HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-07-30, Page 7THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Classified Ads Vur Sale VACUUM CLEANERS — sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact 14. K. Peck, Rit 1, Zurich. phone Hensall 262-5748. 34,tf MAPLE SYRUP, also quantity of used brick. Lennis Q ingerich, RR 3, Zurich, phone 237-3287. 30,2,3,b WELL Constructed two-storey white brick dwelling, nicely situ- ated in the village of Zurich. Contact G. H. Bloch or call 236- 43310. 30,tf FOR SALE for cottage or home. 1 used Clare Keckla 20 kw elec- tric furnace, like new with stage controls; 1 used gas through wal space heater, 36,000 BTU; 1 gas space heater, 40,000 BTU; 1 used built-in 5 -ft. east iron tub, white; 1 used pedestal basin slab, 24x 24 large. Gingerich's Ltd., Zurich, phone 236-4351. 30,b Lost and Found LOST in or near Dashwood, mag- netic truck sign. Becker Farms, RR 1, Dashwood, phone 237-3416 or 237-3293. 30,p Wanted USED Furniture or other articles for Lions Rummage Sale, Bean Festival Day. Contact Morris Webb, 236-4767. 24,5,6,b WANTED—A capable woman re- quired August 3 for general housework; nice private room; live in. Good home, no children. Phone 262-2101, Hensall, after 5 p.m. 29,b For Rent CONSTRUCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Custom, Work CUSTOM Combining — Wheat, grain, beans and corn. Swathing can be arranged. Augers, trucks and wagons also available. Rea- sonable rates. Contact Lionel Wilder, phone 236-4020. 24,tf CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY — Beef and Pork Thursday — Beef Only PICT{ -UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Du- charme, of London, Ontario, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sarah Theresa, to Mr. Raymond Joseph Jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey, RR 2, Zurich, The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 8, at 1 p.m., in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, Ontario. 30,b Card of Thanks A since thank you to all those who attended the benefit dance and have sent donations and con- tributions in our aid to get set up after our recent fire. Thanks again. — Marvin and Nancy Mc- Adams. 30,p I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all friends and relatives for cards, treats and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Westlake Ambu- lance Service and the nursing staff.—Victor Ducharme. 30,p Custom Work CUSTOM Swathing, hay and grain. Contact Larry Merner, 236-4214, Zurich. 27,tf CUSTOM COMBINING — Grain and corn; wagon, auger, avail- able. Contact Carl or Edgar Willert, 236-4043 or 4724, Zurich. • 29,30,2,3,4,p Miscellaneous Watch and clock repairing. Work guarantee'. Fane selection of wat- ches, iiamonds and china. Dia- mcr,ds re -setting. Hess Jewellery, Zurich. SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2923 or 238-2291 GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animaia Not Accaptad 1 For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0e33 STRATHROY Births BOND—Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Bond (nee Betty Moir), of nounce the birth of a daughter Denver, Colorado, wish to an- (Dawn Elizameth), a wee sister for Mark Gregory and Jeffrey Paul, and a grand -daughter for Mrs. B. Mason, London, Ont., and Mrs. R. Bond, Buffalo, N.Y. w Zurich Mennonite Ephraim Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 — SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor 10:00 a.rn.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 — Rev. Calvin C. Gilck, Th,D., of Kitchener, in charge SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 — Rev. LIoyd 11. Kalbfleisch, of Zurich, in charge Everyone Welcome Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huethor, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 -- 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Guest Speaker: Rev. Lloyd Kalbfleisch SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 — Guest Speaker: Rev. Cyril Gingerich (Nursery provided during morning worship) Sunday School withdrawn during summer. Visitors Welcome LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister: Alvin Baker SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 — SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service (Every Wednesday Evening — 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us ROSS and MARGS' PIE SHOP And a Variety of Tarts Across From Golf Course OPEN DAILY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sunday 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. 236-4225 animal health service INJECT NEW VIGOUR INTO YOUR LIVESTOCK WITH SHUR-GAIN VITAMINS ADE INJECTABLE. Prevent vitamin deficiencies in beef and dairy cattle, horses, sheep and swine with Shur -Gain Vitamins ADE Injectable. Concentrated solutions permit small volume injections and rapid treatment of large numbers of animals. Use Shur -Gain Injectable ADE too, in building resistance to disease and for minimizing stress conditions. Shur -Gain Injectable ADE —a superior grade identified by the brown and white package at our Shur -Gain Animal Health Service Centre. dairy feeds M. DEITZ and SON DIAL 236.4951 ZURICH LSMFT Horn loader, As is $ 35 Ferguson 3 -furrow plow $ 80 MF 2 -furrow plow $150 Freeman loader with fork and material bucket to fit Allis Chalmers D14 $200 Case "S" tractor $225 IHC No. 10 10- plate 6 foot one-way disc $250 John Deere 3 -furrow 12" plow $250 Ford 3 -furrow 14" plow $350 David Brown 3 -furrow 14" plow $350 INC "A" tractor with 2 -row cult. and puller $350 Ford 8N tractor $550 Ferguson 20-85 tractor $550 '52 Ford 8N, overhauled, new tires $650 Ford Super Major $1645 Ford Super Major and loader $1995 Massey -Ferguson 180 "D", loader with extras $4995 New Blue Tag Specials FORD 9 -foot Mower Conditioner '1925 FORD 501 3 -point hitch 7' Mower '495 FORD 3 -point hitch 1 -Row Cultivator Shields and title Stabilizer Disc 6MONTHS FREE FINANCE On All New Ford Tractors, Combines and Equipment Snider Motors LIMITED FORD TRACTOR EXETER 235-1640 LUCAN 227-4191