HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-06-18, Page 9THURSDAY, JUNE 1$, 1970 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAG NINE GRAND CHAMPION SHOWMAN Brad Hargreaves was chosen as the Grand Champion showman last Friday night at the Hensall Spring Fair, and is seen here as he receives the W. G. Thompson & Son trophy, from Howard Scane. (Exeter Times Advocate Photo) QUEEN VISITS FAIR - Queen of the Furrow, Mrs. Eva Young, of Cayuga, visited the Hensall Spring Fair last Friday and looked over the many fine calves which were being shown by Calf Club members. The Queen is seen here discussing the calf of Miss Angela Morrissey, Crediton, centre, while Elgin Thompson, reeve of Tuckersmith, and past president of the fair, looks on. (Exeter Times Advocate Photo) Huron -Perth Separate School Board Adopt System of Data Processing (continued from page 1) or banquet, the daily "meal allowance" is reduced accord- ingly; that parking costs be re- imbursed on presentation of re- ceipts, and that receipts for hot- el, motel, rail or air fare, taxi or other transportation be submit- ted with the expense account for each occasion, and that receipts for meals be submitted when possible. Trustee Bill Innes, Stratford, chairman of Property and Maint- enance Committee, reported that Dobson Roofing, Exeter, is repairing the roof of St. Boniface School, Zurich, at a cost of $75, He also reported that two class- rooms and the outside of Precious Blood School, Exeter, are being painted, St. Marys School at Hesson is being painted inside and out at a cost of $985. Mr. Innes discussed -with the members a report from the firm of architects, Kyles, Kyles & Garratt of Stratfora on recomm- endations for the repairing of roofs of St. Aloysius School, Strat ford; St. James' School, Seaforth; and the windows of St. Marie School, R, R, 2, Zurich. It was decided no action would Council meeting in Toronto on June 13. Jack Lane, Business Administ- rator, reported the total revenue to May 31 amounted to $631, 300 of which $555, 000 is a provincial grant. For the same period this year the operating expenditures have amounted to $963, 000, which includes debenture pay- ments of principal and interest. Trustee James Morris, Strat- ford, led a discussion on the duties of school janitors. This is in preparation of drawing up sal- ary contracts with the janitors later this month. Board policy was approved whereby the Board will implement controls to limit costs to a max- imum of $35, per day when a trustee is required to stay over- night, plus mileage or travel allowance; that a maximum of $8 per day be allowed for meals what "out of town" for a minumum of eight hours and two meals; and that a maximum of $5. be all- owed for meals when "out of town" on Board business for less than eight hours; that when a registration fee includes a lunch be taken with regard to the roofs until the architects had complet- ed their examinations on the det- erioration of the roofs this week. No decision was reached on the replacing of the windows at Ste. Marie School, which is estimated might cost between $10, 000. and $12, 000. as the trustee represent- ing the area was absent from the meeting. He is a patient in hosp- ital at present. The opinion of John Vintar, Superintendent of Education was also considered important and he was absent from the meeting as be, too, is in hospital, On a motion of Trustee William. Innes the Board approved engag- ing the firm of Kyles, Kyles & Garratt to survey in detail and complete a report on the 19 sep- arate schools in the two counties of Huron and Perth. The firm indicated it would cost the Board approximately $3, 000. for this information of the present and future requirements at these schools. Mr. Innes had a copy of a similar report by the firm for the Bruce County Board of Educ- ation and it contained pictures and detailed reports on each school. The Board approved having tenders called for painting the outsides of three Stratford schools Cattle and Horses Highlight Spring Fair at Hensall Friday Night (continued from page 1) ycles, the prizes going to Brian Baker and Steven Reid. In the pony class, Susan Luther took first prize while the Kins- man twins, Janet and David, placed second and third. Prize winners in the various classes were as follows: Carriage Team, Ralph Kent, Ralph Kent; Road Team, Howard Armstrong; Heavy Draft Team, Weldon and Bruce Burrill; Team, Stan Mathews, Ernie Ross; Light Draft Team, Wildon and Bruce Burrill; Hackney pony team; Howard Armstrong, Stan Mathews, Ed Ftizsinunons. Shetland Pony, Mrs, Ronald Alton; Carriage single, 15.2and under, Waiter Clarke, Herb Waechter; Best Saddle Horse, Mrs. Ronald Alton, Dave Brand, Dennis Johnston, Linea Lavis; Fine harness pony team, Stan Iviathews; Single roadster, Mac Armstrong; Four llorse hitch, Ralph Kent, Weldon and Bruce Burrill; Single Pony, Stan Math- ews, Ernie Ross. Lady Driver, Ilerb Waechter, Stan Mathews, Ed Fitzsimmons. Roadster single 15.2 and over, Mac Armstrong, Mrs. Vera Col- lins; Single Wagon llorse, 1500 lbs. and under, Ralph Kent, Singl wagon horse, 1500 lbs. and over, Ralph Kent; Fine horse single pony, Stain Mathews, Neil Mc- Donald and Stan Mathews; IIack- ney pony, Walter Clarke, lloward Armstrong, Ed Fitzsimmons and Stan Matliews; Gentleman's turn out, Walter Clarke, Mac Armst- rong and Ed Fitzsimmons; Saddle parade class, Dave Brand and Mrs. Ronald Alton. CATTLE Whitney Coates, of Exeter, captured all prizes for llereford cattle, asfollows: heifer under one year, get of sire, best of bull any age, herd of one bull and three females, aged bull, bull under one year, bull over one year and under two, cow any age, heifer over one year and nil -der two, plus Simpson -Sears special prize. Angus Cattle, for the follow- inF prizes, aged bull, Stewart Middleton, Bull under one year; A. Flowers; Cow any age, A. Flowers and S, Middleton; heif- er over one and under two, A. Flowers and S. Middleton. Shorthorn class, Aged bull, Russell Parker, Bull under one year, Russell Parker, bull over one and under two, Russell Park- er, Cow any age, R. Parker, Frank Falconer, Heifer over one and under two, R. Parker and F, Falconer; heifer under one year, Parker, Parker and Falcon- er; get of sire; Parker, Parker and Falconer; best of bull of any age, Parker; herd of one bull and three females, Parker, Park- er and Falconer. Eaton's special prize was awarded to Russell Parker. Market Cattle, grade butcher steer or heifer over 850 lbs., Bob Kinsman, Bevin Kinsman and Greg Kerslake. Grade baby beef under 750 lbs., David Kinsman and Frank Falcon- er' Breeder's special, Bob Kins- man, Bevin Kinsman, David Kinsman; steer or heifer any weight, Greg Kerslake and Leslie Falconer. A.Y. MacLean Trophy was awarded to Robert Kinsman, PARADE WINNERS Special parade prizes were as follows: Businessmen's float, Hyde Brothers; Freak outfit; Frank Mousseau; local ponies, Susan Luther, Janet Kinsman and David Kinsman. Special for Public School children, best decorated bicycle under 10; Brian Baker, Paul Bell, Debbie Veneer and Caroline S im- mons, Best decorated bicycle over 10, Steven Reid; Best clown and comic character, Frank Mousseau and Robert Baker Jr. BABY SHOW Six months and under; Roxanne Overholt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Overholt; Dwayne Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence, and Lisa Gass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gass. Over six months, Jackie Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell; Tracey Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robinson; Della Ferguson, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Ferguson. CALF CLUB Grand champion calf winner was Murray McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor. Murray, who is only six years of age, also won the prize for the best finish. Best gain, Elaine Stewart; senior showmanship, Brad Har- greaves and Bob Kinsman; junior champion shownamship, Brad Ilargreaves; Best kept record book on claves, Marlene Stewart and Elaine Stewart. 35th Annual Lions SUMMER CARNIVAL SEAFORTH LIONS PARK 3 im NIGHTS — 3 Thursday -Friday -Saturday JUNE RS - 26 - 27 See amateur stars from across Western Ontario compete for more than $200 in prizes. Monster Midway including New Roller Coaster, Ferris Wheel and other rides. Children Free Cars Free Admission 50 cents Bingo under cover — Penny Sale — Games