HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1970-06-04, Page 9THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 DISCUSS OLD TIMES - When Walt McKechnie, of the NHL Minnesota North Stars, attended the annual sports banquet in Zurich last Wednesday night, spnosored by the Zurich Minor Athletic Association, he met a n old school -days buddy, in the person of Dave McNair, of Zurich, The two are seen here as they discuss some of the hockey battles they had in their school days. Hensall Officials Discuss (continued fro n page 1) the system. the latter would mean that the village would receive assistance from the provincial government to install the sewage system. Future studies will be made of the entire area. At 9.45 p.m. council conv- ened for its regular meeting but due to the lengthy meeting pre- ceeding, business was kept to a minimum. Council plans on meeting again on June 8 to finish the remainder of it's business. The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the meetings of May 4 and 8. Fol- lowing their adoption, council dealt with deputations. Charles Hay was present to request that council give serious thought to providing better lighting in York Crescent. Council passed a mot- ion to install two new street lights in York Crescent. E.R. Davis gave his monthly report and informed council that he had finished sweeping King street; cleaned some of the catch basins; cut all the boulevards, east of the tracks; taken one load of branches to dump; streets need more patching and would like patching material plus some cal- cium chloride. Mr. Davis told council he will repair two small blocks of cement on the sidewalk at the Queensway nursing home. Council decided Oxford St. W., should not be paved until next year until such time as Boise Cas- cade would have its yard graded. A building permit was issued to Byron Kyle to renovate his verandah. A second permit is being investigated as to drainage. Discussion followed regarding the housing of the new fire engine SIDE DRESS L)V YOU °ll S411 WITH 01GRICO CUSTOM ANHYDROUS 441/11ONl11 SERI'/CE CONTACT': LLOYD RADER DASHWOOD Agrico anhydrous ammonia and Agrico service go hand in hand. Its Important to us that you get your anhydrous ammonia when you need it to get your crops off to a good start. We have rental applicators and nurse tanks ready to move. It you like we'll even arrange for a custom application. And don't forget soil tests and Critical Path crop programs. It's all part of Agrico service to help you grow more profitable crops. Book now for pre -plant or side dress ammonia from Agrico. ALBERT ERB RR 2, ZIIItICH OIt AGRICO FERTILIZERS - BRUCEFIELD ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS and council was of the opinion that it will have to get prices for a new building. A.motion to change the amount of the grant to the PUC for ext- ension to the waterworks was changed from $16, 500 to $14, 850, Council was informed that the museum at Goderich, being the one for Huron County, is interest- ed in securing the old fire en- gine belonging to the village of PAGE NIFIR Hensall. Bills and accounts in the a- mount of $3, 540, were ordered paid and the meeting adjourned to convene again on Monday, June 8. OPEN HOUSE and HAYMAKERS DAY T Th New "Blue" Nuffield ElfLANI!FoR1910 YOU'LL ALSO SEE The New Holland NIIVFFMEL® The mighty one -70 b.h.p. for the biggest jobs on the farm, and loaded with features, FIELD i�4 4 Pound for pound, the huskiest middleweight of them all, with 55 b.h.p. of thrifty power. 154 Perfectly powered with 25 b.h.p, for all- round performance— versatile, compact. * AUT -` : MATIC BALE WAGON See it in action! Help hard to get? No problem. Haul and store bales in your barn all by yourself in one day without touching a bale. x!'71 BOA- KI SNOWMOBILES See the charmers ALL HAYMAKERS are invited to a special baler and harvester clinic in the evening. Brush up on your trouble shooting knowledge. Expert instructor on hand. See our line up of the best in harvesting and tillage tools. Experts available to answer your questions. BE SURE TO MARK THIS DATE THURSDAY,, JUNE 11 1:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 10:00 • Refreshments • Door Prizes • Everyone Welcome Exe#er Farm Equipment "The Best in Farm Machinery" HARRY VAN GERWEN EXETER