HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-07-23, Page 6TENDERS Blue Water Rest home 1. For the installation of piping and electrical to connect pump No. 2, located in well to the Home existing water system. ti, 2. Install 2 only double flood lamp fixtures on north wing. Building information diagram and instruction sheet can be picked up at Blue Water Rest Home or at the secretary's office. Sealed tenders to be in hands of the secretary by Friday, August 7, at 6 p.m. GERALD GINGERICH, Secretary. Now Is Time to Secure Proper Type Of Material to Eliminate Flies (This message is brought to you as a public service, through the courtesy of the Hensall District Co -Operative. ) Flies come in a variety of shpaes and sizes around the dairy barn, but they all have one thing in common. They cost you hard earned money. And now at the beginning of the season is the best time to hit them hard. Right now, effective treatment can keep fly populations from building up. Later, when large numbers start causing low milk production, the hordes are so large that it is hard to make treat- ment effective. There are four main species of flies which concern livestock men, They are stable flies, house flies, horn flies and face flies. The first two may be troublesome around any farm, the last two mainly with cattle. Stable flies attack cattle both indoors and in the outdoors, and bite cows usually on the legs. House flies congregate in huge numbers on cattle and are annoy- ing. Horn flies are grey -colored like stable flies, but about half the size. They attack cows around the horns, on the withers, back and belly. Face flies, like house- flies, do not bite, but suck up secretions around the eyes, nost- rils and mouth. Because of their habits they are suspected of car- rying pink eye. They are slightly larger and darker than house flies. Stable and house flies breed in piles of manure, wet hay, straw weeds, or similar material. Horn flies and face flies both lay their eggs in fresh manure. Face flies actually live over winter as adults in the stable, and lay eggs as soon as warm spring weather ar- rives. There are three basic rules for effective fly control. They are: frig; Electrohome humidifier; oval shape dining room table; 6 chairs; 3 odd chairs; nursery set, 2 chairs and table; 2 child's folding chairs: 3 TV tables; ra- dio and record player (Philco); high chair; 2 double beds, mat- tresses & springs; 2 twin beds; box spring and steel spring: bedside table; 3 dressers and drawers; dresser with mirror; large desk; utility table; junior pool table; studio couch: Thoro washing machine; odd pots, jars and crocks; 6' copper fern- ery stand; numerous other arti- cles. Terms: Cash JACK JENSEN, Proprietor 234-6451 ALVIN WALPER and HUGH FILSON, Auctioneers good sanitation, residual spray- ing of stable walls and ceiling, and thorough direct spraying of cows every morning. Without a sanitation program to limit breeding places, no plan of chemical attack can control stable flies and house flies. Both house flies and stable flies may be found on stable walls, so a good residual spray applied early in the season helps prevent build up of large populations. At the peak of the season, space sprays and baits in the stable help reduce the numbers too. Since all four species of flies attack the cows some time during the day, direct sprays on the an- imals are effective. Spray in the morning to provide protection during the day. Face flies which attack the cattle outside are the hardest to control. Horn flies are easier, since they stay on the cattle 24 hours a day. Tender For Exterior Maintenance and Construction Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed up to 12:00 o'clock noon, D.S.T., Thursday, July 30, 1970, to supply exterior maintenance and construction at Grey Central Public School. Specifications and tender forms man be obtained at the offices of the Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. MR. R. B DUNLOP, Superintendent of Business Affairs, The Huron County Board of Education Tender For Interior Maintenance Plained marked sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed up to 12:00 o'clock noon, D.S.T., Thursday, July 30, 1970, to supply interior maintenanse to various schools in Huron County. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the offices of the Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. MR. R. B DUNLOP, Superintendent of Business Affairs, The Huron County Board of Education PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1970 !IV riAtIPS otogilitert, For Sale VACUUM CLEANERS - Sales and Service to all makes. Con- tact R. K. Peck, RR 1, Zurich. phone Hensel). 262-5748. 34,tf FRESH CHICKENS, ready for roasting and barbecuing. Quick frozen and government inspected. Marien Vanderhoek, RR 3, Zur- ich, 237-3324. 28,b PROPANE Healer. Apply to Ted Jeffrey, at Blake. Phone 236- 4015. 28,9,p TWO RUGS, mushroom beige, ffi'x12' and 7'x9', $20 each. One teenage charcoal suit, size 16, $12. Call 236-4242. 29,b WHITE PARTP Dress. Orange wool dress, size 14. Phone 236- 4342. 29,p 1968 DELUXE Volkswagen, only 12,000 original miles, like new, $1495. For details call Zurich 236-4672. 29,p Lost and Found IN HENSALL, a black dog, part Collie and part cocker spaniel, white tip on tail, white marks on face. Answers to Tippie. Phone 262-2325. 29,b Help Wanted MAINTENANCE man required for grain elevator; experience in millwrighting and milling ma- chinery maintenance essertial. Write to Box 209, Zurich Citizens News, stating full experience. 28,b Wanted USED Furniture or other articles for Lions Rummage Sale, Bean Festival Day. Contact Morris Webb, 236-4767. 24,5,6,h WANTED -A capable woman re- quired August 3 for general housework; nice private room live in. Good home, no children. Phone 262-2101, Hensall, after 5 p.m. 29,b For Rent OONSTR.UCTION equipment, power trowel, forms, pump, mix- er, etc. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954, after 6 p.m. and on Sat- urday. 15,tf Miscellaneous Watch and clock repairing. Work guaranteei. Fine selection of wat- ches, diamonds and china. Dia,. /ponds re -setting. ,Hess Jewellery, Zurich. SANITATION SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Drainage and Repairs For immediate service PHONE GRAND BEND 238-2923 or 238-2291 GRINSVEN DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE PICK-UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Shoop and Rotten Animals Not Accepted For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY Custom Work CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain and corn; wagon, elevator, avail- able. Contact Carl or Edgar Willett, 2364043 or 4724, Zurich. 29,30,2,3,4,p • CUSTOM Combining - Wheat, grain, beans and corn. Swathing can be arranged. Augers, trucks and wagons also available. Rea- sonable rates. Contact Lionel Wilder, phone 2364020. 24,tf Engagemer is Mr. and Mrs. Logan Cleave, Bayfield, Ontario, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dianne Elizabeth, to Mr. Richard Francis Jeffrey, son of Mrs. Monica Jeffrey and the late Richard Jeffrey, of RR 2, Zurich, Ontario. The wedding will take place August 15, 1970, at 2:00 p.m., in St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph, Ontario. 29,p Births DUNN-Jack and Elaine Dunn RR 3, Bayfield, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Keven John, on Friday, July 10, at Clinton Public Hos- pital. A brother for Wayne, Cheryl, Al and Gale. GINGERICH-Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gingerich, of Stratford, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Kevin James, at Stratford General Hospital, on Friday, July 10. Card of Thanks The Zurich Centennial Band wish to thank everyone who helped in any way in making the annual Tattoo a success. 29,p I would like to thank all my friends and relatives that visited me at the hospital and since being home. Also for the gifts and cards. A special thanks to Dr. Wallace and the nursing staff at South Huron Iospital.-Elmer Oesch. 29,b, I wish to take this opportunity, to thank everyone who so kindly' remembered me with cards, visits and prayers while I was a pa• tient at South Huron Hospital All was appreciated and will ever be remembered. Thanks also to the hospital staff. Christ said: water to one of the least of these, "Whosoever giveth a cup of cold my brethren, shall not lose his reward". Their care was much appreciated.-Menno Martin. 29,b The family of the late Mrs. Delia Ducharme wish to express sincere gratitude to their rela- tives, friends and neighbors for all the beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy, Mass cards and other acts of kindness in the loss of their dearly beloved mother. Special thanks to Father A. Durand and Father R. Durand, the pallbearers, the Catholic Women's League, nurses and staff of Exeter and Seaforth hos pitals, Dr. Wallace and Dr. Mal kus, and the Westlake Funeral Home. 29,p The family of the late Alfred Ducharme would like to thank their many friends and relatives, Sisters of St. Joseph, the Ursu- line sisters, for the many Masses and floral tributes, and for their many expressions of sympathy and kindness during the loss of a husband and father. Special thanks to Monsignor Bourdeau of St. Peters Church, Father Durand and the CWLs of St. Peter's and St. Boniface churches. Also special thanks to Dr. Wal- lace, the doctors, nurses and Sis- ters of St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, and the Westlake Funeral Home. 29,p Custom Work CUSTOM Swathing, hay and grain. Contact Larry Merner, 236-4214, Zurich. 27,tf CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING All meat wrapped in clear see-through freezer wrap. TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Card of Thanks We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who were so kind to our sister, Mrs. Peral Melick, through her prolonged ;illness. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Rev. Huether, the staff and management of the Blue Hater Rest Home, and the staff of the South Huron Hospital. We also. wish to express our sin• cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends, neighbors 'and the Westlake Funeral Home, for the beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy and all other acts of kindness shown to us during our recent sad bereavement. - Mrs. Melizza Geiger, Mrs. Clara Jacobe, Mr. Urban Pfile. 29,p In Memoriam Oesch-In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Agnes Oesch, who suddenly passed away on July 20, 1962. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Dorothy, Anthony and Douglas. 29,b Wuerth-In loving memory of my dear husband, Edgar E. Wuerth, who passed away one year ago, July 23, 1969. I had a husband I was proud to own, How much I miss him will never be known, No longer here my life to share But in my heart he's always there. Treasure him Lord in your gar- den of rest, , For here on earth he was one of. the best. -Lovingly remembered by wife Ada. 29,p Gascho-In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand- mother, who passed away six years ago today, July 23, 1964. tell The depth of sorrow we cannot well. Of the loss of one we loved sr' What we would give if we coulc say Hello Mom in the same old way. To hear your voice, see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile. So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll never know the heart Till you see her vacant chair. ache -Ever loved and remembered by the Gascho Family. 29,p AUCTION SALE of Valuable Equipment and Household Effects On the premises MAIN ST. WEST, CREDITON SATURDAY, JULY 25 at 1:30 p.m. Electric cement mixer; 34 h.p. Johnston outboard motor; 2 skil saws; 4 h.p. electric drill; steel, wheelbarrow; 4' square marble table top 1" thick; tool chests; carpenter's tools; .2 compressed air sprayers; elec- tric fencer; plastic pipe and fit- tings; grease gun; weigh scales; 11 patio slabs; garden tools; quantity of used wood for fire- place; step ladder; 3/4" gear pump; 1/4 h.p. electric motor; snowshoes; 2 pair skiis; picnic jug; assortment of doors and windows; girl's 20" bicycle; beehives and equipment; gates; 5 gal. water service for chicks; baby buggy; full set of hockey equipment, size 6 to 8. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - French Provincial chesterfield and chair; rocker chair to match; 2 table lamps; 2 tri- light lamps; TV lamp; fireplace screen (9 set); 3 mirrors, 22x26, 28x10 and 1 round; occasional chair; Admiral 21" TV; table model TV with stand; 21' Gilson freezer; Finlay propane gas stove; space heater; 30" Mc - Clary 4 burner stove; Crosley