Annual Bean Festival Anyone wishing to operate a concession at the Bean Festival in Zurich on Saturday, August 22, should contact Glen Weido, as soon as possible, to make reservations. Early co-operation will be greatly appreciated. /TMeer 4842Y ABOUT rwo YEAfiS To LEARN I/OW TO T4[K,illaaver own' YEARS TOKE'EP Nis mat/mem/1:J General Contracting BUILDING and REMODELLING WE WILL. BUILD YOUR OME COTTAGE ::ARN • GARAGE One contract will take care of your complete pro§est, including PLUMBING ® HEATING ELECTRICAL WO Backhoe Service Now , vailable Aluminum ` * : ors and Windows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Completely Installed OW Only $38 4.000 Richard Bedard DIAL 236-4679 ZURICH! walvessiermonemmememiseemmem Mr. and Mrs, Ed Corriveau were visited last weekend by Mr. and Mrs. Morely Fournier. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rose and son Gary, were at their cottage . Mr. and Mrs, Napoleon Cantin were at their cottage at St. Joseph with their son Bobby and his friend, Markey Wright. Mrs, Marinus Vermont, with her two daughters, Liz and Joanne plan to leave for a three week holiday to the Old Country, late this week, to visit relatives. K, and Mrs. David Regier visited Mr. Regier's family, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Regier, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Tony Rau were visited by Brenda Rau, of London, and Mr, and Mrs. Ron Denomme, of Kitchener. Set Schedule For Northern Sales More than ever people are eating and talking about beef - beef roasts, barbecues, hamburgs, steaks - and of course the live- stock themselves. Members of the various livest- ock associations involved in the Northern Stocker and Feeder Sales are also talking about and mak- ing plans for their feeder sales. To assist the buyers of feeder cattle to make the best use of the Northern Feeder Sales, the Co-Ordinating Committee has endeavoured to have the sales spaced over a reasonably long period of time. You will note that the first sale will be held at South River, Thursday, August 20th, at 12 noon, and the last Round -up Sale on Thursday, October 22nd, also at South River. All sale committees have im- proved and are improving their sale facilities, South River's cov- ered stock pens, as well as its sale ring, is proving most helpful and satisfactory. More important they are continuing to improve their stock through the use of A .1. or Performance Tested sires. Entries are now being received for the early Sales, and indicat- ions are for excellent sales, This year Northern Ontario has had ideal weather for pastures, and cattle have made good growth and are in good condition, TRIM FOR SUMMER Trimming up for summer? Try this. Exercise and massage tone up flabby arm muscles, and the massage is doubly effective if performed with moistened coarse salt. Give the elbows a little extra massage with salt to remove the gray looking, dingy appearance that results from embedded grime. Works well on heels too! RECEPTION ND ANCE FOR DONALD and BETTY CLARKE (nee Newton) Dashwood Community Centre Friday, August 14 Music by: THE RAMBLERS Everyone Welcome THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1970 "But a raise will put me in a higher tax bracket— I'll get less than I do now!" USED HARVEST EQUIPMENT No, 80---U.T.O, COMBINE (Grain and Bean Equipment) No. 18 COCHSHUTT COMBINE, P.T.G, SWATHERS 2 -- LJI. No. 175 SWATHERS (With Conditioners) 1— I.H. No. 201 SWATHER N. T. MONTEITH EXETER LTD. 235-2121 "The best in service when you need it most!" animal health service INJECT NEW VIGOUR INTO YOUR LIVESTOCK WITH SHUR-GAIN VITAMINS ADE INJECTABLE. Prevent vitamin deficiencies in beef and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and swine with Shur -Gain Vitamins ADE Injectable. Concentrated solutions permit small volume injections and rapid treatment of large numbers of animals. Use Shur -Gain Injectable ADE too, in building resistance to disease and for minimizing stress conditions. Shur -Gain Injectable ADE —a superior grade identified by the brown and white package at our Shur -Gain Animal Health Service Centre. dairy feeds M. DEITZ and SON DIAL 236.4951 ZURICH